Monday, December 26, 2011

Today's thought...Restoring my faith in Santa Claus.

I heard probably one of the most touching stories in my life yesterday and brings a tear to my eye every time I think about it. My friend Green Monkey, (I've talked about her several times before) and I were talking about Christmas morning. She was talking about she found a "secret" letter to Santa from her sister. It said simply that if she didn't get a sock monkey for Christmas, she would stop believing in Santa.

Being so touched by the letter, she stayed up all night Christmas Eve, and made a sock monkey from scratch, and wrote a letter from Santa, telling her little sister to never stop believing. It was a true testament of the spirit of Christmas and made me so blessed and proud to know her. I still get a little weepy eyed when I think about it and when I tell others about it. She was so set on making sure that her little sister kept the childhood magic alive for even just one more year. That amazed me. So thank you Green Monkey. For restoring my own faith in Santa Claus! You have one of the biggest hearts of anybody I know. Keep being you girl!

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