Friday, January 13, 2006

Todays thought...Idiots and the weather.

Ok, so, this morning, I'm driving to work in a thunderstorm. Nothing major, it's not like the sky was falling. Well, ok, if you want to consider the rain falling in sheets as the sky falling, then it was, but COME ON! It was not the end of the world. It was a thunderstorm. Its like, people think that just because its raining, you can drive stupid? NO! That's the time when you need to slow down and look for standing water. And I mean there was hydroplaning everywhere. But if you drove under the speed limit, instead of insisting that you are invincible and still driving over the speed limit, then everyone might make it where ever they are going safely.

Now, I am by no means the best driver in the world, but, in saying that...I do believe that you should not drive stupid when its raining or when the weather is bad. You know, my daddy told me once that the posted speed limit on any road, is only for when the conditions are right. Think about that for just a second. When its a sunny day, and the road is dry and you are driving down a road that is posted 45, hell, drive 50. I do.

But when you're driving down that same road and you can see that someone unzipped the bottom of the cloud on you, don't go 45. Don't go 50. Drive sensibly. Do you honestly think that a cop is going to pull you over and give you a ticket for doing 10 miles under the speed limit when the weathers bad? Um, let me think about that...NO! First off, if its raining that hard, do you think he's even going to be able to see you? Nope. Radar might pick it up, but when it does, and reads that you're going 35 in a 45...what do you think is going through that cops head? I'll tell you, he's probably thinking "Glad I'm tryin to catch speeders instead of driving in this crap."

In saying earlier that I drive 50 in a 45mph zone, don't take that as saying that I do that on every road either. Sadly to say, as young as I am, I drive more like my daddy that even he does. I'm one of those drivers that piss you off because I drive 15mph in a 15mph zone, I believe in the hundred foot rule (refer to blinker blog), I believe in blinkers, and I try to keep atleast 1 carlink per 10 mph between me and the car in front of me so that if I have to, I can stop. I drive like this because I choose to. I opt to drive as if I have my niece and nephews in my car because I've been on both ends of a wreck. I've wrapped my car around a tree and I've been rear ended. And as interesting as those video games make it look, it's really not that fun.

Ok, so getting off my soap box about this, use your head. Don't fly down the interstate when there's standing water in rush hour traffic. Don't fly down a little back road when you're on your way to work. Be safe and use your head. Especially if the weather is bad. Give yourself plenty of time to get where you're going and help everyone to get there safe. And don't be in so much of a hurry to get somewhere. If you need groceries, the grocery store will still be there when you get there. The food will still be there. Unless they call for snow. Your bill companies all have slots in the door to pay your bills. And your favorite TV show will air again. Or you can just wait until the seasons over and buy it on DVD. Be careful and be safe. I guess that's about all for today. I'm gunna get going for now. My soap is recorded and waiting on me to hit play and watch.


Monday, January 09, 2006

Today's thought....Happy New Year

I know, I'm slightly delayed in my efforts this year. Been very busy. Christmas was great! Pooh Bear and I got each other a truck for Christmas. It is a beautiful F-150 and looks much like the one on the top of my web-page. Christmas was quiet. I'm very blessed to get along so well with my in-laws. My mama and daddy and lil bro went home for Christmas this year so Pooh Bear and I spent the night with his parents and woke up Christmas morning there and opened presents. It was great! We had so much fun and mom actually took me with her to meet her dad and put a Christmas tree on his grave site. It was very serene. I felt very honored to be there and included in this yearly tradition.

And now time to say good-bye to '05 and hello to '06. 2005 has been a very busy year. In February Oklahoma went into the hospital and was once again diagnosed with brain cancer. We knew at that point it was only a matter of time.

April 1st my mama went in and got her cochlear implant. It was very cool to find that a few weeks later after it had healed, they were able to activate it and she could hear. April 11th Pooh Bear and I spend an awesome 3 year anniversary and were able to spend some time with really good friends of ours up in the mountains. April 14th the news came. Oklahoma had passed away. I had so many mixed emotions about it. I mean, we had just found her not 14 months before after 35 years of looking, and had so little time to spend with her. On the other hand, my mama no longer has to wonder where she is. She knows.

May was good. So many birthdays, so many people turning a year older. On a lighter note though, my second nephew was born. Yep, if you remember from my previous blogs, Lil Joker was born on Memorial Day. With Floors birthday being the day after, she couldn't help but have an awesome birthday this year. It was so cool!

In July I was moved again at work. Sometimes I get frustrated at the constant change but at other times, I realize its good. Keeps me from getting bored. I once again had to say good-bye to my old team but I got to meet a new team. Let me tell you, I was as scared as a puppy in a thunderstorm, but it was great. I love my new team and my new boss is just awesome. What was I so worried about?

September was slightly busy with birthdays but nothing major to report, but October was busy. Bad Karma for cars month as in previous blogs, the hundred dollar wonder car (AKA Baby Tang) was rear ended. And that just about covers the year. Christmas like I said was quiet and nice and New Years was awesome. Got to spend my Christmas when my parents got home and got to be there with my lovedone's to watch the ball drop and toast with wine. And of course kiss Pooh Bear. Funny enough though, we were all in bed 10 minutes later.

All in all, I'd have to say it's been a pretty good year. Saturn and I have kept in constant contact and she will graduate sooner than realized. Which is awesome. The quicker she graduates, the quicker she'll be home. Puck is doing awesome and on the kids note, Lil Floor and Sniper Jr are doing great. Lil Joker is about to start crawling on his own any day now if he hasn't already and they are all doing great. And my Munchkin is doing great as well as her younger brother. I saw her for the first time in a while sadly. As easy as it is to pick up the phone and say hello to my Munchkins Mama, we live far enough away that it is so hard to get out there to see the family. My Muchkin is getting so big. I can't believe the transformation. Its hard for me to see her as a young lady instead of a little girl. I can't imagine how her mama must feel. She looks more and more like her mama every time I see her. Muchkin, when you read this, don't break too many hearts! You're really turning into a beautiful young lady. Keep doing good in school. You make everyone proud to know you and you have a smile like your mama's. You can light up any room you walk into. Love You Muchkin. Don't grow up too fast. Enjoy your childhood.

On that note, to all of my family and friends, you all know I'm only a phone call away. Hope everyone has a great '06. I'm Outty!