Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Todays thought...Happy New Years

As we say Good-Bye to '03 and say Hello to '04 I would like to share some of my amazing moments and some others not so amazing as I say Adios to this year.

Beginning of the year (Not sure of the date) I met Saturn. As I have said before, she is like my little sister and I kind of took her under my wing. I helped her through a really tough time in her life. She would say I helped more than I think I did...but all I did was let her know my opinion when she asked for it and was there for her when she needed a shoulder. To be honest I think I probably put my 2 cents in more than I should have (Though she says I didn't) but I never held back. I just called it how I saw it. I am glad that I was able to help her through the troubling times that I did and am glad she has been a part of my life.

February 1, 2003, the Space Shuttle Columbia fell from the sky. Fresh out of September 11, 2001 everybody's initial thought was a terrorist attack. Once that was ruled out (Quite fast I might add since it's impossible to hit a craft going Mach 6 with a missle), it came time to find out what happened. It just broke up on re-entry. The shuttle could not handle the stress and it just burned up. By all accounts the shuttle should have never left the ground. It had gone on something like 28 missions and was the first space shuttle to ever reach space in April 12, 1981. To all the family and friends of those who were on the shuttle I am sorry for your loss.

March, 2003, my Pooh Bear took me to Walt Disney World in Orlando. We had the best time both going and coming home. We park hopped once and got to see amazing sights. The weather was perfect. The only day it rained was the day that we went to the water park and it didn't matter because it was a water park and it was only raining. I taught my Pooh Bear how to body surf at the Typhoon Lagoon water park and we discussed what we were going to do when we came back the next time. We rode the Tower of Terror at MGM and got to ride the GM Test track at Epcot. I had hoped to show my Pooh Bear what a Manatee looked like but they did not have any there at the time. He bought me a stuffed Manatee though and on the flipper is stamped "The Living Seas - Walt Disney World Epcot Center" The best part about the Epcot park was getting to see all the countries unite for the fireworks display at the end of the night. Sheer magic. I started to cry half way through it and cried the rest of the way throught the fireworks. It was an amazing and memorable trip.

Most memorable...May 3, 2003, my nephew Sniper Jr was born. It was the most amazing thing to be there in the hospital as he was being born. Floor went into labor at about 2pm May 2 and delivered Sniper Jr at 3:47 AM. 5 lbs. 11 oz and 18" long, he was the most amazing little miracle I have ever witnessed. I got to hold him at 15 minutes old. He was so tiny and it was one of the most wonderful feelings in the world to be there.

July 1, 2003, the one year anniversary of my position at work. It was a momentus occasion for me. Also for me in the same month at work...July 11, 2003 - I get promoted to the next level of telephone harrassing...High Risk. A whole new world for me.

Early July, 2003...My Tippy died. She was 11 years old and had been my best friend for a long time. She was part Black Lab, part Timber Wolf. I had the hardest time getting over that and sometimes I think about crazy things she did and still get weepy-eyed (Kinda like right now). To my Tippy --- I love you and hope that you and Lucky are having the time of your lives. Can't wait to see you when I get there.

July 28, 2003, my Floor, Sniper and Sniper Jr move out of state. I cried my eyeballs out. I could not believe she was leaving and I was devistated. All I could think about was that she was not going to be here for me to come over on Saturday nights. I wasn't going to hear her call me on my days off during the week and say "Hey, need adult coversation, bring the baby over". July was a hard month for me losing 2 of my best friends in the same month.

September 1, 2003, I get promoted again. This one comes with a nice pay increase. Nothing major but enough to write home to mom about. I meet my new team mates fore mentioned in previous blogs Columbia and Clarksville. Clarksville is my partner and as I have said in the past...I am sure that there are times that both she and Columbia could have strangled me. I have a real bad habit of asking the same questions over and over. I love most of the people on my new team and was so excited to meet all of them. fore mentioned, I finally feel like I fit in at work.

Mid September, 2003, my Pooh Bear quit his job. The establishment he worked at was robbed and I told him to call and quit that night. We are still looking for him a job, but to me, it's worth being broke to know that he does not have to go into that place every night.

Also going on in September, my little brother was set to get married. He was not ready and quite literally, the week before he was supposed to say "I do" I was able to set him down, talk to him and make him admit to himself that he was not ready. My mama jokingly said that she knew there was a reason that she had me first. I love my little brother to death and want nothing more than for him to be happy, which is why I was glad that I was able to talk to him. I can't take all the credit now either. He is the one that admitted it, and my daddy helped talk to him as well and gave him some insight on things, since my little brother was listening. He has since talked to his fiance and they are still together. He postponed the wedding until he was a little more ready. Go you little bro.

October 14, 2003, a milestone in my life as this is the longest I have ever held a job. It was a very big time to celebrate and I did as I am sure you can imagine.

