Monday, August 04, 2003

Todays mama. I love my mama. I have written her poetry and all but there realy is no way to explain the bonds between a mother and a daughter like ours unless you have one.

All the time I hear people saying, "I have no idea what went wrong. When did my daughter stop talking to me?" Now as a daughter I can speak from experience, if your daughter is in her teens, just tough it out until she moves out on her own. I was a holy terror on my mama when I was a teen. I was a terror on my daddy too.. dont get me wrong, but it seems that my mama and I went from being right there tight to whatever for a little while. And when you are a teen, your mama is usually the last person you want to come hang out with. But, mothers, don't fear. Your daughters will come to you with the important things in life...IF you are open to talk to them about it.

I remember my friends used to come over just to talk to MY mom when they had problems becasue I had told them that I had talked to her about them. They honestly thought they could not go to their moms with their questions because they were affraid of what their mothers would say. Now to mom's out there everywhere...I warn you...If your daughter EVER comes home and asks you a question and you yell at her or scold her for asking that question...or in any way make them feel uncomfortable with asking that question...EVEN JUST ONCE...they will never come ask you anything like that again.

Make your daughters understand that you were a kid once too and that you made mistakes just like they do. It makes for a friendship down the line. Now dont get me wrong in saying that either. No matter what your daughter may tell you or say that can hurt your feelings on have to be a mom first. The friendship will come later on. My mama has always been a mama first and a friend last. I need that from her and would ask nothing less than that. Though your daughter may not appreciate it now if she is a teen, once she gets out on her own...she will. I promise you.

Again, let her know that you are there for her no matter what the problem. Many times I would ask my mama a question like "What does this mean...or why is that like that". A couple of times my mama had to gain her composure because when I just came out with a question like caught her a little off guard and she laughed hysterically at what had just come out of my mouth. Most of the questions were words that I did not know the meaning to....And boy the look on her face...If I'd had a camera.

After gaining her composure she would tell me what that meant...BUT...would also tell me that if she ever heard that word come out of my mouth again...I was going to get a bar of soap for dinner. However, with all of that said, she never got mad at me when I first asked the question...because I did not know what I was saying...hence going to her and asking her..."What does this mean?"

Now take a look at us. She is one of my best friends. Even still...we can talk about anything. And mind you...when I say anything...I mean anything! And to be completely the 7 years I have been out on my own...we probably have talked about everything. It is mainly because she took the time to talk to me when I was younger...and never got upset a the question...And boy did I ever come home with some dusey's. A couple of times she would have to tell me that she would have to get back to me after a minute...but would explain that it was only because she did not quite know how to answer the question at hand...and would need a second to think of the best way to explain it.

I am ending this blog entry with one last thought...Mothers - Be good to your daughters. It is not until you have a relationship like mine and my mama's that you can truely understand how the whole "Mother-Daughter thing" is supposed to work. Though you may have some trying times...and trust will...always let them know that you love them...and always support them in their decisions in life. Let them be who they are...knowing that even thought you dont agree with that is their decision. Let them be who they are...with them knowing, that nomatter who they are...or who they strive to be...they are still your daughter...and you will always love them just the same. To the mothers...ALWAYS!!!!! Be a mother first and a friend later. Your daughter will respect you for that later on...and ALWAYS!!!!! Take time to talk to your daughter, know who they are, and love them for that. And to the daughters out there...teens or not...Though it may not always show on the outside...your mother does love you. Cut her a little bit of slack. She just wants you to turn out alright. Trust in your mother and you can make it through anything.

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