Thursday, May 06, 2004

Todays thought...My loves

I've done enough blogs about my pet pieves. So now, lets talk about a couple websites that can give me what I love. I now invite you into the mind of a mid 20's child. Scared?!? You should be....

Of main love is my family and my loving husband (Mind you...this includes all of my animals). One of my other main loves is Killer Whales and Manatees. Also known as Orca's and Sea Cows. My entire livingroom is Killer Whales. Infact I got sick one morning and when I woke up in my floor the paramedics around me asked me if I liked Killer Whales. You definitely notice it when you come in my house. I have found a website that can give me my daily dose of Orcas. It's and the website is amazing. If you have streaming video capabilities, get onto the main site, go to Shamu Cam and set back and watch. They have 2 camera feeds in the main tank in San Diego Ca that runs live feed from 9am to 5:30pm Pacific time and from 5:30 to 9 the next morning they replay the feedback from the day. I love it and I love to get on the website.

The other thing that I love is miniature things. I have an infatuation with mini things. I have mini TY's, miniature dice, I just ordered my miniature Dominos on line and I have mini playing cards, mini Uno, mini Connect Four and anything else moderately priced that I can get my hands on that is mini, I will probably try and aquire. Which brings us to the other website. Its a company called Biffleys and they deal with games of all sizes. I got my dice from there and that is where I just ordered my dominos. Its at

I close my blog entry with a look at one of my food loves. Mac and Cheese. I am an avid fan and eat a lot of Kraft Delux. I love the stuff and again, eat it all the time. Infact, I'm going to go make some now. Later.

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