Friday, December 29, 2006

Todays thought... Bikers

Man, Ok, why is it that no matter how small the road is, you are bound to run into a freakin biker? And I'm not talking about someone out for a liesurely stroll. I am talking about these pro bikers that are all practicing for some big race.


I mean, come on people, we have to respect you, you're on a bike! What kind of match would that be? But that doesn't mean you have to give us any reason to find out now does it? And another thing, I think that if you are going to use these roads and insist on using them instead of finding someplace that you safely do it without endangering your own lives much less the drivers of the cars. If you are on a road that is windy and curvey and hilly with no shoulder, word to the wise ... DONT RIDE ON IT! We can't see you when we top that hill going 45mph and you are likely going to cause us inadvertantly to do a break check and hope like the dickens that there is no one in the oncoming lane.

Further more, if you insist on riding on your bikes, on these roads and using them like you are able to and following the stop signs and stop lights as well as the speed limits, like you are entitled to, I think you should also be entitled to paying a wheel tax, just like the rest of us do.

Well, that's my rant for the night. I'm not saying I want you to stop riding if you do ride, I just wish you would show us drivers, the same respect that we both do and are expected to show you.

Holla --

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Todays thought...Just an update on a few things

First off I have decided that Saturn, will now be known as Ducky from here on out. Long story, but thats what I am going to call her. The other name change I will be making is Bellvue. I think I have mentioned her. But if not, she will now be known as Poker Chip. Also a long story. Anyway, moving on.

So, I got my truck back. It looks great. The place that did the job was right. Once it was finished you could not even tell that it had been in an accident. Sorry mailbox. Anyway.

Now lets get to the touchy subjects. Wars, politics, .. just kidding. However I will take this moment to discuss something. Everyone knows about the Amish shooting that took place in Pa this last week. Hits a little close to home because I have loved ones that live in the general vacinity. What irritates me even more is when Ducky calls me because while she was listening to Hannity&Colmes on her way to work and they were talking about what most everyone was and a lady got on the line talking about the fact that the Amish girls were not innocent and that they were going to protest at the funerals. Then it hits me.

Turns out that it is the same group that is protesting the funerals of the fallenn soldiers. Well thankfully for the Amish they are so far in the back woods that the idiots couldn't get to them and protest anything. You know what makes me so mad is the fact that they fancy themselves Christians and spout "The word of God" and yet they act like ... never mind. Just leave that to interpretation. How are you going to say you're a Christian and degrade a family and a community now and everything that they believe in. Oh, wait, I guess its because "God hates America" like they say. NOT! GROW UP PEOPLE! If God hated America so bad, then we wouldn't be here! Now would we? Lets see, great flood, plague of locusts ... shall I continue?

Get a grip people. There is a reason that no one wants you around! Get the picture?! Fortuantely for you, God is a very loving and forgiving God and can even see past your idioticness. Just remember, while you cast judgement on those you protest, as will you be judged when you meet your maker.

And that's all I have to say on that. I guess thats about all I have to say for tonight. Not too much else going on here. Few things here and there in the works but don't want to jinx anything so I will bid you a good night and be on my way. Holla!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Todays thought...Dodge

Ok, so by now everyone knows that my truck is back in the shop. So first off we drop the truck off and the rental car place doesn't even have a car waiting. Now I'm out of state when my husband calls to say that they don't have one. Not because of the rental place didn't save us one, because they didn't, but it was because the insurance company had never called to set up the rental. So they got it all figured out, and put us in a Dodge Neon. A new one. Well, 43k miles on it, but not very old. SO...then a little later the guy at the body shop calls me to tell me that they have my truck and ordered the parts but they don't have a work order. Turns out that the lady who was working on my claim was "no longer with the company". So none of it was done. But it got all figured out finally.

Now, back to the Dodge. So this is a new vehicle. And I notice yesterday while stopped at a stop sign, I think I get bumped from behind. My initial reaction is of course....Great, I just got hit in a rental car...But I didn't. I look back and the guy behind me is a half a car link behind me stopped so I know he didn't bump me. So it happens again. It dawns on me at that time that the engine was lunging. LUNGING! ON A BRAND NEW VEHICLE! Then I notice today just how hard it is to turn on the blinkers, press on the gas petal and the brake petal. Now, my truck is not that new. It will be a year old in Dec and my blinkers, brake and gas petals and the seats are just as soft and fluid to use and set in as they were when I bought it.

If I'd bought a car home that was like that and after a few thousand miles was like that, I'd be pissed! I would absolutely throw a fit. Especially to know that the vehicle is probably newer if not the same year as my truck and the only reason that the miles are on it is because it is a rental. I'm just disappointed to say that the car reminds me of a Cobalt in feeling on the inside. Now as far as performance is concerned, hands down, the get up and go is definitely there and the cornering and handeling is great! But the inside feel and the lines are terrible.

