Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Todays pet pieves. This may take a while so get the cold drink and the popcorn ready to read.

Pet Pieve 1.) Blinkers....Why doesn't anyone know what a bliker is any more? Or the 100 ft rule any more. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's when you are turning in somewhere and you give your blinker (Uh oh, there's that B word again) 100 ft before the turn to let the person behind you know that you are turning. And no I am not talking about those people that creep up on the turn or driveway because they are affraid the driveway is going to run away before they get there. That is another pet peive but we'll just have to leave that to another blog entry.

I was cut off one time by a guy with a brand new Lexus. You would have thought that a bliker was an option on his car instead of a standard feature the way he was driving. He happened to pull into the gas station where I stopped to get cigarettes. He was in front of me in line and I politely said to him..."Boy, that is a really nice Lexus. If you don't mind my asking how much did you pay for it?" He told me that he had spent well into the 60's for it. I tilted my head and said "Man did you get jilted". He looked at me with this perplexed look on his face and said "Really? Why do you say that?" I told him "Because I would never have paid that much for a car that the blinker does not work". Ofcorse he stormed out of the store madder than ever...but you know what, when he pulled out of the store, he used his blinker.

If you ever came to my town and drove for just a week, you would feel the way I do (If you know how to drive that is). That you need to register your car as a lethal weapon. Because they sure drive them that way.

Pet Peive 2.) This one stems from an issue that my Floor is going through right now and I tend to agree with her. (Hope you don't mind Floor). Her baby needs to see a doctor ofcorse for follow ups and shots and vaccinations and so on. She is trying hard to get him on medicaid or medicare or something that she can take my nephew for a visit to the doctor as he is just a little baby, just under 5 mon's old.

Now you would think that for a mother, it would be easy for her to get some kind of insurance for her baby. Hell, you see people every day that don't work and just set on their butts and don't even try that can get medical ins through the state at the drop of a hat (to quote my Floor)...but when it comes to her, a working mother trying to make it...she has to jump through hoops. Dont get me wrong in that though...daddy is in the picture but he has to go through 9 weeks of training unpaid to get his job...Thats a long time with no insurance for a I am sure you mama's and daddy's know.

So why does my Floor have to jump through hoops to get ins for her baby --- my nephew --- when "Sarah" down the street can quit her job, go into the unemployment office and get unemployment pay, wic, ins and whatever she needs for her baby. And why is she unemployed? Because she doesn't want to work.

I'm sure my Floor doesn't want to work. I am sure that she would love to stay home with her baby. But atleast she can say that she is much stronger than that and that she is a much better person because she's not lazy.

Pet Peive 3.) I cannot stand the way people can be so twofaced. It just kills me. They will talk about someone behind their backs and "Oh, I'm not going to talk to her because she did this...or I'm not going to help her now because she did this" and when it comes down to it, face to face with that person...they talk to them or help them and are just as sweet as a sugar cane. Watch you back for these people because they will drive a knife through it quicker than you can blink.

As I said, these are just a few of my pet peives. The worst of them too. I will get going though with a last thought of --- Always use your blinker and the 100 ft rule --- Be strong like my Floor and maybe one day nobody will have to jump through hoops to get ins for their baby --- And don't be two faced. As I have said in previous entries...If you have a problem...let that person know about it instead of talking about them behind their backs.

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