Thursday, September 03, 2009

Oh my gosh so since I realize I haven't posted in a few days let me take the time to tell everyone why. My daughter has been running me ragged this week. Between my OB and the hospital I haven't stopped. LoL! But the good part about all of that (If you can call what I've been through good) is something totally funny that I've learned about my daughter this far.

Yesterday while in the hospital, they had me strapped to a baby heartbeat monitor and a contraction monitor. They first had to find her then they strapped the monitor on. Well Wiggle Butt herself wouldn't stop moving. She finally calmed down enough to keep it steady on the heartbeat. Which of course was healthy! Thanking God for that. Well toward the end of the hospital stay she figured out that when she moved against the monitor, because they had the monitor on kinda loud, that it made a noise that she could hear, and that she was the one causing that noise. Well once she realized this, she was absolutely fascinated and she kicked it, hit at it and moved against it, just to hear herself moving. It was so funny. Anyway I had to share. Hope that she stops giving me such a hard time. Later peoples.


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