Also in October, 2003, my grandfather comes up missing. He was found and is doing ok, but I will never forget that. My mama and daddy went out West to see him. While there she was able to see my uncle and aunt. She had not seen them in 25+ years. (Long story) My aunt unfortunately passed away the weekend after mama got home. On the way home mama and daddy got on a plane (Did not like that) but I said a little prayer for a safe return. The moment after I said that prayer they unboarded the plane because they had found a crack in the wing and had to bring a new plane in for them to come home. They made it home safe and sound.

December 6, 2003, my Floor moved back home. Though a short stay out of state, it seemed like forever. She brought with herself the news that she was pregnant again. I had know this about a month before, but she came home. I could hardly contain myself when I saw her, Sniper and Sniper Jr after the 5 long months that they were gone. Now I again hear "Hey, comin over with the baby" on my off days. To Floor --- So glad your home. Welcome back.

Also in December, 2003 my mama tells me that one of my cousins has HIV. Didn't quite know how to take the news. Still trying to deal with it a little I guess. My mother-in-law (My Damn Redneck) got put in the hospital on Christmas Eve and we spent the night there Christmas night. She got out and is doing better now with a couple of bumps along the way. My Pooh Bear got me a birthstone ring for Christmas, nothing extravagant, but I absolutely love it. It is perfect for me, small and simple. My Pooh Bear really does know me.

I finally end this blog with the thought to everyone out there....Happy New Year 2004 and hopefully this year will be good to you. I can only hope that it is a little bit better than 2003.

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Todays thought...How Christmas brings out the worst in people

Have you ever gone to a store to get something in the last few weeks before Christmas? You know what I mean. The last few weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now why is it that when you go to the store, even if it is just for something simple like some socks or bread and milk and the people are just as rude as you have ever seen?

No one is ever courtious, if you take something that they wanted they will curse you till blue in the face, no one ever offers you to get in front of them in line when you have one thing and they have 30, no one ever opens the door for you or will step aside if you are reaching for something that they are in front of. Yet all other times of the year the average Joe will do that for you. This should be a time when you are more courtious and more conciderate and gestures should come straight from the heart and because you want to.

This is Christmas people! A time to rejoice the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. It is not a commercial holiday to see who can get the last gift off the shelf, or who can out do the other in presents. This is a time to celebrate and give thanks for the birth of a great man who gave his own life for us.

Stop with the commercialism and get a clue. This is a time of happiness. Be nice to one another, stop being so damn superficial and conceided. Be with your family, friends, and give a gift from the heart, not one from the store.

And if nothing else...atleast say Happy Birthday to Jesus on Christmas morning. If not for him, we would not even have this holiday which is a I said rejoice his birth and to be with family and friends. Cherish the time instead of stooping to such lows that you would compromise the meaning of this great day all together.

Merry Christmas all...and Happy Birthday Jesus

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Todays thought...Good times

My floor is home finally. She was supposed to call me on the Saturday that she got home but it got trying times and she got busy and was not able to. I went to see her the following Monday and found that they made it home fine with no problems. I got to see Sniper Jr. He is getting so big. I can't believe how much he has grown in the little time they were gone. He's such a little ham. His little toung is always out and he is just got this look on his face that would just make you melt. It is so good to see that they are home.

On another good note... I write poety. Just a hobby. A little about my past, I won a full scholarship to a college in Minnesota for 4 years on a poem that I wrote. I passed it up however because I had to go to Minnesota to study and I had to study Literature and Poetry. I did not want to have to study that so I declined my offer. I entered into a poetry contest recently and submitted a rather simple poem. In the last week I have received an offer to have a book that my poem as well as a write-up about me will be in and I received an e-mail, my poem is going international. They want to put me in a book in the UK. I could not be more tickled about this. And further more I am entered in to win $1,000 in a monthly and I am a semi-finalist to win $10,000 in a yearly contest.

Lastly...I have said it once and I will say it again...I love the people that I work with. Columbia and Clarksvill are two of the most amazing people in the world to work with and to hang out with. I feel included in the little "Click" so to say and could not be more happy with it. I finally feel like I belong in the group of people I work with as my own person and I like it A LOT. Its a good feeling to know that you belong as you and not the little mold that people most often times feel you should be in.

I close this entry with a note to Clarksville and Columbia...I am really blessed to have you two in my lives and am very glad that we work together. You make it a lot of fun to come to work to and I could not be more happy that we know eachother. I hope that we can form long and lasting friendships all around and I want to thank you both for making me feel like I have a place to fit myself.

Friday, December 05, 2003

Todays thought...I'm slackin

I was supposed to keep a day to day about Floor's Homecoming '03 and to tell the truth I have just not gotten on the net to do it.

Floor....I await your return. I called her house today and there was no answer and got really excited that maybe they left early and was already on the way but when I got home and checked my mail I had one from my Floor and discovered that she has not left yet.

Floors Homecoming '03 is here. They are either leaving tonight after packing or in the morning. Either way she will be home tomorrow with Gods speed and his hand on them through the trip.

Can't wait to see you Floor and if you read this before you leave we have a date for Sunday at 12:00 Noon and the TV for Kickoff. See you soon.