Sunday, September 28, 2003

Todays nobody will look at you with out cash, credit card or a checking acct.

First Pooh Bear entered into a contest to win $25,000 or a brand new GMC Envoy. They called my house the other day and told us that we had been selected and being a finalist in this contest...we had won 4 round trip air fair tickets to a few places estimated value of $3,000. I was so excited. She said that all we had to do was to come in and listen to a 90 minute presentation and in that time they would let us know if we had won the money or vehicle...Here comes the catch. We had to have a checking acct or a credit card in our name. It was a time share. Pissed me off. Then they tell me that the only reason for that was so that we could prove that we could pay for the taxes of the money or the vehicle. I knew what it was though.

Instance 2...last night. My dog got sick. I needed to get her to a vet. The only ones open on a Saturday night are the emergency vets. I called 6 different ones in my area all with the same answer. First just let me say, it is $75 just for my Hershey to be seen. That does not include any tests they have to run to find out what is going on with her and why she is sick. Everyone of them told me..."You have to come in with whatever amount of money that it is going to cost to get her seen and run the tests."

I live paycheck to paycheck. I get paid twice a month. I did not have the $75 much less what it was going to cost me to get the tests run to find out what is wrong with her. I had called everyone that could help me that wasn't so far away that they would have to Western Union me the money. No one could help.

So now what?! I have to let my girl suffer until I can get her to her normal vet who will set up some kind of arrangement with me that I can get this done.

I just think that it is pretty shitty for the people out there like me that don't have a checking acct, or credit card, or the money to just pay out that much. Why is there no help for my animals? I guess the people that make these policies just think that the lower middle class people to lower class people don't love their animals enough to have the money just hanging around.

It makes you ask the question...where is the help for our animals? Where are they when we need them to work on our animals?...They are stuck so far up their own ass worrying about the money...that they cannot look past it to help an animal in need. They have an emergency room for the people that don't have insurance...why not for the animals?

My question in this...When is it going to be our turn? When are they going to have the help for my babies when they need it. When are they going to realize that there is no price on an animals health...but that any price is going to have to come in time when you don't have it just lying around? When are they going to realize that the love of an animal from someone who doesn't have the means to get the help in an emergency like that is just the same if not more...than the love of someone who has it to blow?

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Todays entry is just a thoght that I have. My opinion...not intended to offend...but my opinion...This was sent to me in an e-mail and I have copied it and will post it on my web-site...

Will we still be the Country of choice and still be America if we continue to make the changes forced on us by the people from other countries that came to live in America because it is the Country of Choice???????? Think about it........

All I have to say is, when will they do something about MY RIGHTS? I celebrate Christmas, but because it isn't celebrated by everyone, we can no longer say Merry Christmas. Now it has to be Season's Greetings. It's not Christmas vacation, it's Winter Break. Isn't it amazing how this winter break ALWAYS occurs over the Christmas holiday?? We've gone so far the other way, bent over backwards to not offend anyone, that I am now being offended. But it seems that no one has a problem with that.

This says it all!

After hearing that the state of Florida changed its opinion and let a Muslim woman have her picture on her driver's license with her face covered this is an editorial written by an American citizen, published in a Tampa newspaper. He did quite a job; didn't he? Read on, please!

IMMIGRANTS, NOT AMERICANS, MUST ADAPT. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Americans. However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the "politically correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others.

I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to America. Our population is almost entirely made up of descendants of immigrants. However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand. This idea of America being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Americans, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.

We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!

"In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.

If Stars and Stripes offend you, or you don't like Uncle Sam, then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. This is OUR COUNTRY, our land, and our lifestyle. Our First Amendment gives every! citizen the right to express his opinion and we will allow you every opportunity to do so. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about our flag, our pledge, our national motto, or our way of life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great American freedom, THE RIGHT TO LEAVE.

Do not read this and think of me as racist in any way. I am very much the opposite, but I do agree with this thought and have to give props to the author of this piece.

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Todays thought...getting back in the saddle.

