Monday, November 22, 2004

Todays thought...a little about bugs, a little about my neighbor and a little about a song I heard while watching one of my my favorite shows on television.

A little about bugs. The thought was brought up at work the other day and I began thinking about bugs I will tolerate and bugs I wont. The bugs I will tolerate list is very short and is as follows; Lady Bugs (Good Luck); Lightening Bugs (Any bug that glows is cool in my book); Praying Mantis's (Awesome to look at) and Walking Sticks (Self explanitory). Then it also got me to thinking about the fact that some people think that bugs are just for dirty houses. Well let me tell house may not be white glove testable...but it is certainly not dirty by any means. However...I have on occasion had a wood roach or centipede. Wood roaches are not to be misconstrude with the common cockroach. They are about 3 times the size of cockroaches and are pitch black, as cockroaches are brown. They also feast on wood that is old. Centipedes as well will come from when anyone is doing any type of excavating or what not within a 500 yard radius.

A little about my neighbor. My neighbor is awesome. I love her to death. We first met when I approached her about her cat and she and I got into a conversation about her having surgery. I agreed to help her while she was down and out from the surgery. That was 4 years ago...and now we have a friendship that is beyond compare. She spoils me rotten as she knows of my obsession for Mac and Cheese and as she has done on so many occassion, if she catches it on sale she will buy me a few boxes and it will usually last for a few days. I will call her Sam. So I say to you Sam...Love ya chickie...and keep the mac comin!

And now...a little about a song I heard while watching a favorite show. TV land did a 48 hour Baywatch marathon this past weekend. Yes...yes...I know...Not your typical non male watching Baywatch...but I love it! Anyway one of the songs has a line that goes "We dream in color but we live in black and white". After thinking about begun to make sense. I mean...think about it...when you dream in color...there are no boundaries. No rules to make you color in between the lines. But when you live in black and white...where there are boundaries. Most of them written down in a textbook by someone a long time ago and taught to us growing up that there are boundaries in the mind that we have to abide by. But just think about the statement that the average human only uses 10% of his brain. What is the other 90% doing? Makes ya wonder huh?

I end this blog with one final not to all. On the bugs issue...bugs are a typical every day thing. You are not impervious to them no matter how clean you are...or how rich you think you think you are. On the neighbor issue...Sam...Love ya girl. You go out there and you do your thing and you don't care what anyone thinks. Thats so Me of you! And on the dream in color live in black and white issue...use your mind. Don't be affraid to go the extra mile. If you think you can and you believe you can...I don't think anything is impossible.

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