Todays thought...The DaVinci Code
Ok, so many people are up in arms about this movie? Why you ask? Some theorize its because it poses the question of whether or not Jesus had a child with Mary of Magdelene. Others say its because the movie focuses on the Sacred Femanine in turn giving women the power and not the men. Here are a few thoughts of mine.
First off Mary of Magdelene was not a prostitute. Even the Catholic Church came out and made a formal apology that they were wrong and it was a case of mistaken identity. Second, upon reading another comment on a website recently I learned that Mary of Magdelen was one of the 12 deciples and was at the crucifixion. So, in saying that...isn't it possible that they were infact married?
Take a close look at the bible itself and you will see what I mean. The Old Testament ends with Jesus being 13 years old. The New Testament is comprised of Jesus life from the time he was 30 until he was Crucified at the age of 33. What happened during those 17 years of his life that is not mentioned in the bible? Jesus was a man, was he not. For a few short years of his life he was a man. That at this time now holds to the question..."If you prick me, do I not bleed?"...Come on people! God wanted Jesus on this earth as a man. So that he could see sin and sin himself. And then die for our sins so that all we had to do was ask for forgiveness.
Why is it you have to take this so hard in what you believe? Tell me this, if Jesus did have a child, would that make him any less divine? If he got married and had a family...would that make him any less of a holy man? No, that would make him a man. Which is what he was. A flesh and blood man that walked on this earth for 33 years and performed several miracles along the way. A divine spirit that was Crucified then Resurrected 3 days later. A man that quite possibly wanted a companion, just like everyone else on this Earth today. What is so wrong with wondering? What is so wrong with posing the question?
As a God fearing Christian of faith, do you think for one second that this has made me doubt or question my faith? Not in the slightest little bit. Not by one single thread. Does it make me pose the question if what I've been taught may have been a little mistaken or even shall I venture to say misleading? Maybe. But does that change the way I feel in my heart? Does it change the way I feel about the MAN that did die on the cross and rise 3 days later for my sins so that I don't have to do that? Not in the least little bit. If anything it makes me feel closer to him. Atleast now if I pray at night because my husband is driving me crazy, I know that he can smile down on me, giggle and say "I know exactly how you feel honey."
Now I have to go onto another thing that I've seen in a recent entry. Everybody is so literal when it comes to the book of Genesis. People say on the 1st day God created Earth. On the 2nd day he created Light and Dark. On the thrid day... and so on and so forth. Everybody says that it's scientifically impossible to create all of this 1 day at a time in 7 days. Ok, first off...HELLO! HE'S GOD! HE CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANTS! Second off, who's to say that 1 day in Gods life is nothing compared to 1 day in ours? Ok, I heard a joke a long time ago. This may explain a few things.
A man is having a discussion with God one day. He asks, "God, what is 1000 years to you?" God tells the man "My son, 1000 years to you is but a day to me." The man thinks about it and says "Ok God, what is $1,000,000 to you?" God replies to the man "My son, $1,000,000 to you is but a penny to me." Thinking long and hard, the man then asks "God, Can I have a penny?" God say "Sure you can. Tomorrow."
Do you see what I'm saying people. Don't take things so literal. And DONT let a book of FICTION change your way of thinking and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Thats not what it's intended for. Its intended for a great story about a Professor on his journeys through the world. So what if it poses a question? So what about the question? Is it such a bad thing that we think about things and wonder? Is it such a bad thing that we question about the world around us? No. God wants us to be curious! And if you take those questions and start to doubt your faith as a Christian, then you need to take a serious look at your faith all together.
Thats all I have for tonight. Thank you Ron Howard and Dan Brown for making such an awesome story into one of the greatest movies of all time.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Todays thought...My thought on immigration laws
Now, I am probably about to make a whole world of people mad, but before you get ticked about the statement I am about to make, let me finish my point. This is my opinion only and not intended to offend anyone by saying this.
Ok, right now there is a huge controversy going on about the illegal immigrants in this country making a life for themselves. Now in saying that, I have no problem with someone coming to this country to make a better life for themselves. As you've seen in a previous blog of mine that included an e-mail, every one of us (aside from the Native Americans) are direct descendents of immigrants. But my thing on that is, our ancestors did it legally.
However, in saying that, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Think about it. Who is hiring these illegal immigrants? American citizens. Legal immirgrants that don't want to have to pay taxes on their labor and know that they can pay Juan a lot cheaper wages that John. If people all around this world did not know that all they had to do was come over here illegaly and get hired on by someone looking for a worker like them, we wouldn't have this major issue that we have today.
Point in case, where I used to live there was a man from another country that came over to this country to make a better life for him and his family. This has been some 20+ years ago. He got legal citizenship over here, learned to speak fluent English, opened up his own place of business, sent for his wife and children and to this day, still runs this very successfull business and his family are now legal citizens as well with the children out of school and successful in their jobs.
I don't care what your race, color, home language, belief, hair color, clothes or anything else. If you're over here to legitimately make a better life for you and your kin, the by all means, you should not have any problems doing it legally. Now I understand, yes, it takes time and money to do this, but if you are genuinely over here to make a life for yourself permenantly, then you won't mind taking the time like that man did, learn the language, get yourself legal and then you have nothing to worry about.
I'm going to end this now by saying, I love my country, I love my heritage and I love this God fearing, English speaking scociety that we live in.
Now, I am probably about to make a whole world of people mad, but before you get ticked about the statement I am about to make, let me finish my point. This is my opinion only and not intended to offend anyone by saying this.
Ok, right now there is a huge controversy going on about the illegal immigrants in this country making a life for themselves. Now in saying that, I have no problem with someone coming to this country to make a better life for themselves. As you've seen in a previous blog of mine that included an e-mail, every one of us (aside from the Native Americans) are direct descendents of immigrants. But my thing on that is, our ancestors did it legally.
However, in saying that, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Think about it. Who is hiring these illegal immigrants? American citizens. Legal immirgrants that don't want to have to pay taxes on their labor and know that they can pay Juan a lot cheaper wages that John. If people all around this world did not know that all they had to do was come over here illegaly and get hired on by someone looking for a worker like them, we wouldn't have this major issue that we have today.
Point in case, where I used to live there was a man from another country that came over to this country to make a better life for him and his family. This has been some 20+ years ago. He got legal citizenship over here, learned to speak fluent English, opened up his own place of business, sent for his wife and children and to this day, still runs this very successfull business and his family are now legal citizens as well with the children out of school and successful in their jobs.
I don't care what your race, color, home language, belief, hair color, clothes or anything else. If you're over here to legitimately make a better life for you and your kin, the by all means, you should not have any problems doing it legally. Now I understand, yes, it takes time and money to do this, but if you are genuinely over here to make a life for yourself permenantly, then you won't mind taking the time like that man did, learn the language, get yourself legal and then you have nothing to worry about.
I'm going to end this now by saying, I love my country, I love my heritage and I love this God fearing, English speaking scociety that we live in.
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