Saturday, December 18, 2004

Todays thought...Wal-Mart is evil!

Have you ever noticed that you can't go into Wal-Mart without spending WAY MORE than you went in there for? MR2 has given it the perfect name. We went to Wal-Mart to finish both his Christmas shopping and mine and Pooh Bears Christmas shopping as he was working.

It's the $50 rule. Put simply, you cannot go into Wal-Mart without spending atleast $50 on yourself. Whether you went there for someone else or not. It's evil! No wonder they make so much money every year. At one point I may as well have been paying them rent I was there so much.

I warn you people now...DON'T GET CAUGHT IN THE $50 RULE! Rules were meant to be broken. Don't let the evil Wal-Mart take all your money. Now I'm not saying I will stop shopping at Wal-Mart...I LOVE THE PLACE! But it's EVIL! Take my heed...DON'T GO IN THERE WITH MORE THAN $30 IN YOUR BANK ACCOUNT OR POCKET! YOU WILL GET SUCKED INTO THE RULE AND IT WILL OWN YOU!

I say adieu to you and tell you to have a good night. I'm going back to Wal-Mart!

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