Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Boy, talk about not blogging for a bit. So much has happened since the last blog I've barely had time to even think about things. Where do I even begin? Well, first off on Saturday the 19th, they throw me in the hospital for my pregnancy. Being high risk SUCKS! So I get to the hospital and they decide that I need to stay in there because they need to monitor me and blah blah blah. So this is Saturday. By Monday my doctor comes in and picks on me that he can't go on vacation for a week and I wind up in the hospital. LoL!

So he proceeds to inform me that I'm most likely gonna be in the hospital until my daughter is born and it's going to be 2-3 weeks and she will be c-section because I'm toxic and they will most likely have to take her early. So they pump me full of steroids so that it can speed up the growth of my daughters lungs/kidneys, you know, just in case she is born early. Well of course then the steroids raises my blood sugar where I already have issues with gestational diabetes. So now I'm on a diabetic diet.

Now the whole time I'm in the hospital, for breakfast, every morning, all I want is some freakin Cheerio's. You wouldn't think it would be that hard. But I would call in every morning and ask for Cheerio's, and every morning, they would send me Special K. So by Thursday, I've been in the hospital for 6 days, the dietitian comes around and I express my extreme distaste for the fact that all I wanted was freakin Cherrio's and I had yet to get them. So she promises me that she will make sure that I have Cherrio's for Friday morning breakfast.

So Friday rolls around. The 25th. My mama's birthday. The first thing I think of when I wake up is actually that I need to make sure I call her and wish her a happy birthday. Well they get my blood pressure that moring, and it's high. SO they talk about the fact that they need to talk to the doctor and get an ultrasound done and what not because I'm toxic and everything else. SO they give me my breakfast. Guess what I get... CHEERIO'S! I'm so freakin happy because I've finally gotten my Cheerio's! Well I start getting my breakfast ready to eat, pour in the milk, take one spoonful of cereal, put it to my mouth, nurse runs in; "Don't eat! You can't eat! They're probably going to do a C-section later, you can't have any food in your stomach!" Now I'm pissed! I'm pregnant, and I've been fighting for days to get one bowl of the right freaking cereal and I finally get it and I can't have it!? Then realization hits. WHAT!? Did you just say C-section today!? My baby is going to be!? She can't be born today. I'm only 30 weeks! It's too soon! She's too early! This can't be happening!

Truth be told the rest of the day was a complete blur to me. This cereal incident happened at around 9:30 and she was born at 3:47. Happy birthday grandma, ready or not, your granddaughter is here. The spinal for the c-section hurt worse than anything honestly because they had such a small area to work with but I didn't feel much after it was done. They showed me my beautiful baby girl then they whisked her away to the NICU. She is doing remarkably well for being born early. Everyone in the NICU tells me my little girl is very feisty. It makes me smile to know she's a fighter. She's so beautiful.

I'm home now. She's going to be in the hospital for a bit. They are thinking they will have to keep her until around her original due date in the end of November, I'm hoping she'll be home before that. It's up to her and how quickly she gains weight. She's small for a 30 week baby anyway, but she's doing great and gaining a little bit every day. She's in great hands in the best NICU in the state, so I can't ask for more than that. I just hope and pray that she's home soon. I can't wait to bring my little angel home with me. Well anyway, that's what's going on at the moment in my world. I will definitely update as she she gets stronger and gets to come home. Until then...later folkses.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

So, I figure since today, September 17, is not just the 17th, but is Constitution Day (i.e. The constitution was signed today in 1787 by the Constitutional Convention) I would touch a bit on the constitution and what parts of it are important to me, and why I feel the way I do. I am going to break down part by part and what it means to me. We'll see where it goes from there.

