Saturday, October 09, 2004

Todays thought...President George W Bush.

My Pooh Bear is a major bass fishing freak. Every chance he gets he
will watch Outdoor Life Network on the digital cable. We have what
is called On Demand on our digital cable and we are able to watch
shows that have been on previously. Tonight Pooh came home and turned
on his fishing show and of the list of shows there was a show that our
President of these United States was fishing with Roland Martin.

I just want you to know that it really brings perspective to the
thought of one person who will go on a fishing show and talk about it.
Apparently Bush and Roland know eachother and Bush agreed to do a show
with him. He begins the show talking about his 11 acre pond out on his
property in Tx. He put in all kinds of sticks and bushes in the bottom
of the pond before filling it.

To those of you who do not know, you put that stuff in the bottom of a
lake before you fill it to give the Bass that you are going to place in
there a place to hide in. You do this to make sure that your fishing
experience on the lake does not get mundaine.

Now apparently he had started building this lake 5 yrs ago. He goes on
to talk about the fact that he has allowed Roland on his lake so that
he could do his show. Bush explains that he is there to learn tips on
bass fishing. It pans back to show our President in everyday clothes.
He wasn't wearing high priced fancy clothes or high priced fishing
gear. No...he was wearing a pair of Wranglers, a plain blue button down
shirt, sunglasses, a dark blue baseball cap, and a pair of tennis

Now I ask you think that Clinton or Kerry would pick up a
fishing rod in plain clothes and go on a fishing show? The answer is
No. You wouldn't. Bush then goes on to explain that when he was
entertaining the President of Mexico, they went fishing and he cooked
them fresh caught Crapi from his own pond at his home for dinner.

Now you would think, that with all the money he has as President of the
United States, he could have cooked the President of Mexico anything
while entertaining him. Sea Bass, Filet Minon, a massive 72 oz Texas
Steak...anything. No...he cooked fresh caught Crapi. Just like any
other Southerner would do while entertaining a guest that has just
been to the lake. You would have a fish fry and cook the fish that was

Now look at that and tell me that Bush is not a regular man. Tell me
that he is a man that is not intelegent. Tell me that he is just some
dumb redneck. I'll give you...he is a redneck. But so is my Pooh Bear.
My Pooh Bear is not some dumb redneck. He is an extremely intelegent
man who lives by the means and circumstances thrown at him one at a

In my opinion...that makes one hell of a man. And makes for a good

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