Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Todays thought...The Marble of Death (And an update on Sniper Jr) let me just start with my weekend. Saturday my mama, Pooh Bear and I go to a horse fair that we participate in every year. Recently since my Pooh Bear came into my life, we've been going and something seems to always happen. Well this year was no different.

At the horse fair, a rather large storm comes from the horizon. We can all see it is going to hit us where we are. My mama and I decide to go sitdown instead of standing out there under a huge 20' by 40' tent supported by steel bars. Pooh Bear though is a sucker for storms. He loves to watch them. No sooner do my mama and I set down to watch the event, the lights flicker.

I looked over to her and she goes "Don't go there!" I said, "You saw it didn't you?" and she procedes to say "Don't go there with me." (A little history into that, it rains every year when we go to the horse fair and the second year we went, while eating, there was a tornado pass over head.) So anyway we hear the most aweful howling really loud and then you hear crashing and banging. I stand up and turn around and the tent is gone. I look at my mama and screamed "Holy S#&*! The tent's gone!" Then it hits me. Pooh Bear is still under the tent.

So I procede to literally crawl and climb over people trying to see the action because I didn't know how or ever where my Pooh Bear was. I get to the door to find him holding one of the steel poles holding the tent up. I realize at this time that it is lightening all over the place and a thought of "Oh Great! Lets tempt fate here. Am I negitively charged...or positively charged?" At any rate, upon coming in the building he procedes to tell me that he (As my daddy put it ... quite well I might add) went parasailing. He was attempting to keep the stell rods holding the tent up from going one way into an 8 year old girl and the other way from going through the plate glass doors in the entrance of the building when a massive down burst hit. He said that at one point he was picked up and carried about 6' in the air and was debating whether or not to hang on or let go. He hung on and was ok thankfully. I told him that he was not allowed to come with my mama and I to another outing like this. Of corse I didn't me it, he's my Pooh Bear, I love it when he's there.

So...(Oh yeah, it gets better) We get home to find that something is wrong with our hot water in our place. We had hot water, but now water pressure. So we decide to wait until Sunday before calling. The maintinance crew leader had determined that though we had no water pressure, we still had hot water and it would have to wait. I could understand as he was right...we had hot water...just no pressure. So they log a ticket for me and they come out Tuesday. They blew the lines out and sure enough that was all they needed. We had hot water pressure again...Or so we thought. By the time we got home, there was less hot water pressure than the night before and more cold water pressure that we had ever had.

Well, needless to say we called maintinance to get up here and fix it right away. We had not had a WARM shower in 3 days. So they came back out today. They decided from what they found that they would just try replacing the hot water heater all together. Upon doing that, they of corse blew the lines out again to make sure that nothing else was clogging the lines. When they went to blow out the lines this time however they could not get anything to move one way or the other.

They took my piping off and disconnected it to find that a marble had gotten lodged in my piping. A MARBLE! And oddly enough, its smaller than a normal marble. Just perfect to fit into the pipe connections and stop the flow. From what they could tell, the marble had traveled all the way from the main line at the road to my hot water connection. Maintinance then told me that what happened yesterday, was when they blew the lines out, they knocked it loose, sent it back down the line a little ways, but not out completely and then when we used the hot water again, it got lodged back in there. Hence todays thought...The Marble of Death

I end my blog with one final thought to Sniper Jr. A little over a month under 1, he took his first steps. He is walking all by himself now. With no help! Floor called me today and told me that he walked 15 steps today. A new record for Sniper Jr and a wonderful time for Floor. Congratulations to ya little man! You're growing up so fast. Try not to give your mommy to hard a time. To Floor...Honey, bless you child. You're going to need it! It's all over when they start to walk! But you now I love ya and you can call any time you need anything.

Friday, March 19, 2004

Todays thought...babies

I went with my Floor this morning to her doctors appt. I got to hear Lil' Floors heart beat. It was so awesome. I got to be there when we found out that Lil' Floor was a girl too. As I was there for Sniper Jr. It was so awesome and I just loved it.

It got me to thinking about just how small Sniper Jr was and how big he has gotten in just under a year. He is standing on his own and walking on his own now and is just so active. He's eating "Big people" food and is just as happy as ever. You just can't imagine unless you have a child, just how fast they can grow up.

