Todays thought...The weather.
Last night in my region was a terrible night. We've had nights like this before as well. Pooh Bear and I had to pack up my girls and head to Saturn's place who lives nextdoor. Massive thunderstorms came through and begun to tear up every place in its path. There was tornado after tornado. It reminded me of last year in March when this happened before.
We had a major storm system come through and were up all night. Last March we came about 45 miles to my mama and daddys house to make sure they were ok and we went to Pooh's best friends house (Mr2) to make sure he was ok. Now, Mr2 lived in a trailer, so at 3 am in the morning, we knocked on his door and brought him back to our place.
We'd known that there was another line of storms coming back through again, but what we didn't know, was that we were going to drive through it. On the way back to our place we side swiped another tornado ripping through. We were in a brand new car and at one point I just knew that we weren't going to make it. Thanks to my Pooh's reactions and driving skills, we arived just fine. Getting back to last night, it was much of the same.
Watching the news they were doing their regular warnings and showing the doppler radar. The storm line was still about 30 miles from the county we live in but the meteorologist told us that we needed to take the tornado watches as a tornado warning. At that time our tornado sirens went off so Pooh Bear, Mr2 and I packed my cats Booby and Baby Girl in duffel bags to get to Saturn's, put Hershey in her crate and headed over.
Saturn was at work and I called her to let her know we were on our way. She has a safer place than we do. She told us that she would be on her way when she got off work. So it really started to come down by the time she did get home. I called her and she told me that if it got bad, she would stop at a local restaurant and get in the cooler. She did make it to her place.
So, here's me hiding in her laundry room with my cats, and then Saturn and Pooh Bear are setting there watching it come through. That's just not my thing I guess. I finally came out of hiding and sat in the livingroom with Saturn until it had passed. Then we packed up and left.
I end this blog with the condolences to those who lost family members. 9 died in this aweful line of storms. May you all keep the silver lining and the end of the rainbow in sight. Keep your chin up and know all of those who love and care for you are there for you in your time of need. All you need to do is ask.
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