Well, actually, this is kind of a short blog, but I wanted to get that out there. Holla!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Todays thought...Bug caused accident.

Ok, so first off lets start with my summer this year. After my second cousin was burried in the beginning of April, I lost my grandpa on my daddy's side 15 days later. So you know...already by this time dealing with two losses in the family. Then my truck goes in the shop. They run over something in the truck and it has to go back into the shop for a little while longer. Then, if it doesn't get any worse, I lose my other living grandpa on my mama's side of the family, 60 days after my daddy's dad dies.

And just when I think that I can't handle any more...I wreck my brand new 8 month old truck this morning on my way to the doctors office who funny enough wanted to see how this new depression medicine was working on me that they put me on because of this episodic depression I am in due to all the loss in my family this year.

Ok's me this morning, window rolled down because I'm smoking a cig on the way. At 40mph a freaking huge bug flies in the window, hits me in the face. So instinctively when you have something coming at your face you are going to protect your eyes and get the bug away. As I did this going around a corner I proceded off the road.

Now at this time, I look up and remember the last major car accident I was in I over corrected and instinctively know that if I over correct I am going to hit another car. So I hit the brakes lightly and pull up on the road, hitting a mailbox. Now mind you, at this time I think that the grass that I ran through was just about level with the road. No ditch or anything, just someones yard. I get slowed down and pull into a driveway slightly down the road from the victimized mailbox and get out and look at the truck. I have run this poor mailbox (with no knowledge of its impending doom) down the entire passenger side of my truck. Now I can definitely give props to Ford for making their trucks high enough that my mirror was spared!

So, I call Pooh Bear, he first and foremost makes sure I'm ok, then he asks me what happened. I procede to tell him, call the police dept and the insurance company and wait. When I call the police department the ask what has happened and I explain that with as much damage is done to my truck, the mailbox has got to be smashed. The police only took 5 minutes. Well I get back into my truck to pull it further down this persons driveway so that the officer can pull off the road and into the driveway and take down my information on the report and I realize that the stupid bug is still alive. Yeah!

So he asks me what happened. I procede to spill what I had done and he tells me to get my drivers license and registration while he goes down to see the mailbox. I wait for a couple more minutes and he comes back and tells me that the mailbox is a little bit damaged but can be banged out with a hammer and be fine.

This is where my thought title comes from...He procedes to tell me that now that he knows that I'm ok and that I have explained the story he has to tell me that when he got the call to come out to the address of the driveway I was at, they just told him on the radio that it was an accident and on the little screen of the computer in his squad car it popped up...Bug Caused Accident. He'd told me that it was definitely a first for him, but now that I had explained it, it made a little more sense. So, we laughed, the police dept left a voice mail for the people who's mailbox I mutilated and left a card for them so that they could call him and get my info and my insurance info.

So, Pooh Bear gets there to make sure I'm ok and we go down the road to see this poor mailbox and the yard to make sure I hadn't done too much damage. Turns out while looking at it, I did not go off into someones yard. I went off into a 3 foot ditch. And looking at my tire tracks, I tell you was the grace of God that kept me from rolling my truck over when I come up out of there. Its amazing looking at it, that I came out with my passenger side being marred and nothing else.

Well, thats about all for tonight. I'm gunna eat me some grub, drink me some wine and hit the hay. Props and much Thanks to God. Love ya man!

Friday, June 30, 2006

Todays thought...My pet peeves

Why is it that most men cannot clean up their whiskers from the bathroom sink when they get done shaving? Then it gets stuck on the sink and when us women go to clean the bathroom at the end of the week, it takes an act of congress signed by the Pope himself to get the stupid things off of there! And another thing, no my Pooh Bear...and I must give him credit for this, does not leave the toilet seat up but some other men in my family do. What is all of that about? It obviously takes some effort to put the thing up, but why does it take so much more effort to put it down?

Then, I really can't stand when you are driving somewhere, and the person in front of you or beside you is on a cell phone and not paying attention to anything they are doing. That really frosts my cookies! HELLO PEOPLE! Do you think that whoever you are talking to is going to be upset with you if you tell them you'll call them back, or if they know that by talking to them you are got into an accident or caused an accident? There is a simple little device out there that is made for that situation. Its called a HANDS FREE DEVICE! Its really simple and comes in various shapes and sizes. There's even one out there that will convert your radio in your car to the speakers for the telephone. That way if you get a call you can answer it. And there's also a function on most phones that automatically answers the phone for you if you are driving after the second ring. Then you don't even have to touch the phone! What a novel idea huh? SHUT UP AND DRIVE! Or get a hands free device.