We'll start with the second Article of the constitution - The Executive Branch. The part of this that I'm talking about is Section 1 where it states:
Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States"

This brings me to a couple of amendment points that I would like to discuss and things that I wouldn't mind putting out there. As you go through the Constitution you should be aware of the Amendments and what they stand for. Most of them giving rights to the people. Article 5 of the Constitution speaks directly about Amendments and how they are ratified into the constitution and what not. It states in the Article that no Amendment made prior to 1808 shall in any manner affect the First and the Fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article (Section 4 discussing the time and place for election holding and Section 9 discussing taxing on Migration or Importation of goods into the country as well as Titles of Nobility granted by the US.) and that no State, without its Consent; shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

That being said I would like to look at Amendment 1 of the Constitution. Freedom of Religion, Press and Expression. This Amendment was Ratified Dec 15, 1791. It says Congress shall make NO LAW respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.Now, what does that mean to me? Put simply...there is NOTHING WRONG with offending anyone! I should not be censored at Christmas time because I'm a Christian and my neighbor is Muslim! WHEN DID AMERICAN CITIZENS BECOME THE MINORITY!!!!!!!!???????? WHY IS IT THAT WE AS AMERICAN CITIZENS LET THE RIGHT WING GOVERNMENT TELL US WHAT WE CAN OR CANNOT SAY!?

Now lets look at Amendment 2 of the Constitution. Our Right to Bear Arms. This Amendment was also Ratified Dec 15, 1791. It says A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed! SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!! This one is SO IMPORTANT! Why is it that our government wants to take that right away from us? This was put into place so that the people, American people, could defend themselves against the government! This was originally put into place because when we as America made ourselves a nation away from the old world and the old government, they wanted to make sure that they were not put in a position such as in the old world where the kings and government were the ONLY ONES ALLOWED TO CARRY SWORDS/WEAPONS. This principal basis of this Amendment was to give the people the power! Imagine that! What the constitution was created for! What does this mean to me? It means to me that everyone is entitled to their opinions on the matter but the bottom line is simple, this is our right, and it was put into affect for a reason. Why is the president trying to take this right away from us? Isn't it noted in the Constitution and did I quote that he took an oath before entering into this presidency that he would PROTECT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION! All of it! Not just the parts that he deems fit! ALL OF IT! You CANNOT PROTECT AND DEFEND OUR RIGHTS IF YOU ARE TRYING TO TAKE AWAY THE SECOND AMENDMENT!

Lastly lets talk about Amendment 10 of the Constitution. Powers of the States and the People. This Amendment was too Ratified Dec 15, 1791. It states The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people. In layman's terms says that these things not mentioned in the Constitution should be taken care of by the people. Put simply, POWER TO THE PEOPLE! The government was designed to take care of our rights and our freedoms. I know I've touched recently on this National Health Care plan. So why don't we keep going with that one.

Now what's being suggested if you look past the earmarks and the amendments and addendums and look at the bottom line of this health care initiative is to make it more affordable for those who don't have insurance. Okay? Does anyone know what the government run health care basis is in England? The same England that we distanced ourselves from when this constitution came out so that we as America could become and INDEPENDENT country. It states that they will do things cost effectively period. No problem. Except the fact that if it's not cost effective then they won't use it. As in the statement that's been made and believed by people in some governing countries that senior citizens need to simply deal with being senior citizens and are not worth "wasting funds on". Really!? I wonder what the guy will be thinking about when he turns 55 and becomes a senior citizen himself. Heaven forbid he should get sick with anything that he might need treatment for. Will it be okay at that point to shrug him off and tell him its just too bad that he's over 55. It's not cost effective to treat him for what ails him. That's what government health care is all about. And you know, I have to ask the big question...Why in sam HELL is the president putting his two cents into health care? You tell me WHERE in the Constitution it talks about government health care. You won't find it! And do you know why!? BECAUSE PUT SIMPLY, IT BELONGS IN THE HAND OF THE PEOPLE!!!

