Friday, October 29, 2010

Todays thought...too many questions.

Now as most of you know, I'm NOT very liberal. That being said I'm very excited that the tables of govt are turning in this half term election toward the tables of the Republicans. Now Democrats have a serious problem with that, and understandably so. But to what extent are they willing to go for a win? Obama has been out there campaigning for the Democratic party, spending our tax dollars to fly around the country and put his 2 cents in. Okay, he's the president. I might not like it but hey, I'm not the one behind the closed doors so there ain't a whole lot I can say about it. But then today, they start getting suspicious shipments from Yemen to the US by UPS and Fed-Ex and things just pop up everywhere. There was a suspicious package in Maine, one in San Fransisco, one in Baltimore and they all thankfully turned out to be nothing. It then of course turns back to the 2 grounded UPS flights, one in Newark NJ and one in Philly PA and then lets not forget the packages in the UK and Dubai. It's a scary day out! Possible bombs are everywhere, planes are being grounded, passenger planes are being lead in by F-18 fighter jets because there's a possible package on a passenger flight and I mean it just keeps going. They start showing pictures of the supposed bombs that weren't anything, then they start showing pictures of the explosive devices themselves. Everything finally settles down, the president gets up and makes his statement...yadda yadda yadda. Now, now is when you sit down, take a breather and stop to think about things. Then things start fall into place and then things start making you go hmmm.

Here's what I mean. From every other thing I've seen, terrorist threats, bombing, the whole nine, especially those thought to be from Al Qaeda, have been very calculated. Now everyone is so quick to pin this on Al Qaeda, but dare I ask, have they bragged about it yet? How many times have they done something and absolutely bragged about it saying "it was us, ha ha, we almost had you." Going further, they've even previously claimed things that weren't even them! So, why haven't they claimed this yet? Also, when has anyone known the Al Qaeda to try something small? And yes, I mean small. First off if you're going to put a bomb on the plane, why would you put it on a parcel delivery flight? The first time they did that, all 4 planes were passenger lines. The second time they tried that, was on a passenger liner. The third time they tried that, was on a passenger liner. And lets not forget that Obama was advised of this supposed threat at 10pm local time last night by an "anonymous tip." I'm sorry many times have there been anonymous tips for terrorist attacks from Al Qaeda? Go ahead, I'll wait. Can't think of any? Yeah that's because the answer is NONE! So it's very out of character to begin with. Hell who knows, maybe that's the whole purpose of it. So that no one thinks it's them. But why go through all the trouble when in they past they've been all too quick to jump up and claim responsibility?

Then of course the pictures of the supposed devices comes out. Now, if you're govt, ours or UK, either one, and there's a suspected bomb, you're going to take those pictures, and you're going to hang on to them until you can finish the investigation. That being the did the pictures get to the media so quickly today? Then they say that the 2 packages that were confirmed to hold explosive contents were bound for Synagogues in Chicago (Where Obama is from...coincidentally).

So in comes my theory. What's the quickest way to keep people in their houses and out of the voter boxes? Scare them. That's all I'm sayin.

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