Thursday, February 28, 2019

Today's thought... wow it's been a while! Two + years since I've written anything. Whats on my mind tonight? Isn't that what Facebook asks? I've honestly got too much shit on my brain to even get into, but the forefront...some stupid internet crap going around designed to scare kids and parents out of normal day life.

Do you know what I'm talking about yet? Does the name Momo mean anything to you? Yeah. The Momo Challenge. Taken from a picture that was designed by a college kid in Asia for a class project that was NEVER intended for the purpose of which it was used. Breaking into Peppa the Pig and games that kids play. And people wonder why I don't let me nine year old on the internet? Here's a clue!

I saw it. I wanted to know if she knew anything about it. She said that she'd heard of Momo also being called or referred to as GM in games. Game Master. I want her to be aware. So I explain to her what I've read and I want her mainly to understand that even if someone was to come up to her and tell her that they would kill every one of us in our family if she told us about something...she needed to know she could tell us. That the threat was just to gain control and just a threat. Most times, nothing more.

So she understood, but it spooked her. More than I realized at the time. Until I got home. She's got a bear, he was originally mine, but I have since passed him down. His name is Tinki Bear. "Tinki Bear" and Bug have been writing back and forth, since Tinki can only come alive when she's asleep or gone, as is teddy bear code of conduct. So, she writes a letter to Tinki last night.

"Talk to your boss and tell him does he have information about momo. Also, how big do you get at night?" Now, understand, my daughter is nine. I refuse - REFUSE - to let my daughter grow up too fast. She's ALREADY way past where I was when I was nine, she is NOT naive. So yes, I ABSOLUTELY still encourage the magic of teddy bears and Christmas elves. And by God if writing a letter to Tinki is going to make her feel better...Tinki is going to make her feel better.

So Tinki did. When did we become a society that EVERYTHING is online? And people wonder why I wont give my nine year old a smart phone!? After all of this, she doesn't even want to play with her TABLET! Wake up, parents. Our kids are growing up too fast as it is, it's only going to get worse.

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