Friday, April 25, 2008

Todays thought...My brother.

So call it the drunken stupor right now or what ever but I'm inspired at the moment to write a quick story about my brother. 2 reasons I know he's supposed to be on this earth.

Reason 1: When my brother was 3 years old we were at a family trip with our camper. We were with friends and family. My brother proceeds to fall face first into the fire. Now, I remember screaming and then I remember my dad being right there, reaching into the flames and pulling my brother out of the camp fire. So while he pulls him up and out, I notice white doves. And it strikes me as odd because these doves fly out of the flames that my brother had just been in. My daddy pulls him out and there is not a single singed hair on his head that has been so much as singed. Now my brother had fallen into the fire and was in there for at least 5-10 seconds before my dad pulled him out.

Reason 2: My brother and I are on a dock when we were younger. I think my brother was 6 or 7 by this time. I go to walk past him and he is in my way. I proceed to walk but am closer to him than I realize and I proceed to push him off the dock and into the St. Claire River in Michigan. Now for those of you not from Michigan let me explain, this is a river that has a constant under tow and if you fall in kiss your ass good-bye. So he falls in. I was taught when someone falls in that you scream "Man Overboard". So I proceed and my dad jumps in the river and alas, my brother is saved again. By my daddy. I haven't even thought about that.

Anyway, getting off point here. Regardless. My brother is supposed to be here for something. So I love ya bro. Hang in there. You know you're family and I always got your back bro. Love Ya!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Todays thought...Political correctness...

Ok so this is a pretty touchy subject in the norm. But I just have to put this out there. Most of you know that I am Republican. I know, I know. Political bureaucracy and what not gets my mojo going and when something really irks me I have to put it out there, so that's all this is.

Ok so those of you who know me (More some than others) know that I love the Disney Channel. Call me a big kid at heart, whatever. But the last thing I want to see when I'm watching my shows (Especially my CARTOONS) is when you are watching an episode and low and behold, they throw PC crap right in your face! I have 2 examples of this. I love the Disney Show The Replacements. Great cartoon. Well the other night (Now mind you I was half asleep) the daughter gets kidnapped by the evil doer right? Ok so his evil plan is to melt all the ice in the far north and far south and do something with the water or something. So anyway the daughter starts arguing with him about the fact that if he did it would cause a major climate shift and blah, blah, blah same Global Warming crap we've been hearing about in forever. Right? Ok so he gets mad at her because of the logical sense she's making and then she the cartoon mind you..."Whats the matter? Is the truth a little too inconvenient for you?" Ok right there I was like - Skerch! Beep, beep, beep, beep. Back up a second. Little chica just said what!?

I also happen to like a little show that comes on Saturday mornings called Johnny and The Sprites. Cutest show you'd see. Definitely for kids but hey, you're talking about me here. LoL. Ok so regardless here I am watching it this morning and Johnny has sprayed something for his garden or something. I was half asleep this morning. So anyway something he sprayed made "the plants, the water and the air sick." So they proceed to summon Mother Nature who goes on to say that we can all help to clean up our planet.

Come on people! That's like buying a porno and seeing a political add on there. (I don't know the recipe I'm just sayin!) And I guess in all honesty, the Johnny and The Sprites thing isn't too awful bad. It's no worse than when I grew up with Captain Planet. But honestly, the Replacements thing... REALLY FROST'S MY COOKIES! There are a lot of people out there that wouldn't get that reference anyway so why waste the time putting it in there? Honestly? Who cares? Now I'm not saying we shouldn't all do our part, but honestly, using Disney to try to make a point on a theory is tactless. Anyway, that's what I think.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

This is a direct quote taken from -
He blogs on Monday April 14th and I have to admit his opinion is quite compelling. Please feel free to see what I mean.

True Character: Here's a touching and revealing story about John McCain in Slate - an excerpt from a 1997 New York Times Magazine profile on the Senator: "A nurse entered and seemed surprised to find anyone there, and it wasn't long before I found out why: Almost no one visits anymore. In his time, which was not very long ago, Mo Udall was one of the most-sought-after men in the Democratic Party. Yet as he dies in a veterans hospital a few miles from the Capitol, he is visited regularly only by a single old political friend, John McCain." (hat tip - Tom McMahon)

Here's an entirely different character story ...

They Call Me Mister Condescension: Last week, Barack Obama uttered something very revealing: "You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. So it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Is it just me, or does this piss anyone else off but me? Ok first off, since when is Pennsylvania in the Midwest Poindexter!? Second off, where does he get off implying that we as American citizens are bitter because of people who aren't like us!? Isn't that what the terrorists that bombed the US did that for? Because they were bitter toward people who weren't like them? We didn't believe like they did? You don't see us as American citizens going around blowing things up to show our frustrations as Mr. Obama is so well implying! Why do we cling to guns? Because it's people like that who let everyone else on this earth run all over us American Citizens.

What happened to the original founding principals that made this country great? Chew on that!

That's all I have to say for now.