Sunday, September 07, 2003

My thought today...TV.

Everybody that has a tv in their house watches it. Whether you want to admit it or know you do. Have you ever noticed though that when you want to watch TV...theres nothing on?

Now I have a normal routine here. On the weeknights its The Simpsons, King of the Hill, the Disney Channel, then Voyager at 11. I am a very avid Voyager fan. But then you hit the weekend. There is nothing on.

You know how it watch the Preview Channel to see what is on...then after going through it for about the third time you either just settle on somthing, do something else, or find yourself watching the adds that come on above the guide.

Then you think...OK...need to get more channels. Get better cable or a satelite dish. Then you do that only to find that instead of it taking you 15 minutes to find out there is nothing on the TV, it takes you an hour.

The point of this...ADULTS!!! WE NEED TO GET OUT MORE!!!! Remember when we were kids and our parents would tell us to go outside and play instead of sitting in front of the TV because it was a pretty day? We need to take our parents advice and go outside and play on a pretty day.

Now if everyone will excuse me...its a pretty day...and I am going outside to play.

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