This is a little story about something that happened to me in my past. When I was 16, I got married. To keep my little brother from having to ride the bus to school I would pick him up in the mornings.

One morning I wanted to get him some donuts. I stopped at the store, got the donuts and headed on my way. The little side road that I traveled had just been paved. I was 17 and just a kid in my senior year in high school and young and stupid. I was going around a corner on the road and the morning dews had just brought up the new oils on the road. The tail end of my car broke loose and I panicked. To make it worse there was another vehicle in the oncoming lane.

To avoid hitting him I jerked the wheel to the right and hit the brakes. I went off the shoulder (or lack there of) of the road. My car went down in the ditch and to pull my self back up I jerked the wheel to the left. I had over corrected. I started in a flat spin and centripical force took over.

I had done a complete 360 and was on my way around for another one. A tree stopped my spin. I had come out of the full spin, on my way back around and hit the tree with the back of the car. I hit it with such force that my car was quite literally picked up off the ground and catapulted, with me in it, across the street.

I very likely should not have made it out of that car accident. By all rights, I should have been dead. But not only did I make it out of the car accident...I walked away from it.

My car was totalled of corse. My windsheild imploded and was in the front seat with me. My spare tire exploded on impact and the tow truck operator told me that my gas can was so compacted that if the gas inside of it had ignited from scraping on the pavement, it would have blown my car sky high. And lastly I hit the tree so hard that my tail light was permanently imbedded in the tree. It would still be there today if the tree had not been cut down to make way for a new driveway.

It took me a long time to get back behind the wheel of a car. That is partly due to my ex not letting me drive until the accident was off of my record enough that I could be insured. (He was a control freak, hence the ex --- but that is another blog entry all in its own).

The point in this, I did get behind the wheel again. As well as everytime I fall off my horse, I get right back up. I know it can be scary to do what you have to after something like that...but you just have to do it. Remember, keep your chin up, and get back in that saddle.

Friday, September 19, 2003

Todays thought...this sue happy world. I know...I know...again with another blog about that. But this time it involves my friend Saturn.

She was told that she is being sued by someone in her home state for an accident that happened over 2 years ago that though she was not directly effected in this accident she was supposedly the cause of an accident due to a chain reaction.

Trying to make a left hand turn into a driveway she put on her blinker 200 yards before the turn in. (Hold the phones and call the press...someone who knows the purpose of the blinker and follows the 100 foot rule)...Anyway, the person behind her was not paying attention so to avoid hitting her, he pulled around her and caused an accident including 4 vehicles.

She was given a ticket for causing the thing when she was not the one to cause it and further hired a lawyer and got the ticket thrown out...because it wasn't her fault. Stupid cop I guess. (Dont take that wrong because my brother in law is a cop...and he is NOT stupid). On the court date for this ticket, the third party involved (The one trying to sue right now) showed up in the court room. Now mind you this was an entire month after the accident. After the lawyer talked to her, she left the room before the case was even discussed.

....Now keep in mind in all of this that I have not fore mentioned yet...the third party trying to sue was not even driving in this whole thing. Her mother was. Further more...when she got out of the vehicle she made a point to everyone to make sure that all knew...she was not injured at all and she was ok....

So now...after all of everything and more than 2 years, she is trying to sue my friend...for injuries. Now let me just tell all of you out there that do not know, my little brother was in an accident that was his fault. He ran a stop sign and t-boned someone in a tow truck. The truck rolled and ofcorse the driver was taken to the hospital. The truck driver was truely injured in all of this. Federal Law gave that driver 1 year to file a lawsuit. 1 YEAR!!!! This is more than 2 years! And to top that...not only was she not driving...SHE WASN'T EVEN HURT!!!!

Now I say to you...don't you think that after 2 years, hell, after 1 year that if you really had any injuries, you would have taken this to court already? This would not even stand up in the Peoples Court, Judge Joe Brown, or Texas Justice. Why? It's been too long! And more than wasn't Saturns fault.

I will keep postings about in the fateful words of one of my favorite shows...stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Todays pet pieves. This may take a while so get the cold drink and the popcorn ready to read.

