Todays thought...Dodge
Ok, so by now everyone knows that my truck is back in the shop. So first off we drop the truck off and the rental car place doesn't even have a car waiting. Now I'm out of state when my husband calls to say that they don't have one. Not because of the rental place didn't save us one, because they didn't, but it was because the insurance company had never called to set up the rental. So they got it all figured out, and put us in a Dodge Neon. A new one. Well, 43k miles on it, but not very old. SO...then a little later the guy at the body shop calls me to tell me that they have my truck and ordered the parts but they don't have a work order. Turns out that the lady who was working on my claim was "no longer with the company". So none of it was done. But it got all figured out finally.
Now, back to the Dodge. So this is a new vehicle. And I notice yesterday while stopped at a stop sign, I think I get bumped from behind. My initial reaction is of course....Great, I just got hit in a rental car...But I didn't. I look back and the guy behind me is a half a car link behind me stopped so I know he didn't bump me. So it happens again. It dawns on me at that time that the engine was lunging. LUNGING! ON A BRAND NEW VEHICLE! Then I notice today just how hard it is to turn on the blinkers, press on the gas petal and the brake petal. Now, my truck is not that new. It will be a year old in Dec and my blinkers, brake and gas petals and the seats are just as soft and fluid to use and set in as they were when I bought it.
If I'd bought a car home that was like that and after a few thousand miles was like that, I'd be pissed! I would absolutely throw a fit. Especially to know that the vehicle is probably newer if not the same year as my truck and the only reason that the miles are on it is because it is a rental. I'm just disappointed to say that the car reminds me of a Cobalt in feeling on the inside. Now as far as performance is concerned, hands down, the get up and go is definitely there and the cornering and handeling is great! But the inside feel and the lines are terrible.
Well, actually, this is kind of a short blog, but I wanted to get that out there. Holla!
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