Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Todays thought...people who think they are better than every one else.

This is probably going to be a bit of a rant so if there is anything you would rather be doing right now, just skip this entry.

It kills me that there are people out there (A lot of people) that think that they are better than anyone below them. You know the type. The hoity toity people that drive the big expensive cars, with the litte froo froo poodles and don't know what a pair of jeans looks like much less would be caught dead in them. The type of people that have their nose stuck so far up in the air that you swear if it rained, they would drown. Better yet, the people that snuff you because you are an average person and you get so irritated that if their little poodle was on fire you wouldn't spit on it to put the fire out. So let me just tell you now...if you are one of those people that judges anyone that doesn't fit in your "class" of people...then you'd better stop reading beause I'm about to really make you upset. For those of you that aren't like that, that know what jeans are and don't judge someone by their looks, read'll probably get a kick out of what I'm about to say.

I saw a bumper sticker today that just about sums up exactly what I have to say to people like that today. Infact, I don't think I could have put it better if I'd tried. Put says

The next time you think you're so perfect...Try walking on water

I saw that and I was like... Oh yeah! I have got to write about that. And it makes perfect sense! You people that think that you are better than everyone else, better than that, those of you that have more money than you know what to do with...answer me this...Are you happy? I mean really happy? Or are you lonely? Think about it.

Well, thats it for me now, I'm going to bed. Completely content in the fact that I CAN'T walk on water!

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