Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ok so the one thing I've feared since my husband started working telecommunications happened today. He was climbing a pole and the ladder wasn't set right and it slung him off of it when he was about 14' up. He fell hard and landed on his side. He says he's alright but you know how it is to be a guy, he's not going to get checked out unless he's hurting in the morning. UGH! I love the man but I swear he can drive me insane sometimes! Ah marriage! Now I set here with a killer head ache worrying about him. Life is good. LoL! What else can I say?

And really, what would I say anyway? He's here. He didn't fall from 32' up and he's definitely still alive. So long as he doesn't have anything internal going on, we'll be good. Pray that there's nothing internal. But that's it for now. Gonna read my new Iris Johansen book that just came in the mail today! Woo hoo! I love her work. Old, new, romance, mystery, it don't matter. They're all good! Later folkses!


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