We need to get back to (And to steal from the presidents own vocabulary that he likes to use a lot) the FUNDAMENTAL BASICS of which this country was founded on! Like "In GOD we trust", that's a good one. What ever happened to that one? Oh, that's right. The Politically Correct crowd said it might offend someone. Oh but wait, isn't it the job of the president to PROTECT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES!? To quote my husband here, What ever happened to the government that was By the People and For the People! Not By the Politicians and For the Deep Pockets! We need to remember what makes this country great people! Freedom! I leave you with this in thought. Try not to forget the words in the Gettysburg Address by our great past President, Abraham Lincoln.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Ok so I have to tell you about my day today. I went to the doctors office and my blood pressure is still elevated. It's not dangerously high like it's been being, but it's still been elevated. They also got me set up with a nutritionist that is supposed to get everything approved from the insurance company and then come out to my house for my gestational diabetes. UGH! Thank goodness for my doctors office though. I love everyone in that office! Especially my nurse. I'll call her M. ;-) She gets so tickled when she hears my daughters heartbeat and she knows me by first name...or by trouble. I'm known quite well in that office as both with as much as I've been through! LoL!

So after leaving the doctors office I was to go home. So I stopped at Publix and got a small booklet to keep my blood pressure Journal and while there I saw a little elephant made by Russ. It's a part of their "Shining Star" collection. I just thought it was totally cute, and since I'm doing my daughters room in elephants I had to have it. So I get it, put it in the cart and tell my husband we need to go ahead and pick it up...not really giving him much choice in the matter. As he is walking around the store I actually go back out to my truck because I'd been on my feet a lot today and I was really tired. So I waited as he shopped. Well we didn't realize when I picked it up how expensive it was. It was just a stuffed elephant. I mean, how expensive could it be right? Well my husband comes out of the store and tells me it was like $13 for this little elephant. Well of course I didn't expect him to actually pick it up knowing it was that expensive, but he did. Well I just got to looking at the tag and it occurs to me just now, why it was so expensive.

Shining Stars is actually a part of the International Star Registry. Apparently when we purchased our little elephant friend for her today, we actually purchased a star for her as well. I get to go online shortly to this website, register and name the elephant and then I get to name a star for my daughter. How cool is that!? I'm so excited! Anyway, I just had to put a note on here about that.

Lastly I have to put a quick shout out to you Swayze fans. We lost a great man today. But I have to say, anyone battling Pancreatic Cancer as long as he did, he is definitely in a better place now. God called for one of his dancing angels today and he definitely got a good one with Patrick. You'll be missed.

Later all!!!! ~ME~

Friday, September 11, 2009

Today I will write in remembrance. 8 years ago today seems long ago and yet, just a breath away at times.

My husband and I weren't married yet. We lived in Nashville Tn at the time and I worked for a home health agency. He worked nights at a Waffle House so he'd come in after getting off at 7, wake me up, I'd get ready for work and be out the door by 8 so I could be to work by 8:30, give or take with traffic. The morning started in it's usual rush with me getting up after hitting the snooze several hundred times. We didn't take time to turn the television on or anything, we just rushed out the door. We only had one vehicle at the time and if he had anything to do during the day while I was at work, he'd drop me off at work and take the truck.

Anyway, we piled quickly into the truck and down the road we went. My normal morning routine was to of course channel surf through the radio stations to find something on. We lived close to I-440 and we would take it to the west side of Nashville to the building that I worked in. We jumped on I-440 and in the time it took us to get there I'd resigned to listening to anything but talk because out of all of my stations, that was all that was on, admittedly not listening to what the talk was about, just hearing the talk and changing the station. I clicked on a local rock station 107.5 The River and decided I'd leave it there because I was in the mood for that type of music. It wasn't until my husband and I stopped to listen to what was going on that we heard the news. The first jet at this time had just struck the North Trade Center Tower.

I remember looking at my husband just completely in awe at the tragedy that had just befallen New York City. A plane had just crashed into one of the hugest icons in the country. My husband looked at me and I will never forget the look in his eyes when he said "This is a terrorist attack." I stared at him for a moment and shook my head in disbelief. This was a tragedy. How could this be a terrorist attack? Who would do it? It was that moment that the second plane crashed into the South Tower. I remember we were just getting on the ramp to hit I-440 from I-65 and I took a deep breath, looked back at him and said "Oh my God. You're right. This is a terrorist attack." I remember my first thought was to call my mama. Granted, she didn't live anywhere near New York City, but I had to call her. My husband and at I at the time didn't have the first access to cell phones at the time and there were quite a few questions. Was I going to be at work? Would they keep us working that day or send us home because of this aggressive and unjust attack on our great nation?