My daddy was helping me enroll in a retirement plan the other night and it was just amazing that it seems like only yesterday he was helping me with homework. It almost made me cry at the thought that kids really do grow up so fast. It's not as easy as you'd think as a teenager to be an adult. I remember telling my daddy that I was upset because I was out on my own, had a mail box, and didn't have anything in it for a little while. He laughed and told me to wait until I was complaining because all I got was bills in my mail box. Well boy was he right! Seems like every day there's another bill for something else.

I guess the final thought for today, cherrish your children if you have them and cherish your parents, because life is way too short!

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Todays thought...commercials

Have you ever noticed that some commercials make you wonder how much time someone really has on their hands? But then it makes you wonder...How much time do we have on our hands to be setting in front of the tv watching those commercials. I think now I will share a couple of my favorites with you.

My favorites right now is the Honda commercial when they have the vehicles and their owners and the made them to look alike. Another of my favorites is a Snickers commercial. Actually there are 2. The most recent commercial is a father and son at a ball park. You hear the father go "Peanuts!" and the vendor throws him some peanuts. Again "Peanuts!" from the father and the vendor throws more at him. Then you hear "Peanuts! Peanuts! Peanuts!" and you see the vendor just hurling peanuts at the father. While all of this is going on you just see peanut shells flying everywhere. Finally the vendor throws the man a Snickers bar and you hear "Want some peanuts...grab a Snickers" As it pans back you see the son setting there under a mound of peanut shells and all you can see is his baseball mit and the father says "Enjoying the game son?" and he looks down, see's his son covered in shells and goes "Excuse me...down in son can't see". The first time I saw that I rolled.

Another Snickers commercial from back in the day a minute is showing a little bald headed man standing in the mirror and he's grunting and making this aweful face. All of a sudden you hear this doink and a little hair pops up on his head. He grins big as ever and you hear him grunting again. Then of course you hear "Hungry? Why wait...grab a Snickers." Then in the darkness of the commercial screan you hear doink.....doink, doink, doink,doink and when it pans out you see the little man looking in the mirror with a unibrow. I about died when I saw that commercial.

I think the best commercial here lately I've seen thought is a commercial that comes with a story on it. You see a farmer pick up a fancy ladies shoe with a pitch fork just looking at it. Next you see a pair of pink underwear flying and hitting a big rig on the windshield and he is using his wiperblades to try and get them off of his windshield. Then you see a frilly shirt lying on the side of the road. Next you see a long horn bull with a bra on one of his horns. Then you hear "You can bet...on your family vacation...if it can go most likely will" and it shows a little boy in the back seat throwing his mom's things out the car window. Then you hear "Stay at LaQuinta Inns".

I laughed so hard with that because it reminded me of a story my aunt had told me. They were on vacation and my 3 cousins (All boys) were in the back seat of the car. My aunt told me that she kept seeing this white blur going down the side of the car out the side mirror but couldn't figure out what it was. It wasn't until she saw it and looked back that she'd realized that all 3 of my cousins had taken their socks and shoes off and were throwing them out the window just amazed watching them go down the side of the window. Needless to say, they all 3 got new socks and shoes when getting to their destination.

Well...thats about it. My final thought for the day...Love the commercials. Its ok. If you see it and love it, don't hesitate to call you friend and laugh out loud. They are funny as all get out and I've got to hand it to the people who have too much time on their hands. I tip my hat to you and I love seeing every one of them.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Todays thought...Religion in every day life...I believe in it! If this is a touchy subject with you then I would suggest you close this window RIGHT NOW!

I just received an e-mail today It is showing that an athiest is trying to get religion off of our airwaves. She has a hearing in front of the FCC with a petition. She already got the show Touched By an Angel off the air because they used the word God in like every episode. Now she is trying to get it to where our children cannot even sing Christmas Carols or particpate in Christmas activities in our own schools. Its bad enought that she stopped prayer in schools now this! When will it stop!?

Well, here's my take on it. GET OVER IT!!! IF YOU DON'T LIKE WATCHING CHURCH THINGS ON TV ON SUNDAY MORNING THEN TURN THEM OFF!!! I personally can't stand Howard Stern or Rush Limbaugh. So guess what! I DON'T WATCH THEM!!! I have 400+ channels so you know what!? That means that there are 399 of them that I can watch besides the one that has either one of them on at the time. It's not like I'm going to start a petition to get the show off the air just because I don't like it!