Pet Pieve 1.) Blinkers....Why doesn't anyone know what a bliker is any more? Or the 100 ft rule any more. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's when you are turning in somewhere and you give your blinker (Uh oh, there's that B word again) 100 ft before the turn to let the person behind you know that you are turning. And no I am not talking about those people that creep up on the turn or driveway because they are affraid the driveway is going to run away before they get there. That is another pet peive but we'll just have to leave that to another blog entry.

I was cut off one time by a guy with a brand new Lexus. You would have thought that a bliker was an option on his car instead of a standard feature the way he was driving. He happened to pull into the gas station where I stopped to get cigarettes. He was in front of me in line and I politely said to him..."Boy, that is a really nice Lexus. If you don't mind my asking how much did you pay for it?" He told me that he had spent well into the 60's for it. I tilted my head and said "Man did you get jilted". He looked at me with this perplexed look on his face and said "Really? Why do you say that?" I told him "Because I would never have paid that much for a car that the blinker does not work". Ofcorse he stormed out of the store madder than ever...but you know what, when he pulled out of the store, he used his blinker.

If you ever came to my town and drove for just a week, you would feel the way I do (If you know how to drive that is). That you need to register your car as a lethal weapon. Because they sure drive them that way.

Pet Peive 2.) This one stems from an issue that my Floor is going through right now and I tend to agree with her. (Hope you don't mind Floor). Her baby needs to see a doctor ofcorse for follow ups and shots and vaccinations and so on. She is trying hard to get him on medicaid or medicare or something that she can take my nephew for a visit to the doctor as he is just a little baby, just under 5 mon's old.

Now you would think that for a mother, it would be easy for her to get some kind of insurance for her baby. Hell, you see people every day that don't work and just set on their butts and don't even try that can get medical ins through the state at the drop of a hat (to quote my Floor)...but when it comes to her, a working mother trying to make it...she has to jump through hoops. Dont get me wrong in that though...daddy is in the picture but he has to go through 9 weeks of training unpaid to get his job...Thats a long time with no insurance for a I am sure you mama's and daddy's know.

So why does my Floor have to jump through hoops to get ins for her baby --- my nephew --- when "Sarah" down the street can quit her job, go into the unemployment office and get unemployment pay, wic, ins and whatever she needs for her baby. And why is she unemployed? Because she doesn't want to work.

I'm sure my Floor doesn't want to work. I am sure that she would love to stay home with her baby. But atleast she can say that she is much stronger than that and that she is a much better person because she's not lazy.

Pet Peive 3.) I cannot stand the way people can be so twofaced. It just kills me. They will talk about someone behind their backs and "Oh, I'm not going to talk to her because she did this...or I'm not going to help her now because she did this" and when it comes down to it, face to face with that person...they talk to them or help them and are just as sweet as a sugar cane. Watch you back for these people because they will drive a knife through it quicker than you can blink.

As I said, these are just a few of my pet peives. The worst of them too. I will get going though with a last thought of --- Always use your blinker and the 100 ft rule --- Be strong like my Floor and maybe one day nobody will have to jump through hoops to get ins for their baby --- And don't be two faced. As I have said in previous entries...If you have a problem...let that person know about it instead of talking about them behind their backs.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Todays people are so superficial

I went to lunch today and watched the people around me. There was so much he said she said shit in the entire resteraunt. And then it kills me that people have to have the best clothes and the best jewelry.

Now I am not going to set here and contradict myself in saying that I don't like my things. But my clothes are Wal-Mart and I am not affraid of Sterling Silver or Cubic Zirconia. I have told everyone around me that it does not matter what you hear...If I did not tell you to your face first...then I didn't say it.

It kills me that I am out of high school in the real world and feel like I'm still in high school. I guess some things never change.

Everyone wants to talk to someone else about someone that they are having an issue with and then they wonder why the other person doesn't talk to them. Well why don't you got talk to that person in someplace quiet where no one else can hear you and get your issues out in the open? Get them taken care of. You will build more meaningful realationships further down the line.

