Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Todays thought...motherhood.

So I had a very dear friend call me today. I call her Boo boo and she calls me Ladybug. I think I've talked about her before. Anyway, it's been a while since I've talked to her and she asked me how things were doing. And I told her that I loved being a stay at home mom. And she told me that I was fit for the job because I had so much love to give, and God knew it. And I thought about it. She always told me that I had so much love. And she always made me feel so good! Always made me smile, always brought a smile to my face when I was having a bad day.

But anyway, it got me to thinking. Maybe this was my calling. Maybe this is what I was meant to do. Be a mom and wife. I love being at home and well...yeah, housework is housework, but you know, I wouldn't trade this time in for anything in the world! All of the firsts that I'm getting to see and experience with my daughter, the random phone call in the middle of the day from my husband to see how things are going and to tell me he loves me, all of it. Right down to seeing an old friend that I used to work with who told me when he saw me that being a mother suited me, because in all the years that we worked together, he'd never seen a more genuine smile on my face.

And yes, admittedly and a bit selfishly, I do find the time to write my books. So Boo boo, I say to you, thank you. Because I do love it, and I do feel like I was meant to do it. But it took you saying it for me to think about it. You always did know how to make me smile. Love, Your Ladybug.

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