Today's thought...political correctness.
So I'm watching Dr Phil and it's a show about whether or not we as a people have become too sensitive to what's being said in todays society. Now, this is my opinion, and if I offend you, so be it, that's not my intent. People take things way to seriously. People get all up in arms about what someone else calls them. You don't see me taking offense when someone calls me a cracker, or honky! I could care less! Call me a Saltine, I am one and I wear it proudly. Just like I'm a geek, as seen in the last blog. Just get over it people! You know, it's everywhere, there are always going to people who are going to be ignorant. There isn't anything you can do about it, so adjust. I mean, I hate to be blunt but I mean really! Even Jesus was picked on and called names and he was the son of God!
Second, Dr Phil was talking about racial profiling at the airport. Okay people, we have been doing this for over 9 years now. We had people crash OUR planes into OUR buildings and we're not supposed to racially profile? Really!? If the US went over and bombed France, and I flew over there on vacation five years later, and I got profiled because I am an American in a France airport, do you think for one second I'd get mad? No! Why? Because guess what, it happens! It's the age we live in! Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it! And if you have nothing to hide, what are you so upset about? Let me ask you, if you were in an airport, would you rather have the racial profiling, or would you rather be the one sitting next to the idiot with the bomb on the plane? I'm just sayin.
Lastly, they were discussing the mosque. There's a lot of controversy going on surrounding this building. Here are my thoughts on it and here are my whys of my thoughts. First off, the Imam opening the mosque in the place that it is has gone on record after 9/11 saying that America brought this on itself. Second, he is putting the damn thing in a COMMERCIAL AREA!!!! How many churches are in commercial areas? I mean this is not surrounded by a house anywhere! It is ALL businesses around the stupid place. Now tell me, that the guy didn't decide to put it there to antagonize people. Then he says that he didn't realize it would cause this much of a problem. Really!? Really? If that's the case, then move the thing! Move it down the road a few blocks. We're not talking about telling them they CANT, we're asking them, as American citizens, REGARDLESS of their race, denomination whatever, to respect the situation that took place there. Then the Imam gets on the TV trying to scare Americans that DON'T practice the Muslim religion, that if they move the mosque now, that all of Islam is going to get up in arms and it'll be dangerous for our citizens. Really? That sounds like a scare tactic to me. I'm just sayin. And you won't move it down the road. Do people realize, that the pictures you see from 9/11 of the people that jumped out of the building while it was on fire, they fell farther than the distance from the mosque to ground zero?
Anyway, that's just my take on what was discussed on his show. I LOVE the Dr. Phil show and am really glad that he does shows like this, and that he's not afraid to ask the big questions! Go Dr. Phil!
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