Todays thought...A rant about an ad. Now, I'm about to talk pro Bush again, so if you don't wish to hear my thoughts on it, check back in a couple of weeks for a new posting.
Ok, so I saw an ad on Google no doubt "Should Bush be Impeached". Now, I had to click on it because they were discussing issues about Bush "lying about Iraq, $3 gas prices and illegaly wiretapping Americans". Ok, now, here's my problem with this. Lets just take one issue at a time.
First off we have the lies about Iraq. Supposedly he lied about Iraq in order to invade. Supposedly he led us to believe that there were weapons of mass distruction to justify invading Iraq. Ok, now here's my thing on this. Saddam was proven to be connected with the terrorists that attacked us. They are saying that Bush broke the UN Charter and the Nuremberg Charter thus breaking the treaty with the UN. Now, what most people either don't know or just flat out refuse to see, those rules do not apply if you are attacked first by someone who is not following those rules. Lets break this down a little more laymens terms shall we? Ok, you and I set in a room. We have a written agreement that we will not hit eachother in the face, we will just slap eachothers hand. Now, after a while of slapping eachothers hands, I decide I'm going to hit you in the face. Are you going to just slap my hand? NO! Not anybody who has any self dignity. You're going to hit me back in the face. That is what we have here.
We could even go biblical with this subject. The bible says Turn the other Cheek. Ok. We did. We turned the other cheek when we got attacked in '93. We didn't do anything in '93 even though we were told that they would be back to finish the job and bring the towers down. We got attacked again and guess what, now both cheeks are red. What do you do then. Turn the other cheek and wait for them to make it bleed? NO! You take action. The bible says turn the other cheek but the bible doesn't say anything about being stupid and letting people stomp on us because we keep turning that cheek now does it?
And yes, maybe when we went in there we were lead to believe that there were weapons of mass destruction and there were none found. But guess what, we found the means to make those weapons of mass destruction. So then everyone gets all up in arms because just the means to make the weapons were found and not the actual weapons. WHAT!? Think about this logically, if you had a neighbor that had the means to make a bomb that he was going to put in your house, and you knew that he would build this bomb and put it there, would you rather get in there and get it out of there when it was just the materials, or would you wait until there was a bomb and then try to go in there and get it. Oh but wait, we don't know that he was going to use the materials to build these weapons. Hello! If you have all the materials on the table setting next to some step by step instructions labled "How to build a pipe bomb", what are you going to do with it? Oh, thats right, you're going to build an enema.
Next we go to the $3 gas. Ok, so the main thing about that is oh yeah, Bush has business connections to the oil industry and since he's making a profit off of it, they are raising the gas prices. Again I say...WHAT!? Where are you people from? Would you like to know the real reason the gas prices have gotten so high? Here's a thought, THERE'S NOT ENOUGH TO GO AROUND ANY MORE! Face it people, all around the world they use crude oil for energy, asphalt and thats right, conversion in to good old Gasoline and motor oil. Why do you think they keep coming out with hybrid vehicles. Not just for the air quality. I'm not saying that the oil is going to run out tomorrow, but lets face it, we've been depleting the worlds oil supply since it was discovered and the more things that are built that need oil to run, the faster its going to go.
Now we move on to illegaly wire tapping American citizens. Ok, no one has ever heard of Homeland Security? Come on? If you're not a terrorist, then its not going to matter if you are being "tapped" or not. The Men in Black are not going to come in your door if a conversation is overheard that you are a Democrat. The Presidents advisors are not going to post it on the news that Sally Somebody in Anywheretown Va commited adultry with the poolboy. They look for key words being said during a conversation and you're pretty well left alone. Do you think for one second that I care if the governement is watching me type this blog entry right now? No. I hope they let Bush see it so he can know that there are some good down home redneck supporters our there that are rooting for him and don't think he needs to be impeached.
Well anyway, thats my rant for the day. I think I'm done for now. In ending I say, use your heads people. Don't buy into the media about all of this. Bush is just a man doing his job to protect our society from people out there who want to tear it down for what we believe and how we live. With that, I bid you good night.
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