And another thing. Companies out there that have just automated systems and no way to talk to an actual person. You know I called one a long time ago and I kid you not, just for fun I guess it said on the system "Press 9 if you want to hear a duck quack". So of course being the curious person that I am, yep, I pressed 9. And sure enough, I heard a duck quack, then it took me back to the main menu. But do you understand where I'm coming from. Why aren't there more companies out there that give you the option to talk to an operator instead of you having to jump through hoops to get there? Its like you have to go through 10 different options to get to the option to talk to an operator. And I thought I had a way around this at one time. Before, you could just keep pressing 0 and it would take you to an operator eventually. Oh no! They've caught on to that. If you press 0 now the system will just disconnect the line. Or it will say that you've made an invalid choice and to listen to the menu again.

Oh, and here's a great one. Why is it that when you are watching a show, the season finale is a cliff hanger? Is it because they want you to come back and watch the show when the season premier starts? HELLO! Obviously if you are watching the show, enough to see the season finale, then you like it enough to watch the new season premier! Cliff hangers should be saved for the middle of the season. That way you can see the conclusion the next week instead of having to wait 6 months for the new season to start.

On that note though, I have to admit, while I am slightly dismayed that a show anymore will only have about 20 episodes instead of 28-30 per season, the quality of the shows are much better than they used to be. The story lines are better and the all around quality is better.

And on that subject, movies and some shows that will progress slowly and then right up at the end try to push so much stuff in the last 15-20 minutes of the show or movie that it ruins it! Why do they do that? Just stay the pace! If you're coming up to a major ending, then liven the pace up a little bit through out the whole movie or show. Its like they start shooting and then realize..."Oh crap, we have this much stuff to put in the last 20 minutes". Hell make it a longer movie or show. Like Ghost Hunters. LOVE THAT SHOW! And do you know what they did for the season finale this year? They made it an hour and a half. So that they could do what they wanted to without compromising anything in the show.

Anyway...that is my rant for the day. Its about time for me to get going. Holla!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Todays thought...My love of my truck.

Ok first off let me just tell you, my truck is the shiznit! I love it. I love everything about it. Well recently I had to have it in the shop. I have to say I was a little disappointed with the service I received. First off, yes, they gave me a rental, puting me into a car that was not my truck. I felt like I was setting on the ground when I rode in it. Then of course you have the whole rental car insurance thing and was totally worried I was gunna ding the stupid rental.

Ok so the place that was fixing it told me that they would have my truck fixed in 3 days. I dropped it off on a Friday and was supposed to be able to pick it up on Monday. Tuesday at the latest. Ok, so here's me, la dee da awaiting a call on Monday to tell me that my baby was ready. Nope! I call them. NO call back. So, on Tuesday I call again. They tell me that one of the parts is on back order but not to worry about it. While I'm thinking about it, my a/c wasn't putting out like it should so I ask them to look at that as well.

Well, guess what....Yep! There was a leak somewhere in the system and they had to track it down and fix it. So now, its going to be Thursday before I can get my baby out of the shop. Well, Thursday morning, I get the call. Well Pooh Bear has the rental because as I said, didn't want the responsibility of a ding or scratch on their precious rental car. (You'll understand my discust in a moment). Well Pooh Bear can't get off work in time to take the rental car back and pick up the truck so it stays there until Friday.

Finally, Friday comes, he goes to pick up the truck. I haven't heard from him and I know that he's been a the shop for a little while so I give him a quick call to see whats up. Turns out, they have back into something with my truck while it was in the shop! The tail light on the passenger side is scarred from something that had white paint on it, there is a nice scratch down the tailgate and the bumper has been scratched to pieces as it rounds to the drivers side.

Ok now my thing is not the fact that they bumped into something. My thing is the fact that they didn' t have the decency to tell us up front! Yeah, Pooh Bear had to walk around the truck and inspect it and it's a good thing he did because if he hadn't, and we had pulled out into the street with it like that, they could have said at that time that there was no proof they had done the damage.

So, of course, as you can imagine, discusted, he tells the guy there at the shop that the damage was done there and he agrees to fix it for us. I was so upset when I heard this. Now, my baby has to go back into the shop for an undisclosed amount of time so they can replace the bumper, tail light and buff out and repaint the tailgate.

My point of this thought is simple. Please watch your vehicles when you take them to the shop and get them back. Go through and do an inspection when you get it back because if they did do damage to it at the shop, and you drive off their property they do not have to fix it. I don't care if you take it to a no name shop, your best friends garage or a dealership. It doesn't matter. Do a walk around. Because if it was damaged, you'll be glad you did.

