Sunday, September 25, 2005

Todays thought...Eh, a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

Ok so this week has been so hecktic. So, Wednesday I get a call from my cousin Frog on my cell phone. Well I'm at work and can't answer it right then so I send him to voice mail. Then I'm talking to my co-worker and I'm telling her that he'd called and it was really odd. So she says well maybe it was important. Then it dawns on me. He lives in Houston Tx. Just moved down there for school not 3 weeks ago. So then I'm like "CRAP! He probably needs a place to stay!". So I try to call him back and it's busy. So I call my mama who was out of town at the time and tell her, Frog just called me, I can't get him back on the phone but I'm assuming he's going to need a place to stay because of Hurricane Rita. I can't put him up at my place but my parents were out of town and he could stay there. So I get all of that figured out, still can't get a hold of my cousin so I send him a text msg. Telling him that he needs to leave right then. He procedes to tell me that he doesn't get off work until 10 and he'd be leaving Thursday morning. Knowing this thing isn't supposed to hit until Friday I figure, hey...he's got plenty of time. Right? WRONG! If you watched the news at all you saw the gridlock and cars moving at literally 2 mph down the interstate. So already I know he's not going to be here until at least Friday night. Well, 22 hours into it he gets off the road to get gas and by a stroke of luck is able to find an alternate route and get out of there. Needless to say, he stopped about 3 hours outside of here and pulls over after 36 hours of driving and 1 hour of sleep. He didn't get here until Saturday afternoon. But you know what, he made it. My parents made it home before he did. But he made it. Glad to have you here Frog.

Then, Pooh Bear and I were supposed to go out of town this weekend with Floor, Sniper and the kids. Well, Friday morning while Pooh Bear was on his way to work, the hundred dollar wonder car breaks down. Still can't find out what is going on with the thing. The last part we have to try, we can't get it out because it takes an insane part. Hoping that Pooh Bears friend Big Fish has the part so we can fix the car. But you know how it goes.

Today is my mama's birthday. Happy Birthday Mommy. I love you. Hopefully I can make it over there this evening. While I won't divulge her age on this site I will tell you that she's old enough to know better, but too young to care. Hee hee hee. Hey, you're only as young as you feel. Ain't that right?

Lastly, I saw an show the other day about cars that have these sensors in them that tell you when you are losing control of your car. Ok, now, here's my problem with this. First off, if you've never lost control of your car you wouldn't understand this but I have. And from personal experience let me just tell you, when you start to lose control of it, you can't get it back. Unless you're a proffessional rally car driver or Nascar or something. Ok. So you have this vehicle, that has a dinger in it to let you know you are losing control of your car. You've never had this dinger before so the first time you hear it, you are going to think "What is that?" Then by the time it has registered in your brain that its the dinger to let you know you have lost control of your car, oops, you're in a spin and a tree has jumped out at you to stop your car.'s my second thing on this. Ok, so like I said, once you've lost control of your car, the general driver cannot recover from it. So the dinger goes of to let you know you are losing control. Well since you start and its so hard to control you generally just lose it all together and still meet your car to the tree. At that point, what is the point of the dinger. All the dinger did was said, "Yep, you just screwed yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back because your hands are going to do you a bit of good on the wheel." I mean think about it. Like I said, first thing thats going to register is you have a dinger going off and you don't know what it is. Thats going to take your mind off the road anyway, but it doesn't matter because you've started losing control and hang it up. Because like I said the average driver is not going to be able to gain control back of the vehicle.

So in take on it...good concept, but not very well thought out. Well, thats about all I have for today. I'm going to take my average driving self to the kitchen to make something to eat. Later.

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