Sunday, April 11, 2004

Todays thought...Happy Easter

Today is a special day for me. Though it is Easter Sunday...already a day to rejoice...It is also mine and my Pooh Bears anniversary. 2 yrs ago today we got married. It was a Thursday I will never forget.

It couldn't have been more perfect. In my mama and daddy's back yard. I may have blogged about this previously but it is a story I love to tell. The first time I got married I was 16 and it was in a court house. Never really a chance for my daddy to walk me down the aisle, or a chance for my mama to help get me ready. Well after my divorce and upon meeting my Pooh Bear, when he heard that I had not had a real wedding, he vowed that this time I would.

When he asked me to marry him...we sat down and talked about what kind of wedding we both wanted. I told him that I had always wanted a small wedding on horseback. He told me at that point he knew there was a reason he'd fallen in love with me. Everything went right. He asked my daddy for my hand in marriage (Something very special for my daddy I'm sure) and we set a date. I was so happy. My family loved him and I knew it was right this time.

Our wedding was awesome to say the least. So why don't we start with the night before and get this story correct.

My Pooh Bear actually had to work on the 10th. He worked 3rd shift and his plan was to get off early, get home, get some sleep and be at my mama and daddy's house about 12:00pm on the 11th for the wedding. The wedding was supposed to take place at 3:00pm. So...since he was working...and the story goes...its bad luck for the groom to see the bride on the wedding day...I spent the night at my mama and daddys. My grandparents were down for the wedding and they were there so there was not a whole lot of room.

I did not have much of a bachelorette party but I didn't want much of one anyway. I think it was one of the best times I ever had. My Floor came to the house and we had Koegels hotdogs and Macaroni and Cheese. It was so cool. Then, it wedding day

We got up in the morning as one of my other bridesmaids showed up for the "Big Day". She and Floor went to a little shop to get their outfits for the wedding. Everyone there, if they were in or there at my wedding was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. My bridesmaids all had black jeans and green shirts and my Pooh Bears groomsmen were in black jeans and white shirts. And they were all in cowboy hats.

As they went on their way to get some black jeans, my mama and I went to a little craft store to get the veil material for my cowboy hat and went to a local store to get the wedding cake. We got back to the house to get it ready for the ceremony. Sure enough, my Pooh Bear was late. He didn't get there until about 1:30. There was still plenty of time so it didn't matter. My bridesmaids had started arriving and I was at the barn, getting my red roan appaloosa Patience, ready for the wedding. We had gotten some little purple and white roses to go in her mane and tail (Which for the record...she was not happy at all with the braided "fru-fru" stuff in her mane and tail)

I had brushed her out, got her ready and saddled her up, waiting the time. My Pooh Bear had snuck to the side of the house while getting the trellas ready with purple and white roses for the ceremony so that I could get into the house and wait for the start. All of my bridesmaids were down in the living room with me while waiting.

You know they say that it is good luck for the groom to be late to the wedding. Well, he got his, but what does it mean when the preacher is late? It boils down to a miscommunication. The preacher thought we said the wedding was at 3:30, so he got there at 3:30. However, as I said, it was supposed to be at 3. Then, if nothing else could go wrong...they couldn't find the marriage license. And then here's little unbenonced me, setting in the livingroom just clueless, waiting for someone to come and get me to get the thing started. was finally time. After long anticipation I went out front, climbed in the saddle and my daddy walked beside me and got to walk me down the aisle. We proceded in our vows. In the midst of all of this and unfortunately you can see this in the video of when it takes place, I had managed to somehow get a hair in my mouth. I almost made it all the way through the vows until it came to "I now pronounce and wife...You may now kiss the bride." So in my video you can see me taking my hand to my mouth and wiping this hair off my toung and onto my jeans.

The reception went great and to beat all, the rain that was moving through the area seemed to hold off until after the ceremony. You could see all of this grey in the sky and then right where we were, there was this hole in the clouds where God was smiling on us and giving us his blessing with this massive ray of sunshine. The reception was great and sure as I am setting here today, after everyone had left, the sky let loose and the rain came. It literally poored. It looked like someone had just unzipped the cloud above us and just let it fall.

I guess I end this note with a few words to my Pooh Bear. When you read this, I love you with all of my heart and do not care who knows it. Thank you so much for being you (Even when you make me mad) and for letting me have my way with my daddy walking me down the aisle and my mama helping me with everything. I know you tell me that you didn't LET me do anything and that I did all of it on my own, but none of it would have been done if you hadn't been the man you are and fell in love with me. Happy Anniversary baby. And may we be blessed with so many more to come.

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