On a lighter note, I had a definite need a camera moment today. And did I have one? NO! I am a HUGE supporter of Ford. As you can tell from my website. I love my truck, my Pooh Bear loved his before we got together, and my mother-in-law, as well as my mama and daddy love theirs as well. I know it may sound bad but after my experience with a Chevy, since I got my Ford I have always thought it would be funny if I could get a picture of a Ford towing a new Chevy down the road. As Ford's Slogan says "Built Ford Tough!" Ok, so here's me today. On my way to see my Pooh Bears mama and daddy, what goes driving down the road as we wait for traffic? An F-150 Flare Side with a chain and in tow a Chevy Camaro. Yep! Saw it with my own eyes! I rolled laughing and told Pooh Bear that I needed a camera so desperately. He just shook his head and smiled at me. Then told me if I had a camera phone....yada yada yada.

Well, I guess I'm gunna get going now. Off to dinner is me, then probably to bed. Been a long day. Have a great one everyone, and make sure you do a walkaround...HOLLA!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Todays thought...The DaVinci Code

Ok, so many people are up in arms about this movie? Why you ask? Some theorize its because it poses the question of whether or not Jesus had a child with Mary of Magdelene. Others say its because the movie focuses on the Sacred Femanine in turn giving women the power and not the men. Here are a few thoughts of mine.

First off Mary of Magdelene was not a prostitute. Even the Catholic Church came out and made a formal apology that they were wrong and it was a case of mistaken identity. Second, upon reading another comment on a website recently I learned that Mary of Magdelen was one of the 12 deciples and was at the crucifixion. So, in saying that...isn't it possible that they were infact married?

Take a close look at the bible itself and you will see what I mean. The Old Testament ends with Jesus being 13 years old. The New Testament is comprised of Jesus life from the time he was 30 until he was Crucified at the age of 33. What happened during those 17 years of his life that is not mentioned in the bible? Jesus was a man, was he not. For a few short years of his life he was a man. That at this time now holds to the question..."If you prick me, do I not bleed?"...Come on people! God wanted Jesus on this earth as a man. So that he could see sin and sin himself. And then die for our sins so that all we had to do was ask for forgiveness.

Why is it you have to take this so hard in what you believe? Tell me this, if Jesus did have a child, would that make him any less divine? If he got married and had a family...would that make him any less of a holy man? No, that would make him a man. Which is what he was. A flesh and blood man that walked on this earth for 33 years and performed several miracles along the way. A divine spirit that was Crucified then Resurrected 3 days later. A man that quite possibly wanted a companion, just like everyone else on this Earth today. What is so wrong with wondering? What is so wrong with posing the question?

As a God fearing Christian of faith, do you think for one second that this has made me doubt or question my faith? Not in the slightest little bit. Not by one single thread. Does it make me pose the question if what I've been taught may have been a little mistaken or even shall I venture to say misleading? Maybe. But does that change the way I feel in my heart? Does it change the way I feel about the MAN that did die on the cross and rise 3 days later for my sins so that I don't have to do that? Not in the least little bit. If anything it makes me feel closer to him. Atleast now if I pray at night because my husband is driving me crazy, I know that he can smile down on me, giggle and say "I know exactly how you feel honey."

Now I have to go onto another thing that I've seen in a recent entry. Everybody is so literal when it comes to the book of Genesis. People say on the 1st day God created Earth. On the 2nd day he created Light and Dark. On the thrid day... and so on and so forth. Everybody says that it's scientifically impossible to create all of this 1 day at a time in 7 days. Ok, first off...HELLO! HE'S GOD! HE CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANTS! Second off, who's to say that 1 day in Gods life is nothing compared to 1 day in ours? Ok, I heard a joke a long time ago. This may explain a few things.

A man is having a discussion with God one day. He asks, "God, what is 1000 years to you?" God tells the man "My son, 1000 years to you is but a day to me." The man thinks about it and says "Ok God, what is $1,000,000 to you?" God replies to the man "My son, $1,000,000 to you is but a penny to me." Thinking long and hard, the man then asks "God, Can I have a penny?" God say "Sure you can. Tomorrow."

Do you see what I'm saying people. Don't take things so literal. And DONT let a book of FICTION change your way of thinking and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Thats not what it's intended for. Its intended for a great story about a Professor on his journeys through the world. So what if it poses a question? So what about the question? Is it such a bad thing that we think about things and wonder? Is it such a bad thing that we question about the world around us? No. God wants us to be curious! And if you take those questions and start to doubt your faith as a Christian, then you need to take a serious look at your faith all together.

Thats all I have for tonight. Thank you Ron Howard and Dan Brown for making such an awesome story into one of the greatest movies of all time.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Todays thought...My thought on immigration laws

Now, I am probably about to make a whole world of people mad, but before you get ticked about the statement I am about to make, let me finish my point. This is my opinion only and not intended to offend anyone by saying this.

Ok, right now there is a huge controversy going on about the illegal immigrants in this country making a life for themselves. Now in saying that, I have no problem with someone coming to this country to make a better life for themselves. As you've seen in a previous blog of mine that included an e-mail, every one of us (aside from the Native Americans) are direct descendents of immigrants. But my thing on that is, our ancestors did it legally.

