Monday, May 31, 2004

Todays thought...The weather.

Last night in my region was a terrible night. We've had nights like this before as well. Pooh Bear and I had to pack up my girls and head to Saturn's place who lives nextdoor. Massive thunderstorms came through and begun to tear up every place in its path. There was tornado after tornado. It reminded me of last year in March when this happened before.

We had a major storm system come through and were up all night. Last March we came about 45 miles to my mama and daddys house to make sure they were ok and we went to Pooh's best friends house (Mr2) to make sure he was ok. Now, Mr2 lived in a trailer, so at 3 am in the morning, we knocked on his door and brought him back to our place.

We'd known that there was another line of storms coming back through again, but what we didn't know, was that we were going to drive through it. On the way back to our place we side swiped another tornado ripping through. We were in a brand new car and at one point I just knew that we weren't going to make it. Thanks to my Pooh's reactions and driving skills, we arived just fine. Getting back to last night, it was much of the same.

Watching the news they were doing their regular warnings and showing the doppler radar. The storm line was still about 30 miles from the county we live in but the meteorologist told us that we needed to take the tornado watches as a tornado warning. At that time our tornado sirens went off so Pooh Bear, Mr2 and I packed my cats Booby and Baby Girl in duffel bags to get to Saturn's, put Hershey in her crate and headed over.

Saturn was at work and I called her to let her know we were on our way. She has a safer place than we do. She told us that she would be on her way when she got off work. So it really started to come down by the time she did get home. I called her and she told me that if it got bad, she would stop at a local restaurant and get in the cooler. She did make it to her place.

So, here's me hiding in her laundry room with my cats, and then Saturn and Pooh Bear are setting there watching it come through. That's just not my thing I guess. I finally came out of hiding and sat in the livingroom with Saturn until it had passed. Then we packed up and left.

I end this blog with the condolences to those who lost family members. 9 died in this aweful line of storms. May you all keep the silver lining and the end of the rainbow in sight. Keep your chin up and know all of those who love and care for you are there for you in your time of need. All you need to do is ask.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Todays thought...The cell dogs program

If you are not aware of it let me just tell you, there is a program out there about cell dogs. It is a show on Animal Planet and it is about jails and prisons that use the inmates to train dogs. Hence the name of the show "Cell Dogs".

It is an extremely educational show. I love the thought of it and it makes me feel good to know that we are about to have this program in our area soon. I will not disclose my exact area as I am not sure that this is exactly public information yet...though I do know that it is not exactly privelaged either. The county/city will take abandoned and abused dogs and use them for the cell dogs program.

In the program these dogs are trained to be adopted out by the inmates. They are trained basic obedience as well as temperment tested and loved by these hard core inmates. For whatever reason they are in there, it kinda makes ya feel good to know that they are almost getting a second chance to build a relationship with someone other than another inmate.

In closing today I will just go ahead and quote my mama on this. If you watch the show, you should notice, that the dogs come in all shapes, sizes, colors and situations...As do all of the inmates that assist them. Maybe we can all learn something from this program.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

An addendum to todays thought...Driving a manual.

They say that once you learn how to drive a manual transmission you will never go back to an automatic. Well let me tell you how true that is. I've had a manual 5 speed transmission on every vehicle I've owned except for this one and my first one. Which of course when you're 16 yrs old, and don't know how to drive a manual. But once I actually got the hang of it...I was hooked. And in that let me tell you...I get the oddest looks from salesmen at the dlrships when I go to purchase a vehicle and I tell them that I want a 5 speed. Of course because I'm a woman and want a manual.

My Pooh Bear and I are currently owners of a '92 Ford Tempo. We call it our $100 wonder car because we bought it off of a good friend (MR2) for $100. It is an automatic trany. I miss my manual. Today I had to actually go pick up MR2 at work because his other vehicle broke down. He has a little Ford Escort and it is a 5 speed. I'll tell you what...After not driving one for over a year I realized tonight just how much I miss it. And I'll tell you another thing. It's like riding a bike. Though you may be a little rusty on it, once you learn, you never forget.

This blog entry addendum is my ode to the 5 speed transmission. I miss you old friend. But fear not, my next vehicle, with all luck, will be a 5 speed and we can once again be reunited. For it is as I have said before....You will never get the full potential of enjoyment out of your vehicle unless it is a 5 speed. Take my word on it.
Todays thought...getting older.

Yesterday was my birthday. I will not disclose my exact age at this time. I almost cried at the thought of getting older. I took a week off work for myself and have had a great time setting home doing nothing.

Then it made me think. Back when I was younger, the thought of getting out of the house and partying was a great idea to me. But as I've gotten older, it has been more enjoying for me to stay at home than to go out. Of course my Pooh Bear wanted to carry me out but he got off work way too late. But it was an absolutely wonderful day for me. Infact..To be completely honest...I didn't even get out of my pj's. It was a good day.

My week off has been just as good. I've been getting some much needed laundry done and things around the house that need to be done. And I don't know about anybody else...but it's easier for me to get things done when no one else is here. Don't get me wrong. Pooh Bear and I share the load around here but I like to get things cleaned and reorganized when I'm here alone.

But back to the thought of today...getting older is just one of those things. I guess with life you have age. And wisdome. I get told I have a little bit more wisdome than others my age but I think that is because I've experienced more in the years that I have been alive than most people will experience in a lifetime. But it just goes with the flow of things.

I guess Gump's mom was right. Life is like a box of chocholates. You never really do know what your going to get. Like a bad poker game. You can keep your poker face on but you never know then hand you'll be dealt, until it is there in front of you. Then of course, the ever faithful choice, to ride it out or fold. Including a couple of bluffs along the way. Well everyone out there, when your birthday rolls around this year or even if it already has, just keep in mind...Keep that poker face on, don't let your guard down, don't ever show anyone your hand, bluff if you have to, ride it out. And no matter what you do, or don't do...Don't fold.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Todays thought...My loves

I've done enough blogs about my pet pieves. So now, lets talk about a couple websites that can give me what I love. I now invite you into the mind of a mid 20's child. Scared?!? You should be....

Of main love is my family and my loving husband (Mind you...this includes all of my animals). One of my other main loves is Killer Whales and Manatees. Also known as Orca's and Sea Cows. My entire livingroom is Killer Whales. Infact I got sick one morning and when I woke up in my floor the paramedics around me asked me if I liked Killer Whales. You definitely notice it when you come in my house. I have found a website that can give me my daily dose of Orcas. It's and the website is amazing. If you have streaming video capabilities, get onto the main site, go to Shamu Cam and set back and watch. They have 2 camera feeds in the main tank in San Diego Ca that runs live feed from 9am to 5:30pm Pacific time and from 5:30 to 9 the next morning they replay the feedback from the day. I love it and I love to get on the website.

The other thing that I love is miniature things. I have an infatuation with mini things. I have mini TY's, miniature dice, I just ordered my miniature Dominos on line and I have mini playing cards, mini Uno, mini Connect Four and anything else moderately priced that I can get my hands on that is mini, I will probably try and aquire. Which brings us to the other website. Its a company called Biffleys and they deal with games of all sizes. I got my dice from there and that is where I just ordered my dominos. Its at

I close my blog entry with a look at one of my food loves. Mac and Cheese. I am an avid fan and eat a lot of Kraft Delux. I love the stuff and again, eat it all the time. Infact, I'm going to go make some now. Later.