Saturday, December 20, 2003

Todays thought...Good times

My floor is home finally. She was supposed to call me on the Saturday that she got home but it got trying times and she got busy and was not able to. I went to see her the following Monday and found that they made it home fine with no problems. I got to see Sniper Jr. He is getting so big. I can't believe how much he has grown in the little time they were gone. He's such a little ham. His little toung is always out and he is just got this look on his face that would just make you melt. It is so good to see that they are home.

On another good note... I write poety. Just a hobby. A little about my past, I won a full scholarship to a college in Minnesota for 4 years on a poem that I wrote. I passed it up however because I had to go to Minnesota to study and I had to study Literature and Poetry. I did not want to have to study that so I declined my offer. I entered into a poetry contest recently and submitted a rather simple poem. In the last week I have received an offer to have a book that my poem as well as a write-up about me will be in and I received an e-mail, my poem is going international. They want to put me in a book in the UK. I could not be more tickled about this. And further more I am entered in to win $1,000 in a monthly and I am a semi-finalist to win $10,000 in a yearly contest.

Lastly...I have said it once and I will say it again...I love the people that I work with. Columbia and Clarksvill are two of the most amazing people in the world to work with and to hang out with. I feel included in the little "Click" so to say and could not be more happy with it. I finally feel like I belong in the group of people I work with as my own person and I like it A LOT. Its a good feeling to know that you belong as you and not the little mold that people most often times feel you should be in.

I close this entry with a note to Clarksville and Columbia...I am really blessed to have you two in my lives and am very glad that we work together. You make it a lot of fun to come to work to and I could not be more happy that we know eachother. I hope that we can form long and lasting friendships all around and I want to thank you both for making me feel like I have a place to fit myself.

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