Sunday, November 30, 2003


Ok, so anyone who reads this knows that my Floor is like my sister. She is just awesome and as I have said, it is a friendship that started out as a threat and has since moved into where it is now. She is pregnant again and she is just as tickled as ever. Of course I can't wait, she's my floor, you know I'm ready. My pooh bear told her the other day that it is a girl. Funny enough, my daddy said it was going to be a girl as well and he told her that Sniper Jr was going to be a boy before she found out about that.

I said in a previous entry that she is moving home from out of state. We all thought it would be after Christmas but it has since moved to 5 days from today. I am sure she is busy packing and all. I cannot wait until she comes home. As I have also previously said, I am going to cry for sure for a moment when she arrives. Hopefully I can get together with her over the weekend and see how my nephew is doing. I haven't seen him in about 6 months. Well, floor... I dedicate then next few entries to you. I am going to get on here every day and give a countdown to arrival.

Stay tuned to Floors Homecoming '03.

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