Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Todays thought...The Marble of Death (And an update on Sniper Jr) let me just start with my weekend. Saturday my mama, Pooh Bear and I go to a horse fair that we participate in every year. Recently since my Pooh Bear came into my life, we've been going and something seems to always happen. Well this year was no different.

At the horse fair, a rather large storm comes from the horizon. We can all see it is going to hit us where we are. My mama and I decide to go sitdown instead of standing out there under a huge 20' by 40' tent supported by steel bars. Pooh Bear though is a sucker for storms. He loves to watch them. No sooner do my mama and I set down to watch the event, the lights flicker.

I looked over to her and she goes "Don't go there!" I said, "You saw it didn't you?" and she procedes to say "Don't go there with me." (A little history into that, it rains every year when we go to the horse fair and the second year we went, while eating, there was a tornado pass over head.) So anyway we hear the most aweful howling really loud and then you hear crashing and banging. I stand up and turn around and the tent is gone. I look at my mama and screamed "Holy S#&*! The tent's gone!" Then it hits me. Pooh Bear is still under the tent.

So I procede to literally crawl and climb over people trying to see the action because I didn't know how or ever where my Pooh Bear was. I get to the door to find him holding one of the steel poles holding the tent up. I realize at this time that it is lightening all over the place and a thought of "Oh Great! Lets tempt fate here. Am I negitively charged...or positively charged?" At any rate, upon coming in the building he procedes to tell me that he (As my daddy put it ... quite well I might add) went parasailing. He was attempting to keep the stell rods holding the tent up from going one way into an 8 year old girl and the other way from going through the plate glass doors in the entrance of the building when a massive down burst hit. He said that at one point he was picked up and carried about 6' in the air and was debating whether or not to hang on or let go. He hung on and was ok thankfully. I told him that he was not allowed to come with my mama and I to another outing like this. Of corse I didn't me it, he's my Pooh Bear, I love it when he's there.

So...(Oh yeah, it gets better) We get home to find that something is wrong with our hot water in our place. We had hot water, but now water pressure. So we decide to wait until Sunday before calling. The maintinance crew leader had determined that though we had no water pressure, we still had hot water and it would have to wait. I could understand as he was right...we had hot water...just no pressure. So they log a ticket for me and they come out Tuesday. They blew the lines out and sure enough that was all they needed. We had hot water pressure again...Or so we thought. By the time we got home, there was less hot water pressure than the night before and more cold water pressure that we had ever had.

Well, needless to say we called maintinance to get up here and fix it right away. We had not had a WARM shower in 3 days. So they came back out today. They decided from what they found that they would just try replacing the hot water heater all together. Upon doing that, they of corse blew the lines out again to make sure that nothing else was clogging the lines. When they went to blow out the lines this time however they could not get anything to move one way or the other.

They took my piping off and disconnected it to find that a marble had gotten lodged in my piping. A MARBLE! And oddly enough, its smaller than a normal marble. Just perfect to fit into the pipe connections and stop the flow. From what they could tell, the marble had traveled all the way from the main line at the road to my hot water connection. Maintinance then told me that what happened yesterday, was when they blew the lines out, they knocked it loose, sent it back down the line a little ways, but not out completely and then when we used the hot water again, it got lodged back in there. Hence todays thought...The Marble of Death

I end my blog with one final thought to Sniper Jr. A little over a month under 1, he took his first steps. He is walking all by himself now. With no help! Floor called me today and told me that he walked 15 steps today. A new record for Sniper Jr and a wonderful time for Floor. Congratulations to ya little man! You're growing up so fast. Try not to give your mommy to hard a time. To Floor...Honey, bless you child. You're going to need it! It's all over when they start to walk! But you now I love ya and you can call any time you need anything.

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