Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Todays update on Saturn and Puck...and a tribute to Ford.

I'm sure that you can all tell...I have redesigned my website. Well...I should say that MR2 redesigned my website. Yep...he was the creative genius behind my new design. I love it! I am a HUGE F-150 fan. If you can't tell. My family (Mainly my mama and daddy...and have been Chevy fans. Well...we have now converted. We are born again Ford lovers. Its true. My daddy drives a Lincoln, my mama...the most awesome truck in the world, and yes...the $100 wonder car is a Ford.

Onto Saturn and Puck. Puck was born 11/28 at 7:27 pm. 9 lbs 14 oz, 21 in long. A little bundle of joy for the world to love. He is so beautiful. It is a wonderful think. Both mom and baby are doing great I am proud to announce. As I have previously mentioned Saturn is a great friend of mine and I am so glad that I have come to know her and was able to experience her friendship. She will be moving soon...and I will miss her greatly. But I have told you a thousand times...I'm a phone call away. Don't hesitate! I love ya girl!

And lastly, as I did not have the opportunity to say Happy Thanksgiving to all...I will say it now. Mine was good. Family came in from out of state and it was a wonderful get together. I truely am thankful that I have my family there. And we of course spent time with all of Pooh Bears family as well. I love my mom in law. She calls me her Damn Yankee and I call her my Damn Redneck. I wouldn't change it for nothing in the world. After an early dinner there Pooh's little bro ... I will call him Rock ... took me out to shoot a gun for the first time. It was very exhillerating. I got to shoot a 22 riffle and a 9 mm. It was very scary, and a major adrenalin rush at the same time. I was thankful that he allowed me the opportunity to get more comfortable with the though. Thanks Rock. Thanks family for being here and thanks Pooh. For hanging on as long as you have. I know for a fact that I am not the easiest person in the world to deal with. Thanks.

Well...I guess that is about it for now. I hope you all enjoy the redesign as much as I do. And if I don't make another entry before 12/25...MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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