However, in saying that, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Think about it. Who is hiring these illegal immigrants? American citizens. Legal immirgrants that don't want to have to pay taxes on their labor and know that they can pay Juan a lot cheaper wages that John. If people all around this world did not know that all they had to do was come over here illegaly and get hired on by someone looking for a worker like them, we wouldn't have this major issue that we have today.

Point in case, where I used to live there was a man from another country that came over to this country to make a better life for him and his family. This has been some 20+ years ago. He got legal citizenship over here, learned to speak fluent English, opened up his own place of business, sent for his wife and children and to this day, still runs this very successfull business and his family are now legal citizens as well with the children out of school and successful in their jobs.

I don't care what your race, color, home language, belief, hair color, clothes or anything else. If you're over here to legitimately make a better life for you and your kin, the by all means, you should not have any problems doing it legally. Now I understand, yes, it takes time and money to do this, but if you are genuinely over here to make a life for yourself permenantly, then you won't mind taking the time like that man did, learn the language, get yourself legal and then you have nothing to worry about.

I'm going to end this now by saying, I love my country, I love my heritage and I love this God fearing, English speaking scociety that we live in.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Todays thought...Memories

To those of you who don't know, my grandpa is very sick. So I thought I would dedicate tonights blog to him. By remembering all of the funnies. This might be a book by the time I'm done, so prepare to laugh and get some popcorn and a cold drink. Or hot drink, whatever yer flaver.

First off let me tell you, when I was born, it was in the afternoon. 9 hours prior to my grandpa's birthday, there I was. My grandpa gave my mama absolute grief and wanted to know why she couldn't wait 9 more hours to have me. She told him he'd just have to accept an early birthday present because they weren't putting me back in. Pretty comical.

From the time I was knee high to a grasshopper, my grandpa was my guy. We were inseperable. They say that I used to set in his lap for what seemed like hours and fall asleep when I was little. I remember we'd be riding in the car and we'd go down a hill and he would whistle. And I would hear it. And for years I'd ask him if he was the one whisteling. He'd tell me no every time. I knew I'd heard something whistle every time we'd go down a hill. I knew I wasnt crazy. Well, finally when I was about 18, riding down the road with my grandpa, looked in the rearview mirror and found out he was whisteling every time we went down the hill. I looked at him and I blurted out "You do whistle! I knew it was you! You kept telling me it wasn't and it's been you this whole time!" Of course he was in total denial. "Uh uh. What are you talking about?". I was like "Yep grandpa, BUSTED!" We laughed about it all the way home.

He was also very big on making sound effects when watching Star Trek. He'd make sounds of things exploding and phasers going off and everything. He was such a comic when it came to watching the TV.

Then one time when I was younger, you remember them Coca-Cola Polar Bears that they had at Hardee's a few years back? Well I wanted one so bad I could taste it. My daddy had told me that I couldn't have one. Ah, but I had the ACE. My grandpa was coming down to visit for the holidays and I knew being the only girl out of 5 of us, yep, my grandpa was gunna come in there and buy me one. Well, they get there, I ask my grandpa for one in front of my daddy. Of course my daddy tells me no, but you know grandpas. He winked at me. Well, my grandma, aunt and me go to...where else for lunch...yep. Hardees. She got one for me, one for my grandpa and one for my aunt. So, we get home, I show my daddy what my grandma had bought me with such pride, he turns right to my grandma and says "Thanks mom." My grandpa turns to him and says, "I was going to buy her one anyway". Come to think of it, my poor daddy. Didn't stand a fighting chance when I asked my grandpa for something.

Then, I don't remember this, but my grandma likes to tell me about it a lot. When my grandma and grandpa used to carry me for the night we'd go to dinner and what not then go home and make cookies (And eat the dough). Well (showing my age here a bit), back when there were no seatbelt laws they'd put me in the middle of the car in the front seat on the armrest. Well, my grandpa used to say "Come on Lady!" if there was a lady in front of us going slow. Well, at about 3 years old, they put me up there, and we were at a red light and out of my mouth came "Come on Lady!" in about the deepest tone of voice a little 3 year old girl could make. I roll laughing every time I hear that story. It never gets old.

And a few of my grandpa's loves since I've known him have been Alf and the California Rasins. And Oldsmobiles. Gotta throw that one in there. Then came my wedding. Got married on horseback and I'd told everyone there that they'd have to be in jeans to attend. Went strictly cowboy on my wedding. Well, my grandpa didn't even own a pair of jeans. But that was soon to change. I of course couldn't have a propper wedding without my mama and daddy, as well as my grandma and grandpa. So you know I had to let him slide without wearing jeans. I mean, come on, he was my grandpa! But he was the only one. Well, that day I'd decided, in all of the years I've known him, I had never, and I mean NEVER seen my grandpa in a pair of jeans. And I was gunna buy him some, for Christmas. So, Pooh Bear and I went out and found the hippest pair out there of Carpenter jeans and then we got a regular pair. Well, do you know, my grandpa loved them Carpenter jeans. The regular pair didn't fit him right so what did he do? Went back to the store and swapped them out for Carpenter jeans. Yep, that was all me.

