Today's thought...more controversy.
People, you need to wake up. There is a war happening right on our turf. Terroristic bombings and stabbings/shootings, are becoming common place now. What in the world is wrong with this picture!!?? Why is everyone okay with this? Why is everyone just accepting this as the new normal. THIS ISN'T NORMAL! THIS IS AMERICA!
And on that note, one thing that has really been bothering me lately, is the whole Kaepernick thing. He's kneeling for oppression. Um...seriously? Don't see you being oppressed over there with your nineteen million a year position on the football team. Oh lets just call him a hero. Because he's been oppressed by white people. You his mom?! Stop the race war. Because we've got such a bigger war to fight than that petty bullshit.
You want to talk about oppressed? Why don't you talk to a Native American about being oppressed. Their entire populous was decimated by the same people who were trying to get away from people, who were trying to control them. My how the tables were turned. They were almost wiped off the map completely and their entire existence erased. And they fight. They fight still today for what they believe in. And they do it as loudly as possible, by standing strong and never bowing down, peacefully. Do you understand what the difference is? They're not dancing on or burning the American flag to prove a point. They're not running around killing all whites or all blacks, to prove a point. Wake up people. In case you were unaware, which most of you are, if it weren't for Native Americans in WWII, it would have turned out a WHOLE lot different. They were TRULY oppressed by America, AND THEY SAVED OUR ASSES!!!! Don't believe me? Google Wind Talkers. And no, I don't mean the Nicholas Cage movie either.
Did you know that there is a thing called the United States Flag Code? It's actually a US Federal Law, however the penalty for not following the code of conduct is not enforced at this time, simply due to the First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech. Here is the section that discusses the Code of Conduct for the National Anthem...
Conduct During Playing: During a rendition of the national anthem:
When the flag is displayed:[23]
individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note;
members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform; and
all other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and
When the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.
By the way, that code of conduct thing, applies to anyone in office or any type of US government, be it local or national. Read the code again. ALL OTHER PERSONS PRESENT
If you're so oppressed by our flag that you feel the only way to show it is to shit on the men who fought and died for your right to be an asshat, then feel free to exercise your right to pack your things and get the hell out. There's a war going on, and if we're too busy fighting with ourselves, we're going to be as close to being wiped off the map as the people that were here long before an Italian "discovered" this great land, on a quest paid for by a Spaniard.