This just infuriates me! Someone started at mass e-mail petition to stop this and I hope and pray that if you get it, you will sign it and fwd it. This has got to stop people. Since when did this country become so politically correct that you can't even sing Christmas Carols?


Monday, March 08, 2004

Todays thought...Finding Family

My mama has been on a very strong search for her sister whom I am going to call (Oklahoma from now on). All my mama has known for so many years is that Oklahoma had left when my mama was 12, and she had never seen her again. Many nights I can remember, my mama and I cried. I tried to console her as the questions of whether or not Oklahoma was dead or alive or where and how she was plagued her mind.

When I was old enough to help, I attempted in assisting with my mama's search to find Oklahoma. I called Maury Povich, Oprah, Montel Williams, Big Hugs, US Search and just about everything short of calling Unsolved Mysteries and hiring a private investigator.

With every type of utilities though we kept hitting the same brick wall. No Social Security Number.

Alas ... the break we were needing. My mama actually came across Oklahoma's social. Long story short, we were able to use the information to find Oklahoma. Having the information then opened a ton of new questions. "Did Oklahoma want to be found - Would she even talk to my mama if we called or hang up - If she had an e-mail and she opened it, would she delete it - If my mama sent a letter, would she keep it and call or throw it away." So many questions. How to procede.

Looking this Sunday March 7th 2004 on the internet to see if Oklahoma had an e-mail I set my mama down and told her, "This is your break. This is what you have been waiting for ever since I can remember. Just bite the bullit and call her." Of course (You know I love you mama) but she was chicken. Then I told her "So, I'll call her and get the foot in the door. What's the worst that can happen? ... She'll hang up. Atleast then you know she's alive." She looked at me with a scared to death perplexed "Shoud I do it or nor" look. She took a deep breath and said "Go get your dad's calling card."

I ran out side and got the card and came back in. I was scared to death. I was so nervouse to the thought of talking to a practical legend in my mama's eyes that she had not seen in 35 years. My heart was pounding so fast and I was shaking so bad I could hardly dial her number.

The phone rang once ... twice ... and once more before a machine picked up that said the called party has a system that allows them to be on the internet and the phone at the same time ... please stand by as your call is connected. I came so close to hanging up the phone. The phone rang again ... twice ... and it picked up. A younger woman answered the phone. It was Oklahoma's daughter-in-law. I asked for Oklahoma. She asked who I was. I told her my name and she asked what I was selling. It did not dawn on me at that point that I was using the calling card and it was coming up with a city and state and number that was not ours. I told her at that point that I was not selling anything actually and that I thought I was Oklahoma's neice.

I heard the conversation between the two of them when she took Oklahoma the phone. She told Oklahoma that her neice was on the phone. "My neice!?" I heard her say "I don't have a neice!". She answered the phone and I asked for her by name. I told her who I was and the instant the words "I think I am your neice" came out of my mouth, and my mama realized that I was actually talking to Oklahoma ... Something she had been longing for for years ... she started to cry. There was an almost awkward silence on the other line and I proceded to tell Oklahoma who I was, and who my mama was.

Scared to death of whether or not she would be estatic that I was calling, or upset, I prepared myself for the worst. To my benefit ... she was estatic. She was so happy. I heard her say to her daughter-in-law "MY SISTER ... SHE HAS A DAUGHTER ... I'M TALKING TO MY SISTERS DAUGHTER!!" Just between ya'll and me, I would not have traded that moment for anything in the world. She asked me "Well baby, where are you at?" I told her where I was and told her that I was at my mama's house and that she had been wanting to talk to her for a long time. I was so releived whe she asked "Well, where is she? Can I talk to her?" I put her on the phone with my mama and they talked for about an hour. Talking about how life had treated them, marriages, children, family and so on.

I told my mama last night ... Next on the agenda ... Family reunion.

Todays thought goes out to my mama and Oklahoma. Mama I love you dearly and would go to the ends of the earth with you. Your my heart and just remember, if ever you feel chicken, just give me a call. I got enough brass for the both of us. To Oklahoma, I'm so happy we found you. You will never know the joy that just knowing that you are ok has brought into mine and my mama's hearts. If you ever get a mass e-mail some day from someone who is looking for their long lost aunt who was last known to be in West Virginia, just delete it. I already found you. I can not wait to meet you and your beautiful family and cannot wait for you to meet my mama's family. I await that day and until then ... just know that my mama would have NEVER stopped looking and I would have been there, right by her side until you were found.