And no jumping to conclusions either. I am just as guilty as the next person. Take just here recently. My best friend my munchkins mama didn't call for a while and I thought for sure that she was mad because when I tried to call her I could not get through. I thought for sure that I had done something and could not figure out what it was. She called me after about a month and it turns out that her phone was messed up and she thought I was mad at her.

People, the point to all of is too short to listen to the he said she said bullshit in life and to form your life around some popularity contest. GROW UP!!! WE AREN'T IN HIGHSCHOOL ANY MORE!!! I don't associate myself with these people unless absolutely neccessary and it is very brief. I'm not in high school any more and don't have time it.

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Todays thought...past lives. Touchy subject I know...but you know...just my thought on it.

Have you ever had that feeling of dejavu? Something that you know you have never done before yet it feels strangely familiar. Or in my case, are you with someone that you can just tell you have found eachother and been with eachother through all of time? Soul mates. Or have a friend that you can just tell that you have been friends through time?

There has to be the possibility. If you have never seen What Dreams May will not understand this. But if you have...all I ask is that you concider the possibility...that the very end of the true. My pooh my soul mate. I can look into his eyes and know that we have been together since the beginning of time. That no matter what era or time we were in, we have been together. Since the beginning.

This is just my thought on it and I just ask that people not be so close minded about this and concider the possibility.

Friday, September 12, 2003

My thought today...friends

It is true what they say. You can count your true friends on one hand. I have 4. Well...5 if you include my mama. And all of them have been with me through everything.

First you have my munchkins mama. She and I have been friends for well into 8 years. We went to highschool together and she was there with me through my very messy divorce from my loser of an ex. Her little munchkin is the whole world to me. We've had our issues, don't get me wrong. For a little while we didn't talk and I feared that I would never get my relationship back...but we did.

Next you have my flower child. She is the type of person to brighten up any room she walks into. Even if she has had a bad day. I did not see her for 6 years after I left highschool...then one day she walked into Subway and we talked and haven't stopped yet.

Next is my Floor. Mentioned previously in my blog entries...she is one of my closest. We met when she was working with my husband and came to me and explained that she was flirtatious by nature and if she ever said anything to my husband while I was there not to take it with a grain of salt because that is just how she was. I told her then that she could flirt if she wanted but if she touched him I'd kill her. (Now ladies...we all know...thats not being jeleous. We are just being territorial.) She was the only one at my bachelorette party and we ate hotdogs and mac. I was there with her when her son was born. One of the most amazing things I have ever experienced. She moved away...but we are very much still in touch.

Lastly, you have Saturn. She is the newest one I have kinda taken under my wing so to speak. She is like a little sister to me and has cried many times on my shoulder as I have hers. She found out I was in the hospital one time and came all the way up there then tried to find me when I was discharged. She is having a hard time right now and though I know I can help her through this...I have more confidence than anything that she would do the same for me.

This mind you does not in any way disclude the people in my life that I hold very dear. I love each and every one of them too. You know who you are.

Cherrish your friends. They will be there for you when you least expect it.

Sunday, September 07, 2003

My thought today...TV.

Everybody that has a tv in their house watches it. Whether you want to admit it or know you do. Have you ever noticed though that when you want to watch TV...theres nothing on?

Now I have a normal routine here. On the weeknights its The Simpsons, King of the Hill, the Disney Channel, then Voyager at 11. I am a very avid Voyager fan. But then you hit the weekend. There is nothing on.

You know how it watch the Preview Channel to see what is on...then after going through it for about the third time you either just settle on somthing, do something else, or find yourself watching the adds that come on above the guide.

Then you think...OK...need to get more channels. Get better cable or a satelite dish. Then you do that only to find that instead of it taking you 15 minutes to find out there is nothing on the TV, it takes you an hour.

The point of this...ADULTS!!! WE NEED TO GET OUT MORE!!!! Remember when we were kids and our parents would tell us to go outside and play instead of sitting in front of the TV because it was a pretty day? We need to take our parents advice and go outside and play on a pretty day.

Now if everyone will excuse me...its a pretty day...and I am going outside to play.