Saturday, September 13, 2003

Todays thought...past lives. Touchy subject I know...but you know...just my thought on it.

Have you ever had that feeling of dejavu? Something that you know you have never done before yet it feels strangely familiar. Or in my case, are you with someone that you can just tell you have found eachother and been with eachother through all of time? Soul mates. Or have a friend that you can just tell that you have been friends through time?

There has to be the possibility. If you have never seen What Dreams May will not understand this. But if you have...all I ask is that you concider the possibility...that the very end of the true. My pooh my soul mate. I can look into his eyes and know that we have been together since the beginning of time. That no matter what era or time we were in, we have been together. Since the beginning.

This is just my thought on it and I just ask that people not be so close minded about this and concider the possibility.

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