Wednesday, June 01, 2011

So, my blog is going to turn into a weight loss expedition for a bit. My husband and I were talking and if I'm going to get the car I want, I need to be able to fit in it. And at current, it can't happen. So, I'm going to start this and log my progress. My plan is to start eating breakfast in the morning for starters, drink more water and starting out, 30 minutes of Wii Tennis.

So this is me, June 1. I do NOT put pictures of myself on the internet anywhere so sorry folks. You'll have to take me as I write. I'm 5'2", 198 and in size 20 jeans. I was a size 3 prior to my husband and I getting married but I do not want to get that small again. I wasn't healthy at all. But if I can get back into a 10, I will be really happy. I'm hoping that by writing this down I'll be motivated to keep doing it.

I'm not stupid enough to believe this will be a quick fix and that this will be anything but hard and that I'll have to be consistent. It will definitely be a lifestyle change and hopefully by July 1, I will weigh less. :)

Thus starts my endeavour!

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