Sunday, April 18, 2004

Todays though...More scrutiny for Bush lets look at the political side of me for today. I am very upset at what is going on right now with this whole 9/11 review. From what I can see...and I could be wrong on this, they are trying to see if Bush could have prevented this or not. Now with this entry I am going to voice my opinion very openly so if I offend anyone...that is not the intent. But I am going to let everyone who reads my bloggs know, just how I feel on this matter.

I do not think that Bush could have prevented this and I don't particularly care for the fact that they are trying to pin this on anyone except for the terrorists that did this. If anyone should be under scrutiny I think it should be Clinton. In 1993 when he was in office...and the Trade Centers were bombed the first time, it was brought to the attention of the American people by Osama that he would come back and finish the job. Now, unless that was just a rumor, started by the public, why didn't Clinton get off his democratic Butt and do something about it? He brushed off the threat as nothing, and took no action.

Now I would understand the reasoning that any kinds of acts toward anything or any types of decisions that are made must be passed by the house and the senate a while ago. But now, I don't buy it. Bush if I'm not mistaken did not make any attempt to get anything passed. He put his foot down and blatenly said, "I am the President of the United States of AMERICA. This is my home, my country and my people and let no one stand in my way because justice will be done." (Of coarse, those were not his exact words, but thats the brunt of it). He didn't wait for the house and the senate to beef out their differences. There was no time, something needed to be done and he took action and made it happen.

It has also been brought to my attention watching the news channels that the reason Bush is being questioned about this is because there was a threat, just after he came into office, that something would happen. So again, with him doing what he could, why are we now, after 4 years, trying to put blame on someone other than the terrorists. And further more, if Bush is being questioned for not taking action on a threat, why isn't Clinton being questioned for not taking action on a threat. Why didn't Clinton put his foot down to put a stop to this when it happened the first time. Why didn't he do anything to prevent this from happening again.

Now again, this is just my opinion on what I do know or have heard. I am not in the white house, nor am I a senator, or a house representative. I do not claim to know everything about this matter. I am simply an American citizen using my 1st Amendment right that says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the FREEDOM OF SPEACH, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

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