Then came this most recent Christmas. I asked grandma what they needed if anything. She told me that they didn't have a dvd player in the livingroom. So, Pooh Bear and I come to the rescue, and buy them a dvd player for Christmas. Wouldn't you know it if my mama didn't call me Christmas Eve to tell me that while sitting at the dinner table my grandpa said that he'd never own a dvd player. Boy did I feel about 5" tall. Thats what we'd gotten him for Christmas. Everyone told me he laughed when he opened it up Christmas morning but that he liked it.

Then I remember one year we all went to Walt Disney World for the holiday. Well of course when you're there, you have to go to the Magic Kingdom. And while in the Magic Kingdom you have to visit the one place that you know when someone's been in there. Yall know where I'm going with this. Yep, the Small World exhibit. Let me just tell you, when we got out of there, my grandpa could have gone the rest of his life without hearing that song and it would not have hurt his feelings in the least little bit. So now was time for daddy's revenge. I wanted a watch that had come out. It had Mickey Mouse and his hands went all the way around and the numbers were little flags of different countries and when you pushed the little button on the side of it, what would you hear? What else...Its a Small World. Well, I walk into my grandpa's house just as proud as a tiger with its first catch and play my watch. I think if looks are worth a million dollars, the look of dread on his face, was worth ten million. It was so funny.

Well, I think I'm gunna end with my book now and say goodnight. Its time for some dinner so I've gotta get to it. I love you grandpa. You're still my guy, and you always will be.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Todays thought...A rant about an ad. Now, I'm about to talk pro Bush again, so if you don't wish to hear my thoughts on it, check back in a couple of weeks for a new posting.

Ok, so I saw an ad on Google no doubt "Should Bush be Impeached". Now, I had to click on it because they were discussing issues about Bush "lying about Iraq, $3 gas prices and illegaly wiretapping Americans". Ok, now, here's my problem with this. Lets just take one issue at a time.

First off we have the lies about Iraq. Supposedly he lied about Iraq in order to invade. Supposedly he led us to believe that there were weapons of mass distruction to justify invading Iraq. Ok, now here's my thing on this. Saddam was proven to be connected with the terrorists that attacked us. They are saying that Bush broke the UN Charter and the Nuremberg Charter thus breaking the treaty with the UN. Now, what most people either don't know or just flat out refuse to see, those rules do not apply if you are attacked first by someone who is not following those rules. Lets break this down a little more laymens terms shall we? Ok, you and I set in a room. We have a written agreement that we will not hit eachother in the face, we will just slap eachothers hand. Now, after a while of slapping eachothers hands, I decide I'm going to hit you in the face. Are you going to just slap my hand? NO! Not anybody who has any self dignity. You're going to hit me back in the face. That is what we have here.

We could even go biblical with this subject. The bible says Turn the other Cheek. Ok. We did. We turned the other cheek when we got attacked in '93. We didn't do anything in '93 even though we were told that they would be back to finish the job and bring the towers down. We got attacked again and guess what, now both cheeks are red. What do you do then. Turn the other cheek and wait for them to make it bleed? NO! You take action. The bible says turn the other cheek but the bible doesn't say anything about being stupid and letting people stomp on us because we keep turning that cheek now does it?

And yes, maybe when we went in there we were lead to believe that there were weapons of mass destruction and there were none found. But guess what, we found the means to make those weapons of mass destruction. So then everyone gets all up in arms because just the means to make the weapons were found and not the actual weapons. WHAT!? Think about this logically, if you had a neighbor that had the means to make a bomb that he was going to put in your house, and you knew that he would build this bomb and put it there, would you rather get in there and get it out of there when it was just the materials, or would you wait until there was a bomb and then try to go in there and get it. Oh but wait, we don't know that he was going to use the materials to build these weapons. Hello! If you have all the materials on the table setting next to some step by step instructions labled "How to build a pipe bomb", what are you going to do with it? Oh, thats right, you're going to build an enema.

Next we go to the $3 gas. Ok, so the main thing about that is oh yeah, Bush has business connections to the oil industry and since he's making a profit off of it, they are raising the gas prices. Again I say...WHAT!? Where are you people from? Would you like to know the real reason the gas prices have gotten so high? Here's a thought, THERE'S NOT ENOUGH TO GO AROUND ANY MORE! Face it people, all around the world they use crude oil for energy, asphalt and thats right, conversion in to good old Gasoline and motor oil. Why do you think they keep coming out with hybrid vehicles. Not just for the air quality. I'm not saying that the oil is going to run out tomorrow, but lets face it, we've been depleting the worlds oil supply since it was discovered and the more things that are built that need oil to run, the faster its going to go.

