Sunday, November 30, 2003


Ok, so anyone who reads this knows that my Floor is like my sister. She is just awesome and as I have said, it is a friendship that started out as a threat and has since moved into where it is now. She is pregnant again and she is just as tickled as ever. Of course I can't wait, she's my floor, you know I'm ready. My pooh bear told her the other day that it is a girl. Funny enough, my daddy said it was going to be a girl as well and he told her that Sniper Jr was going to be a boy before she found out about that.

I said in a previous entry that she is moving home from out of state. We all thought it would be after Christmas but it has since moved to 5 days from today. I am sure she is busy packing and all. I cannot wait until she comes home. As I have also previously said, I am going to cry for sure for a moment when she arrives. Hopefully I can get together with her over the weekend and see how my nephew is doing. I haven't seen him in about 6 months. Well, floor... I dedicate then next few entries to you. I am going to get on here every day and give a countdown to arrival.

Stay tuned to Floors Homecoming '03.

Friday, November 21, 2003

Todays thought...Funny statements

Have you ever looked at the TV Guide channel and you will see a show that begins with "The" or "I" and then when it gets to just a half an hour left of the show and there is no more room for the rest of the title on the guide and you just see the words "The" or "I"

To quote my Floor --- Well actually her honey Sniper --- How did Webster know the definitions to all of those words when he wrote the first dictionary? To quote my Readers Digest Magazine - November Issue '03 - - Before we begin cloning, there is one question we have to ask ourselves. If you push your naked clone off of a high rise building, would you be: committing suicide...murder...or making an obscene clone fall

Or you have the ever favorable to also quote my Readers Digest Magazine --- If you arrest a mime - do you still have to tell him he has the right to remain silent? Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway? Why does your feet smell and your nose run? If you choke a smurf...what color does he turn?

Lastly if you notice when there is a weather warning on the TV - It usually says "High damaging winds...Hail...and Dangerous lightening. - What is that?! Have you ever seen lightening that was not dangerous? I mean really...think about it..."Hey George, lets go golfing, this lightening doesn't look dangerous!" DUHHHH!!!!

And that's what I have to say for tonight.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Todays thought...Does God hear me?

Last Sunday my mama and daddy were getting on a jet in California - Southwest Airlines (Highest safety record of all companies out there). I wasn't crazy about the entire thing to begin with but they had made it out there ok and well...surely they would make it home fine.

See, the last time they went to California...they were delayed leaving, delayed when they got to the middle point and a lady died on the plane forcing them to land once again before arriving to their destination.

This time, they got there fine (Nobody died) but when they were coming home...something told me to pray for a safe return. So, about 15 minutes before the flight was supposed to take off...I said a prayer "God, please allow my mama and daddy a safe return home with no problems."

I said that and looked on the net at the web site to find that their flight had been delayed. I jump off the net immediately to find a voicemail on my phone that my mama said "They have found a mechanical problem with the right wing and we had to unboard the plane and they are having to bring a new one in for us to come home on."

I about died. I could not believe that they were on the plane, and it could have taken off, and they found a mechanical problem with the wing that could have proven fatal. They got home fine, about an hour after they were supposed to, but they got home. I found out later that the mechanical problem with the wing was an actual crack in the wing.

If they had actually taken off, my mama and daddy would not be here today. Which goes to prove 2 things. 1 - Southwest continues on their safety record with accidents...and 2 - God definitely hears me.

Friday, November 07, 2003

Today's thought...Simply an update.

Going through some of my previous entries I figured I would give some updates.

The law-suit against my friend Saturn is going to be settled by her insurance company...I finally found a person who takes her relationship with her daughter the way that I do with my mama...I still think President Bush is a hell of a man...I'm still mad about the no Honey at McDonalds thing...My munchkins mama is doing much better...My nightly TV routine has just been demolished because the channel that was playing Voyager screwed everything up by taking it off the air (I am very upset about that mind you)...God is still a major part of my life - in the best way...And I am still way totaly stoked that my Floor is coming home.

My pooh bear picks at me because I am always talking about my Floor and never about the rest of her family Sniper and Sniper Jr...but I can't help it. I love my Floor to death and just cant wait till I can give her a big old hug and cry because she is home. She doesn't know it yet (Well until she reads this anyway) that the first thing on her agenda when she gets home is to come over and watch "The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer" on DVD with me. It's a long story. We got on a total Rose Red kick a while back and our husbands were in a competition as to who was going to get Floor and I the best Rose Red stuff. Sniper went out and bought Floor the book then my Pooh Bear had to outdo Sniper and bought it for me in hard then Sniper went out and had to outdo my Pooh Bear by buying Floor Rose Red on DVD. Ahhh men can be so funny sometimes.

Work is good for me. I love my supervisor...he is so funny and just an all around good guy. The rest of my team is awesome. My supervisor's assistant (Columbia) as well as my partner (Clarksville) are both trying hard to keep me in check and both have some of the greatest attitudes. They will make you laugh so hard. They treaded lightly the first couple of weeks as to not offend me with things they say...but when they realized that I was not the type of person to get offended easily...if at all...I got to see the real side of them. They are both crazy and pick on me unmercifully...And I would not have it any other way.

Well its time for me to retire to my bed. I'll go with a good note, that all is well for the most part on this end.

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Ok...Today's thought does not really have a point...just a bone to pick with McDonalds.

I go to McDonalds and get me some Chicken McNuggets with some Honey for the dipping sauce. I have done that my entire life. Much to my suprize...there was no Honey.

Then, I find out that the McDonalds here are no longer serving Honey period. I changed my order and the man asked did I still want the nuggets.


I was just completely baffled by all of this and did not understand what was going on. I put this to all of you out there...if you still have Honey for your McNuggets, treasure it. Because I now have to bring my own Honey into the store to get my McNuggets.