Thursday, May 20, 2004

An addendum to todays thought...Driving a manual.

They say that once you learn how to drive a manual transmission you will never go back to an automatic. Well let me tell you how true that is. I've had a manual 5 speed transmission on every vehicle I've owned except for this one and my first one. Which of course when you're 16 yrs old, and don't know how to drive a manual. But once I actually got the hang of it...I was hooked. And in that let me tell you...I get the oddest looks from salesmen at the dlrships when I go to purchase a vehicle and I tell them that I want a 5 speed. Of course because I'm a woman and want a manual.

My Pooh Bear and I are currently owners of a '92 Ford Tempo. We call it our $100 wonder car because we bought it off of a good friend (MR2) for $100. It is an automatic trany. I miss my manual. Today I had to actually go pick up MR2 at work because his other vehicle broke down. He has a little Ford Escort and it is a 5 speed. I'll tell you what...After not driving one for over a year I realized tonight just how much I miss it. And I'll tell you another thing. It's like riding a bike. Though you may be a little rusty on it, once you learn, you never forget.

This blog entry addendum is my ode to the 5 speed transmission. I miss you old friend. But fear not, my next vehicle, with all luck, will be a 5 speed and we can once again be reunited. For it is as I have said before....You will never get the full potential of enjoyment out of your vehicle unless it is a 5 speed. Take my word on it.

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