He drops me off at work where I'm told, true enough this tragedy has happened but working for home health, people still need their care and medicine. So I run back out and let my husband know, we do have a responsibility to our patients but that I would be getting off at normal time and we'd go from there. At work there was no real conversation. Everyone was in awe and everyone at their desks listening to their radio's or upstairs gathered around the only television we had in the building. Now at work, realizing my work phone was not to be used for personal calls and not really caring, I called my mama at work to talk to her. She said that at their job they were too all gathered around the television but that everything was okay. My next line of business was to call my daddy. He was at home and I knew it was a big chance that he would actually answer the phone because mom had said he'd worked the night before. He worked nights at the time all the time then. I tried anyway and of course, got the answering machine. Shortly, I too was plugged into my radio, not doing too much with my patient load except waiting for them to call in and talk to me as thankfully at the time, my patient load was pretty small.

I had been at work a short bit over an hour when the first tower fell. I heard it on the radio and immediately called my mama again. She said that she'd seen it on the television there at work. She worked odd hours going in at like 4 in the morning to stock inventory but she got off at noon and I knew in a couple of hours she'd be on her way home. I called the local restaurant and talked to my husband. We talked for a few minutes and he told me that he'd called and talked to his mom and dad, and of course, with them living locally we knew they'd be alright, but still we wanted to check.

The rest of the day in all honesty was a complete and utter blur. I think I talked to all of about 3 patients the entire day, one of which I remember lived in DC and actually got through on the phone to talk to me. When it was all said and done 5 o'clock took SO LONG to get there but by the time it did, I was so ready to see my husband and just go home and hold him for the rest of the night. All that mattered the whole day was just being with him and how much I loved him. We ordered in pizza that night for dinner and we did just that. I will never forget falling asleep in his arms that night, feeling terrible for the people that were going through everything like that, but so thankful that we lived in Nashville and not New York.

This was a day that made the nation angry at the injustices of a world that we live in for the sheer fact of how we believe. It's so hard for me to write about this even now without crying and thinking about the things that we take for granted every day. A long time ago I remember being at a church function and looking across the table at my aunt who was in absolute tears while they did the National Anthem. And I was just a kid. It didn't make any sense to me that anyone would cry over something as simple as the National Anthem. I now cry too almost every time I hear the National Anthem because of what it stands for. The tragedy in itself caused an uproar of patriotism in the country that in my opinion should have been there all along. We as a people need to remember what makes this country great! Freedom. Don't take it for granted. Because we are the only nation in this world that has it.

Today's blog is in remembrance of those who died on September 11, 2001. The men and woman, the fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers and friends. The police men, the fire fighters, the people just doing their jobs that day, the hero's that had no idea what they were in for waking up that morning and getting ready for just another day at work. To the people that died in New York, as well as DC and Pennsylvania. The brave people who refused to let the plane be taken over and died fighting for it. To the people that lived and are able to go on every day and remember what happened and live with that patriotism, and share it along the way.

We will NEVER forget.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Today may be a bit of a long post, I've got a bit that I want to get off my chest and some of it is political so be ware. There is quite a bit I want to talk about. :-) Lets see, where to start.

This morning, I went in to the doctors office and got a 4 hour glucose test done for gestational diabetes. The first test came back a little high. (5 points, barely over the limit). So here's me...pretty high threshold for pain. By the time they were done using me as a human pin cushion I was crying like a baby. tattoo didn't hurt this bad! In fact in comparison, my tattoo didn't hurt at all!!! And it makes me all the more confident that when I get my next tat (Which will be my daughters middle name and maybe birth date), it won't hurt either! So the doc has put me off work until further notice. I'm not to do anything stressful or strenuous until further notice. Good times for me huh? I can't complain too bad though, maybe it will be good for me. I'm gonna need a lot of books!

