Friday, December 05, 2003

Todays thought...I'm slackin

I was supposed to keep a day to day about Floor's Homecoming '03 and to tell the truth I have just not gotten on the net to do it.

Floor....I await your return. I called her house today and there was no answer and got really excited that maybe they left early and was already on the way but when I got home and checked my mail I had one from my Floor and discovered that she has not left yet.

Floors Homecoming '03 is here. They are either leaving tonight after packing or in the morning. Either way she will be home tomorrow with Gods speed and his hand on them through the trip.

Can't wait to see you Floor and if you read this before you leave we have a date for Sunday at 12:00 Noon and the TV for Kickoff. See you soon.

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