Today's thought...Hello 2012!
Last year started out crappy and finished decent, but the in between sucked! Determined to make this year better, I did whatever I had to, to make sure there was no repeat! Including staying out of the hospital on Christmas Day, AND New Years Day. Thats right. For those of you who haven't been with me long, Christmas Day last year I went end over tea kettle into the laundry room door, tripping over my baby gate winding up with a mild concussion and stitches in my shin. Then New Year's Day I wound up in the hospital AGAIN, because my husband brought home a bug with which he picked up from work, wound up in the hospital on his birthday, I got sick with it New Years Eve, and New Years Day was in the hospital for severe dehydration.
This year however, Christmas Day went without a hitch, New Years Day was fabulous and productive, and you know, it's been an AWESOME YEAR so far. Grant you we're only 12 days into it, but hey, I can't complain! Though I do wish there was more sun shine here lately. Man the rain and clouds has been just plain awful! Other than that, 0 complaints! :)
It was funny, my cousin was in town and just as we were all about to toast, he said "Okay, there's 16 seconds left! Is there anything anyone wants to do or say before it's over?" and proudly holding my glass of bubbly in the air I shout out "I do! F*&^ YOU 2011!" Everyone laughed, we counted, the husband and I kissed, then he took the little en to bed, and my cousin and I finished the bubbly and played cards til 3 in the morning. I woke up New Years Day with no hang over, no head ache, no stomach ache, little girl was in a great mood and it was an AWESOME DAY!
So, Hello 2012 - So glad to see you! :)