Okay so it has obviously been a long time since I've updated my website and I don't even know where to begin. Honestly I'm not going to try to catch up, I'm just going to update how I'm doing now! Actually I think I'm going to start blogging on here for my Facebookers and Myspacers.
I went to the OB yesterday and let me tell you, I like him more than I do my PCP. He's very knowledgeable. My PCP took me off of my blood pressure/migraine medicine and my depression medicine because they are both "Category C" drugs meaning I don't need to be on them in the third tri-mester of my pregnancy. No problem. Well my OB has actually been an amazing help through the weaning off process of both meds. While there was no major issues that I knew of with my blood pressure medicine I had some rough issues with the depression med. Well I went in yesterday because I had a bad migraine which I knew was from coming off of my medicine and I called the nurse at the OB and she said to come in and let doc see me so that he could prescribe something else. I got in and my blood pressure was 135/108. That is very high for me and especially during pregnancy. It concerned him. He wanted me immediately to lie down and see if it would drop and if it did, great.
Thankfully it did. A lot! SO he sent me home with a replacement blood pressure med that's both safe for me and the baby and told me to rest all day yesterday. I did and let me tell you, I feel great this morning. It's amazing what happens when you see a doctor that know's what he's doing! The best things happen, let me tell you! LoL! You actually start feeling good! Anway, that is about all that's been going on lately. I've been slowly but surely getting the baby's room in order. Good times huh? I stand again and say... I HATE MOVING!!!! BLAH! It's so strange.
The roommate is in mine and the hubbys old room (The master bedrooom), the hubby and I are in the guest room, and the baby's room is the roommates old room. Let me tell you, it's SO STRANGE! And funny enough I have been so worried that I would go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and the not thinking about it, walk into and crawl into bed with my roommate who is now in our old bedroom that I actually dreamed about it last night. It was freaky! When I woke up I had to tell my husband. It was so funny. In my dream I freaked out the roommate (Ok, I'm going to reffer to him as Mr2 from now on. It's just a lot easier.) So in my dream I freaked Mr2 out so bad he wanted to move out. It was so funny. LoL! Anyway, that's all I have for this morning. I will most definitely be blogging on here a lot more than I have in the past. Just so much easier! LoL! Later peeps!
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