Now we move on to illegaly wire tapping American citizens. Ok, no one has ever heard of Homeland Security? Come on? If you're not a terrorist, then its not going to matter if you are being "tapped" or not. The Men in Black are not going to come in your door if a conversation is overheard that you are a Democrat. The Presidents advisors are not going to post it on the news that Sally Somebody in Anywheretown Va commited adultry with the poolboy. They look for key words being said during a conversation and you're pretty well left alone. Do you think for one second that I care if the governement is watching me type this blog entry right now? No. I hope they let Bush see it so he can know that there are some good down home redneck supporters our there that are rooting for him and don't think he needs to be impeached.

Well anyway, thats my rant for the day. I think I'm done for now. In ending I say, use your heads people. Don't buy into the media about all of this. Bush is just a man doing his job to protect our society from people out there who want to tear it down for what we believe and how we live. With that, I bid you good night.


Monday, February 20, 2006

Todays update

Hey all. Just an update. I know its been like forever since I've blogged. Nothing major going on, just the same ole same ole. Saturn is doing great and Puck is walking now. Crazy huh? On that note, Lil Joker is standing up on his own now as well. Kids grow up so fast. Sniper Jr is about to be 3 in a couple of months. And Lil Floor is going to be going through her terrible 2's. It doesn't seem possible that just last week they weren't even walking yet. My cupboards get more and more full. And I have to admit, I love it. There's baby bottles here, sippy cups, baby spoons, as well as a change of clothes, and while Floor doesn't know it yet, the kids are about to get their own plates and bowls over here too. Gunna hit Wally World. Only going in there with $20. The $50 rule still applies to that place.

Saturn is coming home for about a week in a couple of months. I am so excited and cant wait to see her again. Its been almost a year since I've seen her and been able to hang out and just chill on the couch. On that note, I so need to get down to see My Munchkins mama and My Munchkin as well as her little brother. Pooh Bear and I are going to have to take a weekend and go see them. It's been almost 6 months since I've seen either one of them as well. At times I really hate living so far away from some of the people that mean the most to me. Seeing them is so few and far between. Not to discredit those who I do get to see on a normal basis at all don't get me wrong. I'm blessed that I get to see Floor, Sniper and the family as much as I do. I get to watch the kids grow up. Get to see some of their firsts, hear them talk, and watch them grow. I wouldn't change that for anything in the world. But on that note, for those close to me that I can't see on a normal basis, I miss the firsts and watch the kids grow up in pictures. I'm not complaining, I love the pictures, but sometimes I wish I could be there more to share the moments as well.

My mama is doing great. Her Cochlear Implant is developing more and more. She's hearing things like the fridge running, the coffee pot and the other night she heard the TV in the living room from the dining room. I'm so proud of my mama. She's doing so good.

Well, I guess thats about it for todays update on all. All is going pretty good on this end. Pooh Bear and I are doing great, loving the truck and enjoying eachother more and more every day. We are coming up on 4 years of marriage and I couldn't be happier. Well, I'm gunna get going now. More later.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Todays thought...Idiots and the weather.

Ok, so, this morning, I'm driving to work in a thunderstorm. Nothing major, it's not like the sky was falling. Well, ok, if you want to consider the rain falling in sheets as the sky falling, then it was, but COME ON! It was not the end of the world. It was a thunderstorm. Its like, people think that just because its raining, you can drive stupid? NO! That's the time when you need to slow down and look for standing water. And I mean there was hydroplaning everywhere. But if you drove under the speed limit, instead of insisting that you are invincible and still driving over the speed limit, then everyone might make it where ever they are going safely.

Now, I am by no means the best driver in the world, but, in saying that...I do believe that you should not drive stupid when its raining or when the weather is bad. You know, my daddy told me once that the posted speed limit on any road, is only for when the conditions are right. Think about that for just a second. When its a sunny day, and the road is dry and you are driving down a road that is posted 45, hell, drive 50. I do.

But when you're driving down that same road and you can see that someone unzipped the bottom of the cloud on you, don't go 45. Don't go 50. Drive sensibly. Do you honestly think that a cop is going to pull you over and give you a ticket for doing 10 miles under the speed limit when the weathers bad? Um, let me think about that...NO! First off, if its raining that hard, do you think he's even going to be able to see you? Nope. Radar might pick it up, but when it does, and reads that you're going 35 in a 45...what do you think is going through that cops head? I'll tell you, he's probably thinking "Glad I'm tryin to catch speeders instead of driving in this crap."

