Sunday, August 03, 2003

Ok, Todays thought is about President Bush. My opinion is very strong about this so if you don't like the issue at hand...go back to Yahoo Games.

President Bush is a Redneck. And I love it. My husband is a Redneck and his whole family is that way, so in saying that, it is a compliment to Bush. His views on things are very simple, he has never talked down to the people and has always taken a stand for what is right. Not just what he believes, but what is right for the American people.

Take the 9/11 thing. President Bush put his foot down and told everyone out there - forget trying to help the symptems, we are going straight to the disease and taking it out. He is very straight forward about the issue and has a very "Big Brother" don't care if you are behind me or not attitude. That is what this country needs and was founded on.

And I just love it when the people out there say "Well what about the economy?". Well...what about it? You think the economy is bad? Honestly...when you walk into Wal-mart is it empty? No! People are still spending money. What people don't understand is 1. President Bush is only one man. He is not Super Man. And 2. It is not that easy being President when anything that you propose has to go through the House and Senate before it can be passed. Lastly what most people don't know is....the economy is not bad due to President Bush taking our money and spending it on the military. It is because since 9/11, people have been affraid to spend money. It has taken our confidence in ourselves as an American People and deminished it to a point that we are going to save as much money as we can just incase this happens again.

I heard someone out there recently say something about Bush when he was a Governer or whatever it was he was doing before he was President. Who cares?! What do you care what he did before he was in Office as President of the United States. What does it matter? What matters is what he is doing right now. As President. Are you going to set there and say something about Bush when everyone has atleast 1 skeleton in their closet? I know that everyone out there - whether you want to admit it or not, has a past. Everyone out there has been stupid and young. think that just because he's president he has to be perfect. HELLO!!!....the only way for that to happen would be for the savior himself to run for presidency. And even then I am sure that someone would have something to say about it.

And my opinion, I think President Bush is doing a hell of a job. I wouldn't want his job. Would you? People don't realize what goes into being a President. I have enough stress in my job and all I will willingly say about that is that I am a tellephone harrassment specialist (a collecter). Take a real hard look at the Presidents life right now. He is scrutinized for everything that someone see's and doesn't like. He is scrutinized for his daughters, for his homeland security - I mean hell, he would probably be scrutinized if he sat on the toilet sideways and someone saw it. He is a man. He does the best that he knows to do. And though you may not agree with's his job. If you don't like it that bad...YOU run for President. Then when you do something that someone else thinks is wrong, and you get scrutinized for it, you will know just how hard it really is.

And this is what I have to say about that.

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