Todays thought...who I am.
I've been discovering a little bit about who I am versus society and people that I associate with and what I see. It's an interesting concept trying to figure out who you are, when those around you are giving you conflicting ideals of who you should be. Let me give a few examples. I stuck up for Katy Perry at her Grammy performance Sunday night. Automatically that makes me a devil worshiper. I stuck up for Miley Cyrus when the whole music awards thing happened. This instantly makes me a slut with no morals. I support my cousin's right to be happy and have equal rights. Of course you know this means that I hold no Christian values. I support the Tea Party and am a die hard Conservative. This makes me a close minded racist.
Now, do you want to know who I am? Or are you interested only in what other people think and say I should be? I know who I am now. It's taken me a long time to get there, but I'm there. I love Katy Perry and I think she's no more a devil worshiper than I am. She did an incredible job in that performance and I thought it was great. I believe in religious tolerance and more than just those that make me comfortable. I love talking about God and I love learning about other religions. This in no way changes me and how I feel about God and my walk with him. I am confident enough in the foundation of our relationship that learning, isn't going to make me sway.
I love Miley Cyrus. Have since she was Hanna Montana. Love her now, even if I wouldn't want my daughter watching her. Doesn't mean she's a bad person or that she has gone way off the deep end. She's smart. And she knows what she wants and how she wants to do it. Don't believe me. Consider for me if you will, Madonna. Or even more THIS generation, Britney Spears. Both brilliant, both wild for their days, both amazing singers, and both richer than I'll ever be. And here comes Miley. Just as brillaint, just as wild for her day, just as amazing a singer. Guess what? I don't dress like that, I don't flaunt myself like that, I don't let my daughter see it, though she does hear the songs and loves them. While I will raise her to respect herself, I will NOT raise her to be afraid or ashamed of any part of her body.
I support my cousin's right to be married. This is not about religion. This is not about my own feelings. This is simply about the fact that flat out and point blank, I feel like my gay cousin, has every much as right as I do, to get married, have benefits, be an equal. Have those rights afforded to him. I have no qualms with it. I'm a God fearing Christian. Do you have any questions of my faith? Please refer to the Katy Perry paragraph.
Lastly, I support the Tea Party and am a die hard Conservative. That's right. I said it! What about it? I don't like our current president. And I PROMISE YOU, it has ZERO to do with what race everyone THINKS he is or is not. I have my doubts regardless of whether or not unfounded, but it's personal. There are things about the man that I dislike. And I assure you, NONE of them, have ANYTHING to do with the color of his skin. I am not a racist. If you ask any of my friends, they will tell you that I have never treated them as anything but an equal, Black, White, Mexican, name it, I have several. Do you know why that is? My mama raised me to know that there was no such thing as color of skin. There was person, personality and inside emotion. Just like me. My daddy raised me to know that it didn't matter where you came from, what mattered was a persons mind. If they had things in common with you. If they liked the same foods, the same music, the same...ANYTHING, that could connect you with that person. Because as I was taught, chances are, if there's one thing, there are several others. I was not raised by EITHER parent that outside appearance mattered, and I'll be DAMNED if I teach my daughter anything else.
Anyway, this is me. God fearing child of Christ, lover of all, fighter of equal rights and seer of no outside appearance. Think of me what you will, but I know who I am. And my FAMILY (friends included), knows who I am. And you know...I don't need anyone to justify me. I am awesome. And I am who I am. And the people in my circle, love me for it. So bring it on world. I'm gonna be me. Who's strong enough to hang in?