Today's thought...a little bit of controversy.
You know I like to stir the pot from time to time. Well girl's bringing out the big spoon, so lets get to stirring. There's been a LOT of talk about a girl, posing with a fresh kill, which happens to be a giraffe. Now there's been an OUTPOUR of people blasting this girl but no one seems to grasp all of the facts of the picture.
Like the fact that it was a very old bull, that wasn't in the greatest of health, or that every bit of meat, went to feed three entire tribes near where the kill happened as well as pelts used for blankets...etc. My friend Deuces and I were talking about it the other day. She's an avid hunter and is very big on conservation, because as a hunter, if you don't conserve the land around you, there's not going to be anything left to hunt. She made a great point the other night. This took place in Africa. In a desert. Now consider for me, if you're a tribe leader, or even a tribe member out there in Africa, and you're trying to feed your family, what do you do? You go out and hunt.
And you hunt whatever you possibly can, to get enough meat to feed your family. They don't have McDonald's in the desert. There is no Food Lion or Kroger out there in the middle of nowhere (And yes, I did use Food Lion on purpose). So I tell you what; all of you nay sayers out there that think that this girl is absolutely despicable for killing a giraffe, (which by the way, they're not endangered, they're not going extinct and it's still perfectly legal to hunt them), go ask the members of the three tribes that thing fed and clothed, how they feel about her shooting that animal. Ask them how they feel about her taking a picture next to it.
And as always, before you believe everything you read on the internet (Bonjour), research it. Don't just assume everyone out there is telling the whole truth, or as Paul Harvey used to say, the rest of the story. The internet is at your disposal. Meaning find out the whole part of everything before you jump off the boat with everyone else (and break your toe on the rocks).
Lemme add a short note to this (Which it's ridiculous that I feel the need to even put this on here), do not mistake this for me condoning the act of poaching, or killing an animal and not using any of it. If you hunt and kill a deer out here and just leave it for dead, that's not right, and I shouldn't have to explain that. However, that being said, if you're actually hunting, you're not going to let any part of that animal go to waste. You kill an animal it's illegal to hunt, you're a poacher. You kill an animal for one part of the body and leave the rest there to deteriorate, you're a poacher. You kill just for the fun of killing, you're a poacher. You hunt, legitimately, legally and use every part of that creature for food, warmth,'re a hunter. THERE'S the difference.