Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Today's thought...Violence in our schools.

So, I saw something on Facebook today that I decided to put my two cents on. There's a picture going around that I had to share on my own "Timeline" today. Especially in light of the newest school shooting in Ohio. And it brings more truth than most people want to admit to. It says *~ Dear God, Why do you allow so much violence in our schools? Signed, A Concerned Student. ~ Dear Concerned Student, I'm not allowed in schools. God ~*

People, we have got to put God back in our schools. Screw what might offend people. If we start acquiescing to everyone around us, then we're going to lose everything that we are. Actually, that's all I had to say today. I just wanted to share that picture because I believe it speaks for itself.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Today's thought...What Love Knows.

Love is a funny thing. It's not prejudice or stereotypical. It doesn't care what you look like or if you think your hair is a mess. It doesn't care if you have tattoos or a piercing. It doesn't care if your hair is red, brown, blond, purple, green or even blue. It doesn't know what color you are, or what ethnicity you come from. It doesn't care if you're gay or straight, if you're a straight A student, or a high school drop out. It doesn't care if you can type on a keyboard, or if you've never used one before in your life. It doesn't care what you wear, who it's made by, or what label you have on anything.

Love is unconditional. It knows no bounds and will cross any river, street, continent or plane of existence. Love sees past all of your insecurities, all of your inconsistencies, and all of your flaws. Love is simply that. Love. It is amazing, and blind, and it will disappoint you and hurt your feelings, but in the end, it's all we've got to keep us going.

Friday, February 03, 2012

Today's thought...random thoughts.

Stupid commercials. Lets see, Trident Layer's commercials (All of them), Jackson Hewitt commercials (All of them), Direct Auto Insurance commercials (All of them). Funny commercials, any of the Farmers commercials, most of the Geico commercials, and the Progressive Flo commercials are off the chain. Most creative commercial, and dang if I can figure out who it's for, but it starts out with something swimming through the water, then goes to seeing foot prints in the mud then keeps going and you can hear a horse galloping, then it pans back and you can see a car driving, and I can't remember if it's like a commercial for tires or a car, but it's a great commercial.

And of course, we all know what Sunday is. Super Bowl Sunday! Now personally I could really care less about the Patriots or the Giant's and quite honestly I just had to go to the Super Bowl website to make sure I had the right teams listed in here, but I LOVE the commercials! Coincidentally, Super Bowl Sunday this year also happens to fall on the birthday of my brother, my cousin, and one of my closest friends! February is huge in lines of birthdays anyway, my brother in law's is Valentines Day, and another one of my closest friend's birthday is the same day that both China invaded Vietnam in 1979, and in 1925, New York Times magazine had its first publication. Yes, I know, leave it to me to throw random accounts of history.

So, completely random here, (hence the title of today's blog), I want to go horseback riding so bad for some reason. I mean it's like crazy how bad I've been wanting to do that. Either that or race. I am SO READY for racing season this year! I'm totally bummed that they've closed down our normal track area, but who knows, time will tell if it'll be better or not. My co-driver/cousin seems to think it's going to do us good to race somewhere else, and maybe it will, but I don't do change very well. It just doesn't mesh well with my Zen. LMAO!

Anyway, I guess that's about it. Nothing major to report, just this, that and a little more. ;) And here lately I've been totally digging a song called Airplanes by B.o.B. featuring Haley from Paramore. I really like that song! Just a shout out there. See how I did that? So until the next blog...holla!!!