Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Boy, talk about not blogging for a bit. So much has happened since the last blog I've barely had time to even think about things. Where do I even begin? Well, first off on Saturday the 19th, they throw me in the hospital for my pregnancy. Being high risk SUCKS! So I get to the hospital and they decide that I need to stay in there because they need to monitor me and blah blah blah. So this is Saturday. By Monday my doctor comes in and picks on me that he can't go on vacation for a week and I wind up in the hospital. LoL!

So he proceeds to inform me that I'm most likely gonna be in the hospital until my daughter is born and it's going to be 2-3 weeks and she will be c-section because I'm toxic and they will most likely have to take her early. So they pump me full of steroids so that it can speed up the growth of my daughters lungs/kidneys, you know, just in case she is born early. Well of course then the steroids raises my blood sugar where I already have issues with gestational diabetes. So now I'm on a diabetic diet.

Now the whole time I'm in the hospital, for breakfast, every morning, all I want is some freakin Cheerio's. You wouldn't think it would be that hard. But I would call in every morning and ask for Cheerio's, and every morning, they would send me Special K. So by Thursday, I've been in the hospital for 6 days, the dietitian comes around and I express my extreme distaste for the fact that all I wanted was freakin Cherrio's and I had yet to get them. So she promises me that she will make sure that I have Cherrio's for Friday morning breakfast.

So Friday rolls around. The 25th. My mama's birthday. The first thing I think of when I wake up is actually that I need to make sure I call her and wish her a happy birthday. Well they get my blood pressure that moring, and it's high. SO they talk about the fact that they need to talk to the doctor and get an ultrasound done and what not because I'm toxic and everything else. SO they give me my breakfast. Guess what I get... CHEERIO'S! I'm so freakin happy because I've finally gotten my Cheerio's! Well I start getting my breakfast ready to eat, pour in the milk, take one spoonful of cereal, put it to my mouth, nurse runs in; "Don't eat! You can't eat! They're probably going to do a C-section later, you can't have any food in your stomach!" Now I'm pissed! I'm pregnant, and I've been fighting for days to get one bowl of the right freaking cereal and I finally get it and I can't have it!? Then realization hits. WHAT!? Did you just say C-section today!? My baby is going to be!? She can't be born today. I'm only 30 weeks! It's too soon! She's too early! This can't be happening!

Truth be told the rest of the day was a complete blur to me. This cereal incident happened at around 9:30 and she was born at 3:47. Happy birthday grandma, ready or not, your granddaughter is here. The spinal for the c-section hurt worse than anything honestly because they had such a small area to work with but I didn't feel much after it was done. They showed me my beautiful baby girl then they whisked her away to the NICU. She is doing remarkably well for being born early. Everyone in the NICU tells me my little girl is very feisty. It makes me smile to know she's a fighter. She's so beautiful.

I'm home now. She's going to be in the hospital for a bit. They are thinking they will have to keep her until around her original due date in the end of November, I'm hoping she'll be home before that. It's up to her and how quickly she gains weight. She's small for a 30 week baby anyway, but she's doing great and gaining a little bit every day. She's in great hands in the best NICU in the state, so I can't ask for more than that. I just hope and pray that she's home soon. I can't wait to bring my little angel home with me. Well anyway, that's what's going on at the moment in my world. I will definitely update as she she gets stronger and gets to come home. Until then...later folkses.


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