After all of that took place my doctor wanted to see me about my blood pressure problems with everything and he sat my husband and I down and talked to us about my daughter being our first and only child. There have been so many complications as of yet that he is truly concerned for my health and the health of the baby if I do proceed in getting pregnant again. He actually gave me a pamphlet on a permanent birth control and told me to look it over. I trust this doctor with my life and with my child's life. He absolutely would NOT have given me that unless he was serious about the issues entailed. My husband and I have a lot of discussing to do I guess. I mean, I've joked about my daughter being our only, but actually going through the process to ensure that she is our only, that's a huge step for me.

Now I want to talk about something that I've been taking very special interest in lately. Here is my political rant. And it's not really a rant, just a concern I'd like to put out there to think about. This new health care program that our ever knowing president has been pushing for scares the hell right out of me people. And you know, the point that I am concerned about has got nothing to do with the fact of being republican or democrat. It has everything in the world to do with the fact that I am a granddaughter of the best grandma in the world (I am NOT bias...I'm just sayin) and how this is going to affect her.

Now first off, why is he so damned pushy about getting this health care plan under way? I mean, don't get me wrong, I think a health care reform for this nation would be a good thing. The insurance companies and things have gotten way out of hand and if you don't believe me just turn on the television and watch all the commercials about the money hungry atty's out there that are willing to throw these Rx companies under the bus due to side effects on medicines that doctors put these patients on. And I'm talking the big named ones too. Here recently there has been one that they have been showing about this birth control Yaz. If you've had problems with this or that or someone has died as a result of taking this product call our law office...blah blah blah...WHAT!? Ok really!? Watch the commercial for Yaz in spacific! It tells you right on the freaking commercial...this and that can happen...blah blah...especially if you are over 30 and you smoke you increase your risk of this and that side effect...IT'S ON THE FREAKING COMMERCIAL! I know damn well that if it's on the commercial people, it's on the side effects list that you get from the pharmacy. And especially IN the side effects list you get from the pharmacy if you pay attention it says that if you suffer from any side effects not listed seek medical attention immediately. Oh but there I said it right there didn't I? If YOU pay attention and read the list YOURSELF! The drug companies put that information specifically on the outside of the bags at the pharmacy as a bright red flag! How much more in your face do you need this to be? And if YOU can't read it BEFORE you take the medicine and talk to your doctor about it, how is it the responsiblity of the pharmacy or drug company? THAT needs to stop right there.

I also agree that everyone should be insured. Especially those who do not have the means to afford expensive insurance programs. And don't get me wrong, I am not above paying MY TAX DOLLARS to go toward this. Anything I can do to help those in need, I'm fully ammenable. Especially when it comes to my family. All of you that know me know that my family is a HUGE thing with me. But one of the BIG things about this great reform plan that worries me is what happened on July 31, 2009. The big news conference that all of America saw on ABC that night when they did a network special for health care. The big question was asked: "Mr. President, will you and your family give up your current health care program and join the new 'Universal Health Care Program' that the rest of us will be on?" to which our fearless leader IGNORED THE QUESTION AND CHOSE NOT TO ANSWER IT!!! is it just me or does that right there in itself scare anyone but me? The man that is supposed to be our leader, the man who is running our United States and is supposed to lead by example will not only not answer the question? It goes a bit further than that folks. It unfortunately doesn't stop there. As he refused to answer the question and some of the senators and other congressional officials were asked that question in the coming weeks all with the answer of "We'll think about it..." around mid August they announced in the news that the "Kennedy Health Care Bill" was written into the new Health Care Reform Initiative, ensuring that congress will be 100% EXEMPT from the health care initiative.

Ok WHAT!? Does that not bother anyone but me!? The man that is supposed to lead by example, that believes in this reform that he's trying so damn hard to push, is exempt? It's good enough for my grandma but not for his wife and kids!? I don't think so!!! That's bull shit! Forgive the language...but NO! That's crap! That is MY grandma being affected. And potentially MY family that is going to be affected if it goes through for everyone, myself included. Oh but wait...Congress is exempt! So I guess then in a few years when I'm old enough I'll run for president so that I can be exempt from this great reform that is going to take over. Anyway, this is what I have to say on that! Take it for what you want. Just my opinion! Until later folkses!


Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Strangely tonight, I'm not starting my blog with Oh My Gosh!!!!!

