Thursday, September 10, 2009

Today may be a bit of a long post, I've got a bit that I want to get off my chest and some of it is political so be ware. There is quite a bit I want to talk about. :-) Lets see, where to start.

This morning, I went in to the doctors office and got a 4 hour glucose test done for gestational diabetes. The first test came back a little high. (5 points, barely over the limit). So here's me...pretty high threshold for pain. By the time they were done using me as a human pin cushion I was crying like a baby. tattoo didn't hurt this bad! In fact in comparison, my tattoo didn't hurt at all!!! And it makes me all the more confident that when I get my next tat (Which will be my daughters middle name and maybe birth date), it won't hurt either! So the doc has put me off work until further notice. I'm not to do anything stressful or strenuous until further notice. Good times for me huh? I can't complain too bad though, maybe it will be good for me. I'm gonna need a lot of books!

After all of that took place my doctor wanted to see me about my blood pressure problems with everything and he sat my husband and I down and talked to us about my daughter being our first and only child. There have been so many complications as of yet that he is truly concerned for my health and the health of the baby if I do proceed in getting pregnant again. He actually gave me a pamphlet on a permanent birth control and told me to look it over. I trust this doctor with my life and with my child's life. He absolutely would NOT have given me that unless he was serious about the issues entailed. My husband and I have a lot of discussing to do I guess. I mean, I've joked about my daughter being our only, but actually going through the process to ensure that she is our only, that's a huge step for me.

Now I want to talk about something that I've been taking very special interest in lately. Here is my political rant. And it's not really a rant, just a concern I'd like to put out there to think about. This new health care program that our ever knowing president has been pushing for scares the hell right out of me people. And you know, the point that I am concerned about has got nothing to do with the fact of being republican or democrat. It has everything in the world to do with the fact that I am a granddaughter of the best grandma in the world (I am NOT bias...I'm just sayin) and how this is going to affect her.

Now first off, why is he so damned pushy about getting this health care plan under way? I mean, don't get me wrong, I think a health care reform for this nation would be a good thing. The insurance companies and things have gotten way out of hand and if you don't believe me just turn on the television and watch all the commercials about the money hungry atty's out there that are willing to throw these Rx companies under the bus due to side effects on medicines that doctors put these patients on. And I'm talking the big named ones too. Here recently there has been one that they have been showing about this birth control Yaz. If you've had problems with this or that or someone has died as a result of taking this product call our law office...blah blah blah...WHAT!? Ok really!? Watch the commercial for Yaz in spacific! It tells you right on the freaking commercial...this and that can happen...blah blah...especially if you are over 30 and you smoke you increase your risk of this and that side effect...IT'S ON THE FREAKING COMMERCIAL! I know damn well that if it's on the commercial people, it's on the side effects list that you get from the pharmacy. And especially IN the side effects list you get from the pharmacy if you pay attention it says that if you suffer from any side effects not listed seek medical attention immediately. Oh but there I said it right there didn't I? If YOU pay attention and read the list YOURSELF! The drug companies put that information specifically on the outside of the bags at the pharmacy as a bright red flag! How much more in your face do you need this to be? And if YOU can't read it BEFORE you take the medicine and talk to your doctor about it, how is it the responsiblity of the pharmacy or drug company? THAT needs to stop right there.

I also agree that everyone should be insured. Especially those who do not have the means to afford expensive insurance programs. And don't get me wrong, I am not above paying MY TAX DOLLARS to go toward this. Anything I can do to help those in need, I'm fully ammenable. Especially when it comes to my family. All of you that know me know that my family is a HUGE thing with me. But one of the BIG things about this great reform plan that worries me is what happened on July 31, 2009. The big news conference that all of America saw on ABC that night when they did a network special for health care. The big question was asked: "Mr. President, will you and your family give up your current health care program and join the new 'Universal Health Care Program' that the rest of us will be on?" to which our fearless leader IGNORED THE QUESTION AND CHOSE NOT TO ANSWER IT!!! is it just me or does that right there in itself scare anyone but me? The man that is supposed to be our leader, the man who is running our United States and is supposed to lead by example will not only not answer the question? It goes a bit further than that folks. It unfortunately doesn't stop there. As he refused to answer the question and some of the senators and other congressional officials were asked that question in the coming weeks all with the answer of "We'll think about it..." around mid August they announced in the news that the "Kennedy Health Care Bill" was written into the new Health Care Reform Initiative, ensuring that congress will be 100% EXEMPT from the health care initiative.

Ok WHAT!? Does that not bother anyone but me!? The man that is supposed to lead by example, that believes in this reform that he's trying so damn hard to push, is exempt? It's good enough for my grandma but not for his wife and kids!? I don't think so!!! That's bull shit! Forgive the language...but NO! That's crap! That is MY grandma being affected. And potentially MY family that is going to be affected if it goes through for everyone, myself included. Oh but wait...Congress is exempt! So I guess then in a few years when I'm old enough I'll run for president so that I can be exempt from this great reform that is going to take over. Anyway, this is what I have to say on that! Take it for what you want. Just my opinion! Until later folkses!


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