In saying earlier that I drive 50 in a 45mph zone, don't take that as saying that I do that on every road either. Sadly to say, as young as I am, I drive more like my daddy that even he does. I'm one of those drivers that piss you off because I drive 15mph in a 15mph zone, I believe in the hundred foot rule (refer to blinker blog), I believe in blinkers, and I try to keep atleast 1 carlink per 10 mph between me and the car in front of me so that if I have to, I can stop. I drive like this because I choose to. I opt to drive as if I have my niece and nephews in my car because I've been on both ends of a wreck. I've wrapped my car around a tree and I've been rear ended. And as interesting as those video games make it look, it's really not that fun.

Ok, so getting off my soap box about this, use your head. Don't fly down the interstate when there's standing water in rush hour traffic. Don't fly down a little back road when you're on your way to work. Be safe and use your head. Especially if the weather is bad. Give yourself plenty of time to get where you're going and help everyone to get there safe. And don't be in so much of a hurry to get somewhere. If you need groceries, the grocery store will still be there when you get there. The food will still be there. Unless they call for snow. Your bill companies all have slots in the door to pay your bills. And your favorite TV show will air again. Or you can just wait until the seasons over and buy it on DVD. Be careful and be safe. I guess that's about all for today. I'm gunna get going for now. My soap is recorded and waiting on me to hit play and watch.


Monday, January 09, 2006

Today's thought....Happy New Year

I know, I'm slightly delayed in my efforts this year. Been very busy. Christmas was great! Pooh Bear and I got each other a truck for Christmas. It is a beautiful F-150 and looks much like the one on the top of my web-page. Christmas was quiet. I'm very blessed to get along so well with my in-laws. My mama and daddy and lil bro went home for Christmas this year so Pooh Bear and I spent the night with his parents and woke up Christmas morning there and opened presents. It was great! We had so much fun and mom actually took me with her to meet her dad and put a Christmas tree on his grave site. It was very serene. I felt very honored to be there and included in this yearly tradition.

And now time to say good-bye to '05 and hello to '06. 2005 has been a very busy year. In February Oklahoma went into the hospital and was once again diagnosed with brain cancer. We knew at that point it was only a matter of time.

April 1st my mama went in and got her cochlear implant. It was very cool to find that a few weeks later after it had healed, they were able to activate it and she could hear. April 11th Pooh Bear and I spend an awesome 3 year anniversary and were able to spend some time with really good friends of ours up in the mountains. April 14th the news came. Oklahoma had passed away. I had so many mixed emotions about it. I mean, we had just found her not 14 months before after 35 years of looking, and had so little time to spend with her. On the other hand, my mama no longer has to wonder where she is. She knows.

May was good. So many birthdays, so many people turning a year older. On a lighter note though, my second nephew was born. Yep, if you remember from my previous blogs, Lil Joker was born on Memorial Day. With Floors birthday being the day after, she couldn't help but have an awesome birthday this year. It was so cool!

In July I was moved again at work. Sometimes I get frustrated at the constant change but at other times, I realize its good. Keeps me from getting bored. I once again had to say good-bye to my old team but I got to meet a new team. Let me tell you, I was as scared as a puppy in a thunderstorm, but it was great. I love my new team and my new boss is just awesome. What was I so worried about?

September was slightly busy with birthdays but nothing major to report, but October was busy. Bad Karma for cars month as in previous blogs, the hundred dollar wonder car (AKA Baby Tang) was rear ended. And that just about covers the year. Christmas like I said was quiet and nice and New Years was awesome. Got to spend my Christmas when my parents got home and got to be there with my lovedone's to watch the ball drop and toast with wine. And of course kiss Pooh Bear. Funny enough though, we were all in bed 10 minutes later.

All in all, I'd have to say it's been a pretty good year. Saturn and I have kept in constant contact and she will graduate sooner than realized. Which is awesome. The quicker she graduates, the quicker she'll be home. Puck is doing awesome and on the kids note, Lil Floor and Sniper Jr are doing great. Lil Joker is about to start crawling on his own any day now if he hasn't already and they are all doing great. And my Munchkin is doing great as well as her younger brother. I saw her for the first time in a while sadly. As easy as it is to pick up the phone and say hello to my Munchkins Mama, we live far enough away that it is so hard to get out there to see the family. My Muchkin is getting so big. I can't believe the transformation. Its hard for me to see her as a young lady instead of a little girl. I can't imagine how her mama must feel. She looks more and more like her mama every time I see her. Muchkin, when you read this, don't break too many hearts! You're really turning into a beautiful young lady. Keep doing good in school. You make everyone proud to know you and you have a smile like your mama's. You can light up any room you walk into. Love You Muchkin. Don't grow up too fast. Enjoy your childhood.

On that note, to all of my family and friends, you all know I'm only a phone call away. Hope everyone has a great '06. I'm Outty!