LoL! Submitted for your approval, you have just entered the Twilight Zone. I know right!? LoL! Anyway, my daughter is definitely testing me. I didn't think my doctor would put me on any more medication for blood pressure, but I was wrong. He's upped my dose once more. Now I'm taking it 3 times a day and quite honestly, I'm a little worried I'm gonna bottom out. I've done that before. I say that but dang if I still can't get it to quit spiking. Then I have my moments of absolute ARGH like I had earlier today, and it's no wonder it spikes. I dunno. You know, I have my issues going on. How am I supposed to just turn off my freaking brain and deal with them later? It's so easy for everyone and their brother to tell me, "Oh just don't worry about it." and it's quite another to actually do it. I think that's a huge part of my problem right there. I just can't turn this brain of mine off. It never rests. Sometimes not even at night.

Here lately I've been having the worst nightmares. I've literally been waking up gasping for air and not able to breathe. My husband has woken me up twice because I've woke him up with my dreams. I don't understand it at all and let me tell you, I don't like it one bit! UGH!

On a lighter note though a friend of mine was in the local paper today! I was so tickled to see it! I told her she needed to come over and sign my paper. Anyway, that's all for now. Long 4 hour glucose test tomorrow. UGH! Wish me luck that it comes back that I don't have gestational diabetes. They say that in 80% of the cases it is typically Type 2 diabetes that they didn't see before the pregnancy. Ugh I do NOT need that on top of everything else. Only time will tell. Until later folkses!!!!

Smooches! ~ME~

Saturday, September 05, 2009

OH MY GOSH! I just got into contact with people I haven't thought about in years! I happened to be playing around on Facebook and I found some of my old buddies, it's so good to be back in contact with them! I'm so tickled! Ok and second...really...reading over my other blogs, it totally hits me just now that since I've started reupdating my website...I say Oh my gosh at the beginning of like EVERY BLOG! I'm such a valley girl! NOT! But I do have my moments for some reason! LoL!

Ok and I have to say also that you know for a long time unsweet tea has been my pregnancy craving, until recently. Strawberry Fruit Bars (Frozen) or the Strawberry Fruitista Freeze from Taco Bell. And really, since we're on the subject of Taco Bell, I've totally been craving double decker taco's with no meat and those El Monterey Bean & Cheese burrito's in the frozen foods section. Ok really...I don't hate Taco Bell, but DANG it's not my most favorite place to eat! Lord the things this child makes me eat! And of course I'm going to indulge her. What am I gonna tell her no? She's still in the womb! She'd make me miserable if I said no to her. She feels the power already! LoL!

A friend of mine called me recently and we were talking about how much of a tomboy my daughter is probably gonna wind up being. I mean think about it. Her mama races and works on (fixes) cars, her daddy fishes and works on (fixes) tractors, I mean really? She's liable to come out asking for a pack of worms (Chartruse...NOT Watermellon) and a set of socket wrenches for Christmas. And I couldn't be prouder! She's gonna go to prom in a camoflage dress and she'll probably be the one driving the pick up. Anyway...until tomorrow folkses!!!


Thursday, September 03, 2009

Oh my gosh so since I realize I haven't posted in a few days let me take the time to tell everyone why. My daughter has been running me ragged this week. Between my OB and the hospital I haven't stopped. LoL! But the good part about all of that (If you can call what I've been through good) is something totally funny that I've learned about my daughter this far.

Yesterday while in the hospital, they had me strapped to a baby heartbeat monitor and a contraction monitor. They first had to find her then they strapped the monitor on. Well Wiggle Butt herself wouldn't stop moving. She finally calmed down enough to keep it steady on the heartbeat. Which of course was healthy! Thanking God for that. Well toward the end of the hospital stay she figured out that when she moved against the monitor, because they had the monitor on kinda loud, that it made a noise that she could hear, and that she was the one causing that noise. Well once she realized this, she was absolutely fascinated and she kicked it, hit at it and moved against it, just to hear herself moving. It was so funny. Anyway I had to share. Hope that she stops giving me such a hard time. Later peoples.
